Interesting experiences with children facing birth defects

Operation Smile was born out of a powerful conviction that every child deserves the gift of a smile. Founded on this belief, our dedicated volunteer teams commit each day to mending smiles and bringing hope to those in need. Despite our continuous efforts, there are still countless children waiting for our help. We invite you to join us on this journey, where together, we can create lasting changes in their lives.






In a world filled with challenges, Operation Smile stands as a beacon of hope for children facing the adversity of facial deformities. Our foundation, rooted in the fundamental belief that every child has the inherent right to smile, has been tirelessly working to turn this belief into a reality.

The Mission:

Our volunteer teams, comprised of skilled medical professionals and compassionate individuals, dedicate their time and expertise to perform life-changing surgeries. Day after day, they work towards the singular goal of restoring smiles and instilling confidence in those who need it most.



The Unmet Need:

Despite the remarkable strides we’ve made, there is still an overwhelming number of children waiting for the transformational power of a smile. Many of them face not only physical challenges but societal stigmas that can hinder their personal and academic growth.

Join Us, Change Lives:




Operation Smile extends an invitation to all who share our passion for making a difference. By joining forces with us, you become a part of a global movement committed to rewriting the narratives of countless children. Together, we can be the architects of change, breaking down barriers and creating opportunities for a brighter future.

How You Can Help:


Whether through financial contributions, volunteering your time, or spreading awareness, every action counts. Your support ensures that more children receive the life-changing surgeries they deserve and opens the door to a world of possibilities.



Operation Smile continues to be a driving force in the pursuit of a world where every child can confidently share their smile with the world. With your support, we can turn this vision into a reality, one smile at a time. Join us on this transformative journey and become a part of a movement that transcends borders, bringing joy and hope to children in need.

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