Strong Photographs Of A Mother Giving Birth In A Hospital’s Hallway.

Some births happen faster than others! This was the case for this mother, who gave birth in the corridor of a hospital in the US because her baby wanted to arrive as soon as possible.

Little Max has a sʜᴏᴄᴋɪɴɢ story to tell: that of his unusual arrival in the world in a hospital in Kansas, in the United States. The photos of his arrival in the world were shared thousands of times on Facebook.

Jes Hogan is not a new mother. In fact, at the time it all happened, she already had five daughters, so at least she had experience giving birth. For this reason, the day, or rather, early morning, in which she felt that the contractions increased in intensity in an exorbitant way, she told her husband, “We did not arrive on time!”

Jes and her husband, Travis, headed to the hospital in Kansas as fast as they could. And on the way, they told her photographer friend that she had already immortalized the birth of her previous children.

Jes made it to the hospital but couldn’t make much headway. In the middle of the hallway, she felt that she couldn’t wait any longer. Her body forced her to push.

“I cried, “Oh God, he’s here. Then I took off my pants because I felt my body pushing the baby out. I felt down, and I felt his head in my hands. I looked at my husband and said, “Travis, catch him!” Without hesitation, he did what I asked. I felt my body push the baby out on its own.” Finally, the nurses came running to help.

At that moment, Tammy, the photographer, arrived, and she managed to capture these amazing images. It is incredible to see this spectacular birth of a baby in the corridor of a hospital.

It was quick, and Jes finally breathed a sigh of relief. Little Max cried for a moment, and as soon as he felt close to his mother’s chest, he calmed down. Not even 40 minutes had passed since her mother stepped into the hospital. Jes gave birth her son in record time. He weighed 2,700 kg and was 50 centimeters tall.

Already in the hospital bed, Jes realized what she had just experienced. She said that it was the craziest birth she had ever experienced, but the most beautiful. Perhaps because it is unexpected, special and unique.

“It was not at all what I had planned, but it ended without any intervention, with a healthy baby and incredible people’s support by our side. It was beautiful and I will forever cherish every memory of it,” Max’s mom shared.

Max’s little sisters received the little boy with great enthusiasm. He is the first boy in the family!! They will surely ask his parents to tell the story of his birth over and over again. For all of them, it will be a truly unforgettable story.

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