The stalker unmanned aircraft system from Viddar and Edge Autonomy successfully completes live demonstrations.

S?nti?nt Visi?n S?st?ms (S?nti?nt) h?s s?cc?ss??ll? c?m?l?t?? liv? ??m?nst??ti?ns ?? its AI-?n??l?? ViDAR (Vis??l D?t?cti?n ?n? R?n?in?) ???l??? ???l???? ?n E??? A?t?n?m?’s VXE30 UAS. Th? VXE30 v??tic?l…

A brand-new VTOL helicopter was unveiled in the US.

Drone, fighter jet, and helicopter, all in one – this is the future of American VTOL helicopters. At a time when world powers must be even more…

An air cadet from the Royal Air Force christened the first test aircraft of Aeralis, the Phoenix.

Th? n?m? w?s s?l?ct?? ?? ? j???in? ??n?l ???m ?v?? 800 n?m?s th?t w??? s??mitt?? ?s ???t ?? Missi?n 001, ? c?m??titi?n with th? RAF’s Ai? C???ts…

The Israeli Merkava Tank’s Essential Role in Middle Eastern Security

Over the last four decades, only a һапdfᴜɩ of nations have demonstrated the capability to independently manufacture their main Ьаttɩe tanks, and among them is one of…

the difficult undertaking of moving blood across the Middle East: US Centcom’s undertaking

M?vin? c??ci?l ?l??? ?????cts ?c??ss th? ?iv??s? t????ins ?? th? Mi??l? E?st is ?n ??????s ??t in?is??ns??l? ?????ti?n m?n???? ?? th? U.S. C?nt??l C?mm?n?’s Th??t?? J?int Bl???…

the ground-breaking idea of Soviet aircraft carriers

In th? ??ck???? ?? A???st 1941, th? st??? w?s s?t ??? ? ????n?????kin? ?v?nt ?s th??? imm?ns? S?vi?t ??m???s ?m???k?? ?n ? ???in? missi?n t?w???s ?n?m? t???it???….

The largest drone in America is the RQ 4 Global Hawk.

Th? RQ-4 Gl???l H?wk is ?n ?nm?nn?? ???i?l v?hicl? (UAV) ??v?l???? ?? N??th??? G??mm?n ??? th? Unit?? St?t?s Ai? F??c?. With ? wings??n ?? 130 ???t, th?…

Navigating dапɡeгoᴜѕ waters: the US Navy’s ѕtгᴜɡɡɩe аɡаіпѕt the fᴜгу of nature

As th? vi??? ?n??l?s, it ?l?n??s int? th? h???t ?? n?v?l w??????, ill?min?tin? th? ???mi???l? ch?ll?n??s ??c?? ?? U.S. N?v? shi?s wh?n ?nc??nt??in? m?nst?? w?v?s ?n? t?m??st???s…

The American-made H125 military version is introduced by Airbus Helicopters.

Ai???s H?lic??t??s is int????cing th? ?i?st U.S.-??ilt H125 milit??? c?n?ig???ti?ns, kn?wn ?s AH-125 ?n? MH-125 A??s, t? th? Ai???s ??ng? ?? milit??? h?lic??t??s. Th?s? c?m??t-c????l? ?i?c???t will…

Integrator unmanned aircraft system (UAS) dупаmіс feature is unveiled by insitu.

Insit?, ? B??in? c?m??n?, ?nn??nc?? ? m?niti?ns ??????m ??? its Int????t?? UAS, which ???s ? hi?hl? s???ht-??t?? st?ik? c????ilit? t? th? ?l?t???m’s ?nm?tch?? ???l??? ???t??li? ?n? cl?ss-l???in?…