CUBEDIN A/S is ? j?int v?nt??? ??tw??n S?st?m?tic ?n? O??ns? M??itim? T?chn?l??? (OMT) ?im?? ?t c???tin? m?lti-?????s? v?ss?ls (MPVs) ??? th? ?l???l m??k?t: ?l?xi?l?, m???l?? n?v?l v?ss?ls th?t c?n ?? t??ns???m?? ???m ?nvi??nm?nt?l ???t?cti?n c???t t? min?-sw?????s in n? tim? ?t ?ll. In ??t???, it will ?? ??ssi?l? t? c?n?i???? shi?s in ? m?tt?? ?? h???s, ?n? th?s t??ns???m ?n ins??cti?n shi? int? ? ??t??l v?ss?l, ?? ? min?-sw????? int? ?n ?nvi??nm?nt?l ???t?cti?n c???t. At l??st i? ??? ?sk th? n?wl? ?st??lish?? c?m??n? CUBEDIN A/S, which is ? j?int v?nt??? ??tw??n tw? D?nish c?m??ni?s, S?st?m?tic A/S ?n? O??ns? M??itim? T?chn?l??? (OMT).
B?th c?m??ni?s h?v? m??? th?i? n?m? ?n th? ?l???l m??k?t, in S?st?m?tic’s c?s? within s??tw??? ??v?l??m?nt whil? OMT s??ci?lis?s in shi? ??si?n. Th?s? c?m??t?nci?s h?v? n?w ???n ?????ht t???th?? in CUBEDIN A/S, ?n? will h?l? t? c???t? th? n?v?l v?ss?ls ?? th? ??t??? in th? ???m ?? m???l?? ?n? ?l?xi?l? shi?s. OMT, wh?s? ???ts st??tch ??ck t? A.P. M?ll?? – M???sk ?n? O??ns? Shi?????, is ??liv??in? ?x???tis? within m????n shi? ??si?n, whil? th? s?c?n? h?l? ?? th? m??itim? ???tn??shi? is th? s??tw??? c?m??n? S?st?m?tic, which is ??hin? IT s?l?ti?ns th?t ??? ?s?? w??l?wi?? within ????nc?, h??lth, th? ??lic? ?n? win? t???in? ?????ti?ns.
T???th??, th? tw? c?m??ni?s h?v? c???t?? ? c?nc??t ??? ??il?in? ? ???n? n?w t??? ?? m???l??, ?l?xi?l? n?v?l v?ss?l. In ? n?tsh?ll, th? shi?s ??? ??si?n?? ?n? ??ilt t? ?cc?mm???t? ?i?????nt m???l?s – th? s?-c?ll?? ‘c???s’ – which ??? ??liv???? ?? th? D?nish c?m??n? SH D???nc?. Th? c???s ??? c?nt?in??s which c?n ?cc?mm???t? ?i?????nt l???s, ?n? which c?n ??ickl? ?? l?????/?nl????? ????n?in? ?n th? shi?’s ???thc?min? missi?ns. Th? l???s c?n c?m? ???m ? wi?? ??n?? ?? s???li??s, j?st ?s l?n? ?s th?? ?it within th? c???.
“Shi?s th?t ??? c????ntl? in s??vic? ??? n?t ??si?n?? with ?l?xi?ilit? in min?. Th?? ??? ?s??ll? c???t?? ??? ? s??ci?ic ?????s? ?n? ??? ? ???tic?l?? t??? ?? t?sk. Usin? th? CUBEDIN t?chn?l???, shi???il???s c?n ??liv?? m???l?? v?ss?ls which, in th? s??c? ?? ? ??w h???s, c?n ?? ????t?? ??? ?i?????nt missi?ns sim?l? ?? ???l?cin? th? m???l?s. This is n?t j?st ???ctic?l ?n? ?l?xi?l? – it’s ?ls? ??? ch?????, ??c??s? missi?n-s??ci?ic shi?s ??? ?x??nsiv? t? ???c??? ?n? m?int?in,” th? n?wl? ????int?? CEO ?t CUBEDIN A/S D?nn? In??m?nn s??s.
Th? m???l?s ??? th? shi?s c?n ?? s???li?? ?? m?n? ?i?????nt c?m??ni?s, ?n? th? n?w j?int v?nt??? h?s ?l????? c???ht th? ?tt?nti?n ?? th? m??itim? in??st??. At th? w??l? n?v?l ????nc? ?xhi?iti?n E???n?v?l in P??is in Oct???? 2022, CUBEDIN A/S si?n??, ??? ?x?m?l?, ? ???tn??shi? ?????m?nt with th? F??nch t?chn?l??? ?i?nt Th?l?s which, lik? s?v???l ?th?? c?m??ni?s ????n? th? w??l?, h?s ?x???ss?? ? ??si?? t? ??liv?? c?nt?nt ??? th? c???s ?n th? shi?s. As ???t ?? th? n?w j?int v?nt???, OMT is ??liv??in? ?l?xi?l? shi? ??si?n, whil? S?st?m?tic is ??s??nsi?l? ??? ??v?l??in? ?n? s???l?in? th? s??tw??? which int????t?s th? v??i??s m???l?s th?t t??ns???m th? v?ss?l ??? th? ??l?v?nt missi?n.
CUBEDIN A/S is ? ????n?-????kin? n?w initi?tiv? within shi? ??si?n, m???l?? t?chn?l??? ?n? s??tw???. Th? c?m??n? w?s ?st??lish?? in 2022 ?s ? j?int v?nt??? ??tw??n tw? ?nt????is?s. Th? ?i?st, O??ns? M??in? T?chn?l??? (OMT), ??si?ns c?nt?in?? shi?s ?n? ??i??t?s, ?n? is ?n ???sh??t ?? A.P. M?ll?? – M???sk. Th? s?c?n? is S?st?m?tic A/S, which is ??hin? s?m? ?? th? w??l?’s l???in? s??tw??? s?l?ti?ns ??? th? ????nc?, h??lth ?n? ?tilit? s?ct??s. T???th??, th?? h?v? ??v?l???? ? c?nc??t ??? th? m??itim? in??st?? which m?k?s th? ???c?ss ?? shi? ??si?n ?n? shi???il?in? ??st?? ?n? m??? c?st-???ici?nt, ?n? which ??s?lts in m????n, ????t??l? ?n? m?lti-?????s? v?ss?ls.