Arriving with six new infants and an abundance of affection are sextuplets.BLACK

It will be hard to impress Digna Carpio This Mother’s Day the Queen mom has six jewels. Digna gave birth to sextuplets in October, six healthy babies really worth celebrating. Digna, 31, said in Spanish: “Just being together, enjoying a quiet and relaxing day with all my grandmothers is enough. “But ‘relax’ and ‘quiet’ don’t come easily to this house anymore,” she added with a chuckle.

Digna and her husband, Victor, are used to having such a full house. The couple also have an 8-year-old son, Jhan Carlos.

“It’s tough dating six babies,” says Digna. “Just knowing they are with me, happy and healthy, is the best feeling.” On a recent afternoon, the bai lay still in six neat rows of bassines in the family bedroom. Genesis smiled, anticipating her mealtime. Justin, always the silent one, waited patiently. When Jaden started to cry, Joel, Jezreel, and Danelia followed suit.

“Everybody is showing their own personality,” their mom said. To others, they look the same. I already know who it is.”

Digna and Victor’s joy could not be without sacrifice, they admitted.

Illnesses continued to pile up. The massive $5,000 bills for electricity, baby food and all those diapers can be hard to come by with the $900-a-week salary that Victor, 35, works as a maintenance worker. Babies Carpio is only the second group of sextuplets born to a New York couple and is believed to be the first Hispanic sextuplets in US history.

Two nurses from Visit Nurses of New York help parents with babies. But once they left at 6 p.m., both Digna and Victor knew sleep would be a luxury.

“I don’t want to be overwhelmed,” says Digna. “I thought I would need a ʋan or a bus to take them to school.” Although Digna and Victor know that money won’t last for a long time, looking at the adorable faces of their babies makes it all worth it.

“Sometimes, I felt like I was going crazy and then I looked in. It was the best feeling,” said Digna. “It is the greatest gift to give to others.”

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