The poor abandoned dog who was suffering despite being rescued and taken to the shelter continued to stare at the wall with the saddest eyes. zero

Meet Arthur: A Heartwarming Tale of Resilience and Compassion

Arthur, an adorable one-and-a-half-year-old Cattle Dog mix, faced a rough start in life. Born from an unclaimed litter, he spent his early days living as a stray, which significantly impacted his social and emotional well-being. Arthur’s luck seemed to change when he was adopted shortly after arriving at the shelter, but this happiness was short-lived. His new family, unable to care for him, surrendered him back to the shelter, leaving Arthur heartbroken and severely depressed.

Heartbroken Dog Returned Back To The Shelter Keeps Staring At The Wall With The Saddest Eyes

The Importance of a Slow Approach

When dogs like Arthur, who have not grown up in safe and happy environments, find themselves in a secure place, they often react by curling up and hiding from the world. This behavior stems from their unfamiliarity with feeling safe and relaxed. Therefore, it’s crucial for caregivers to take things very slow, allowing these dogs to acclimate at their own pace.

Rocky Kanaka’s Compassionate Intervention

sorrow dog in cage

Enter Rocky Kanaka, a dedicated pet rescue advocate with a deep understanding of traumatized animals. Rocky encountered Arthur in the sallyport of the shelter—a transitional area where dogs are held before entering the main shelter for examination. Recognizing Arthur’s fear, Rocky took a gentle approach, initially sitting at a distance to give Arthur his space.

Building Trust Step by Step

Rocky knew that trust had to be earned gradually. He began by offering Arthur treats, placing them progressively closer until Arthur felt comfortable enough to take one directly from his hand. This small but significant breakthrough was a hopeful sign, as anxious dogs typically avoid taking treats from an open palm due to increased anxiety. Although Arthur continued to avoid eye contact, this small step indicated potential for further progress.

man with dog in cage

Easy Does It

Since Arthur was kept in the sallyport, an area of the shelter where dogs often enter before they are able to enter the shelter and be examined, it was the perfect opportunity for Rocky to introduce himself.

At first, Rocky decided to sit further away, allowing Arthur to have his own space since the rescuer completely understood that he was very scared because of the unknown environment he found himself in.

sorrow dog

As Arthur kept avoiding eye contact, Rocky decided to try and gain his trust by giving him a treat.

Initially, he placed one in front of him, but the pup only smelled it. Then, he placed another one closer to him but, just like the first one, but no luck.

The rescuer then decided to place the treat in his hand and offer it to Arthur, and to his surprise, the pup ate it!

sad dog in cage

Rocky was overjoyed.

He continued to explain that anxious dogs don’t usually take treats from an opened palm as it increases their anxiety. But, the fact that Arthur took it made Rocky hopeful.

However, even after taking a couple of treats from Rocky, Arthur continued to look away.

dog being touched with human hand

The Power of Kindness and Patience

Rocky’s approach wasn’t just about physical proximity; it was also about emotional reassurance. Understanding the deep emotional trauma Arthur experienced from being surrendered by his family, Rocky spoke to Arthur with heartfelt affirmations. In a YouTube video, Rocky expressed his empathy and reassurance:

“I think that you are a good boy and you deserve love and I am sorry that your family left you behind because you did not deserve that. You deserve love, and hugs, and treats… Guess what, today starts the first day of your new life. It’s going to be amazing. I know it’s a little scary right now, but if you trust me, we are going to help you find a home and a family that loves you as much as you love them, okay?”

These kind words had a profound effect. Arthur began to emerge from his shell, even allowing Rocky to pet him. Each affirmation and gentle touch helped Arthur’s heart to heal a little more.

dog in cage

Rocky continued showering Arthur with kind words, and with every single one of them, the pup’s heart was noticeably melting away.

Arthur’s story underscores the importance of patience, kindness, and understanding when dealing with traumatized animals. Rocky Kanaka’s compassionate approach set a perfect example of how taking things slow can help animals like Arthur regain their trust in humans. With continued love and patience, Arthur will likely find a forever home that provides the care and affection he deserves.

Rocky’s dedication serves as a reminder of the impact one person can have on an animal’s life. His actions inspire others to approach animal care with the same level of empathy and patience, ensuring that every dog has the chance to experience love and security.

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