Mystery Revealed: Explore the captivating life of a forgotten soul


Heartbreaking Story: Baby Abandoned Due to a Belief in ‘Werewolf’ ConditionMeet Liu Jiangli, a 6-year-old girl who faced abandonment by her parents because of a rare and puzzling medical condition that caused her to develop animal-like hair on her body. 

Liu Jiangli, hailing from Guiyang city in Guizhou province, China, was born with a distinctive black coat of hair covering 60% of her body, including her face. Overwhelmed by embarrassment, her mother fled their home when Liu was just 2 years old. Soon after, her father placed her in a childcare center but never returned to visit her.

The childcare center resorted to posting notices in newspapers, desperately seeking relatives for the unique “furry” girl. Approximately six months later, Liu Mingying, a relative of Jiangli’s, came forward and took her into her care.

Jiangli has endured relentless ridicule due to her appearance. She struggled to make friends with other children who were either frightened or often teased her.

To date, there is no official diagnosis explaining Jiangli’s unusual condition. However, some medical professionals suspect she may have Hypertrichosis Universalis syndrome – a genetic mutation that leads to abnormal hair growth on the face and body. This syndrome is incredibly rare, affecting only approximately 1 in 1 billion people.

Liu Jiangli’s heartbreaking journey took another turn when she was adopted by a compassionate caregiver. She had been abandoned at a nursery school when she was just two years old, as her unique appearance terrified other children.

Now six years old, Jiangli bears a thick coating of black fur on the left side of her face, with additional patches covering a significant portion of her body, including inside her left ear.

She describes her condition as itchy but not painful. Nicknamed the “little monkey,” Jiangli’s father left her at the nursery one day and never returned, shortly after her mother had also left the family home.


Although Jiangli’s condition remains undiagnosed officially, it is suspected that she may have Hypertrichosis Universalis, commonly referred to as Werewolf Syndrome. Despite the challenges she has faced, Jiangli’s story now includes the love and care of a family member willing to stand by her side.


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