Conjoined twins were successfully separated after an unprecedented 9 hours of surgery

In a landmark nine-hour surgery, doctors at UC Davis Children’s Hospital in Sacramento, California, successfully separated conjoined twin girls Abigail and Micaela Bachinskiy. The twins, who were born with their heads fused together, were joined at the skull, brain, and face.


The surgery, which was performed by a team of 40 surgeons, nurses, and anesthesiologists, was a complex and delicate procedure. The surgeons first had to divide the twins’ skulls and brains. They then had to reconnect the twins’ blood vessels and nerves. Finally, they had to reconstruct the twins’ skulls and faces.

The surgery was a success, and both Abigail and Micaela are recovering well. They are currently in the hospital’s intensive care unit, but they are expected to make a full recovery.

The separation of conjoined twins is a rare and challenging procedure. The success of the surgery at UC Davis Children’s Hospital is a major breakthrough in the field of pediatric surgery. It is a testament to the skill and dedication of the medical team that performed the surgery.


Conjoined twins are born when two embryos fail to separate completely during pregnancy. They are a rare occurrence, occurring in about 1 in 250,000 births. Conjoined twins can be joined at any part of the body, but the most common sites of fusion are the head, chest, and abdomen.

The outcome for conjoined twins depends on the site of fusion and the extent of shared organs and tissues. Twins who are joined at the head have the lowest survival rate, with only about 25% surviving to adulthood. Twins who are joined at the chest or abdomen have a higher survival rate, with about 50% surviving to adulthood.

The Surgery

The surgery to separate conjoined twins is a complex and delicate procedure. The surgeons must carefully divide the shared tissues and organs without damaging the twins’ vital functions. The surgery can take several hours, and it is often performed in stages.

In the case of Abigail and Micaela, the surgery was performed in a single stage. The surgeons first divided the twins’ skulls and brains. They then had to reconnect the twins’ blood vessels and nerves. Finally, they had to reconstruct the twins’ skulls and faces.

The surgery was a success, and both Abigail and Micaela are recovering well. They are currently in the hospital’s intensive care unit, but they are expected to make a full recovery.

The Future

Abigail and Micaela are now facing a new chapter in their lives. They will need to undergo rehabilitation to learn how to live independently. They will also need to receive regular medical care to monitor their health.

However, the future looks bright for the twins. They have a chance to live full and happy lives.


The separation of Abigail and Micaela is a landmark event in the field of pediatric surgery. It is a testament to the skill and dedication of the medical team that performed the surgery. The success of the surgery gives hope to other families of conjoined twins.

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