World Cup 2022: A legless player makes a miracle that he thought he would not live beyond 15 years old, overcoming all difficulties, making many people admire. zero

During the opening ceremony of the 2022 World Cup in Qatar on the evening of November 20, much curiosity focused on special ambassador Ghanim Al Muftah, who has no lower body and was once thought not to live past the age of 15.

Video: Ghanim Al Muftah plays football with David Beckham. Source: Doha News

According to TBS News, the opening ceremony of the 2022 World Cup on the evening of November 20 is considered one of the most spectacular opening ceremonies in recent World Cups.

The ceremony was attended by many famous figures, but there was still a great deal of attention for Ghanim Al Muftah – a businessman, a philanthropist and an ambassador for the 2022 World Cup. Muftah has degenerative osteoarthritis syndrome. congenital survival (CRS).

Ghanim Al Muftah (right) appeared next to Hollywood legend Morgan Freeman at the opening ceremony of the 2022 World Cup on the evening of November 20. Photo: TBS News

According to TBS News, many people advised Muftah’s mother to give up the boy while he was still in the womb, but the woman was determined to keep the child. Muftah was born with CRS – a disorder that causes the human lower body, including parts such as the spine, limbs, bladder… to have reduced development ability.

Doctors said that Muftah could not live beyond 15 years old. But thanks to his extraordinary determination, Muftah not only lived to his current age of 20 but also became the youngest businessman in Qatar, owning an ice cream company.

The 20-year-old man can even play many sports despite his physical disability. At school, Muftah often plays soccer with friends who are physically strong.

Even though he suffers from a rare syndrome that prevents his lower body from developing, Muftah still persistently pursues his passion for soccer. Photo: Instagram

Muftah conquered the top of Jebel Shams mountain in 2016. Photo: Instagram

Muftah even surprised many people when he conquered Jebel Shams, the highest peak in the Gulf, in 2016.

The 20-year-old man expressed his desire to study political science when he goes to university, with the goal of becoming prime minister of Qatar in the future.

In Qatar, Muftah was chosen as one of the official ambassadors of the 2022 World Cup.

“As the 2022 World Cup ambassador, I want to send everyone a message of hope, inclusion, peace and solidarity,” Muftah declared.

In addition to inspirational speeches, Muftah and his family often help people in difficult circumstances.

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