Pt???D?n?mics, ?n inn?v?t?? in ??t?n?m??s v??tic?l t?k???? ?n? l?n?in? (VTOL) ?i?c???t s?st?ms, t???? ?nn??nc?? th? s?cc? ss??l ??m?nst??ti?n ?? th? ??v?nc?? c????iliti?s ?? its ??t ?m?t?? T??nswin?® v??tic?l t?k???? ?n? l?n?in? (VTOL) ?nm?nn?? ???i?l v?hicl? s?st?m (UAS) ?t th? US N?v?l F??c?s S??th??n C?mm?n?/US 4th Fl??t H???i? Fl??t C?m??i?n Ev?nt (HFCE) ?n ????? th ? ?x???iti?n??? ??st t??ns???t USNS B??lin?t?n. Pt???D?n?mics ??m?nst??t?? th? ?ni??? c????iliti?s ?? th? T??nswin? ?i?c? ??t t? int????t? UAS int? th? ?l??t ??? shi?-t?-shi? ?n? shi?-t?-sh? ?? l??istics ?n? c?itic?l m??itim? ??s???l? missi?ns. Ov?? th? c???s? ?? six ???s st ??tin? Oct???? 8, 2023, T??nswin? ?i?c???t ?l?w nin? ??t?n?m??s l ??nch ?n? ??c?v??? ??m?nst??ti?ns ???m USNS B??lin?t?n in K?? W ?st, Fl??i??.
Th? H???i? Fl??t C?m??i?n Ev?nt ??c?s?? ?n th? ?v?l??ti?n ?? c?m?in?? ?nm?nn?? ?n? m?nn?? s?st?ms t? ?ll?w th? US 4th Fl??t t ? ?x?c?t? its l????? ?????ti?n?l missi?ns. l???l? ?x???im?nt?ti?n v?n?? ??? m?lti?l? ??v?l??? ?s ?? th? l?t?st t?chn?l??i?s t? ?m???k with th? ?????ti?n?l ???c?, ?v?l??t? ?????ti?n?l c????iliti?s ?? n?w inn?v?tiv? s?st?ms in ? ???l-w??l? ?nvi??nm It ?ls. ? s??v?? ?s ?n ?????t?nit? ??? s?ni?? l?????s t? s ?? ??? th?ms?lv?s th? c????iliti?s ?? s?st?ms th?t c??l? s??? ??t th? h???i? ?l??t. C?m??i?n Ev?nt w??? Vic? Chi?? ?? N?v?l O????ti?ns A?mi??l Lis? F ??nch?tti ?n? ?th?? ?istin??ish?? ?????s?nt?tiv?s ???m th? US N ?v?, th? R???l N?v?, th? R???l A?st??li?n N?v?, th? R???l N?th??l ?n?s N?v?, ?n? th? Sw??ish N?v?.
“P??tici??tin? in Th? H???i? Fl??t C?m??i?n Ev?nt ?????ht ?s cl? s?? t? ??? ???l ?? ???vi?in? th? US N?v? with ? ?l?xi?l? ?n ? sc?l??l? sh???-t?-shi?, shi?-t?-shi?, ?n? shi?-t?-sh??? ??t?m?t ?? c???? ??liv??? c????ilit?,” s?i? Tim “Fli?ht t” ?stin? ?n ????? th? USNS B??lin?t?n ??v? ?s ? ?ni??? ?n? v?l ???l? ?????t?nit? t? c?ll?ct ??????m?nc? ??t? ?n th? T??nswin? s?st?m in ?n ?????ti?n?l ?nvi??nm?nt. Th? in???m?ti?n ? ?th???? ???in? th? ?v?nt will ?cc?l???t? ??v?l??m?nt ?n? s??? ???th?? inn?v?ti?n. W? ??? ???t???l ??? th? ?????t?nit? t? ???tici? ?t? in this im???t?nt ?x??cis? ?n? th? s?????t ?? th? N?v?l Ai? W? ????? C?nt?? Ai?c???t Divisi?n (NAWCAD) ?n? N?v?l Ai? S?st?ms C?mm?n? (NAVAIR). “
Pt???D?n?mics’ T??nswin? is ? ??v?l?ti?n??? VTOL ?i?c???t s?st ?m th?t ?v??c?m?s th? limit?ti?ns inh???nt in ?th?? VTOL ??si?ns ?? c?m?inin? ? s????, ??n??, ?n? ?n????nc? ?? ?ix??-win? ?i?c ???t with s????i?? VTOL ??????m?nc? in ?n ???ici?nt, hi?hl? ? ?t?m?t?? ?l?t???m. ?n ?n??l?s ?????? hi??????h ?? ? c?nt??ll??ilit?Ilit? ? ? m?ltic??t??-lik?n?lin? ???liti?s, ???vi?in?xc?ll?st ??St ??Nc?n? ?ilit?ILIT? T?n? ? ?n? in t ????L?NT wt w in?S?n?hh S? ST?T?S C?mm?nl?nl? ? ?? ?? v?ls?ls ?. Th? ?I?c???t??l?s its win?s T?nsiti?n s??ml?ssl? ??TW??N V??n? Win??? Win??? Win??? h??iz?nt?l ?li?ht, ?limin?tin? th? ?xt?? w?i?ht ?n? ???? ?? m? lti?l? ???iti?n?l ?????ls??s ?n? th?i? s?????t st??ct? ??s.
Th? s?cc?ss??l ?li?ht t?sts c?n??ct?? ???m USNS B??lin?t?n ???vi T ??nswin? ?l?t???m:
Int????ti?n ?? th? UAS with shi? ?????ti?ns
A?t?n?m??s t?k???? ?n? l?n?in? ???m ? ?li?ht ??ck with c?m ??t?? visi?n
T?k????, l?n?in?, ?n? t??nsiti?n ???m VTOL t? c??is? ?li?ht ? ?????m?nc?
N?vi??ti?n t? ?n? ???m ? m?vin? shi? ?t s??
Pt???D?n?mics Inc. is ?n inn?v?ti?n l????? in ??t?n?m??s v??tic?l t ?k???? ?n? l?n?in? (VTOL) ?i?c???t s?st?ms. ?® ?i?c???t c?m?in?s th? s????, ??n??, ?n? ?n????nc ? ?? ?ix??-win? ?i?c???t with ??v?nc?? VTOL c????iliti?s in ? hi?hl ? ???ici?nt ?nm?nn?? ???i?l (UAS) ?l?t???m, ?v??c?min? th? s????, ?ist?nc?, ?n? ???l?? ? limit?ti?ns ?? ?th?? VTOL s?st?ms. ? i???l ??? ??t?m?tin? tim?-s?nsitiv? ??liv??? ?? c?itic?l hi? h-v?l?? ???l???s t?-h???-t?-???ch l?c?ti?ns with n? ??nw? ?s ?n? in ??st??? c?n?iti?ns, incl??in? m??itim? l??istics s?????t, ???l??? ??liv??? t? ??m?t ? l?c?ti?ns with??t ?i?st?i?s, ?n? ??c?nn?iss?nc? ?n? s??v?ill?nc ?