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When the small “snake man” demonstrated his incredible ability to bend items in India, many were impressed.BLACK

13-year-old Aditya Kumar Jangum has become famous in the town of Ratnagiri in Maharashtra state in India, thanks to his ability to bend like a snake.

The boy nicknamed “Snake Man” spent 8 years practicing his contortion skills and yoga.

Brushing teeth in an upside-down position is a very simple skill for Aditya.

Coach Mangesh Kopker hopes to train Aditya to become a world-famous contortionist.

Aditya said he was taught contortion skills and complex poses like this by a coach.

The 13-year-old boy happily demonstrated his contortion skills in front of people around his home, school and the town where his family lives.

Aditya and coach Mangesh Kopker, who has trained him in contortion skills
for the past 8 years.

Aditya’s goal is to be listed in the Guinness World Records to make
his family and coach proud.

Aditya performed contortion while drinking water with other members of
his family.

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