An 8-month-old baby girl set a world record when she reached a weight of 17kg

Initially named Chahad Kumar by her parents, the infant girl from India was born without any unusual circumstances. However, four months into her life, she began to experience a sudden and rapid increase in weight. By the time she reached 8 months of age, her weight had escalated to 20kg, equivalent to the average weight of a 6-year-old child.

From the age of 4 months, Chahad began to ask for food constantly, causing his body to become obese quickly.

Worried about her daughter’s health, Chahad’s father took her to the hospital for a checkup. After several tests, the doctor said the baby had “Leptin deficiency”, a rare disease with only 51 similar patients worldwide.

This disease makes the person feel constantly hungry and causes constant obesity . Because of that, Chahad needed to eat constantly, making her so fat that she could not stand up, could only sit or lie on the ground. If not fed, Chahad would cry and feel sorry for the child, so the parents had to feed the child immediately.

The baby asks for food constantly.

Because it’s too heavy, the family can’t take the child to go out, but just hang around near the house. At the same time, being overweight also caused Chahad’s health to have serious breathing and sleep problems, often having difficulty breathing.

The body was so heavy that Chahad could not walk on his own.

Even the doctors were “confounded” by the girl’s condition because her unusually thick skin made it very difficult to get a blood sample: “The blood test could not be done, because the body fat is too much and the results may not be correct. We tried many times but the baby’s skin is too thick for us to diagnose the condition.”

Currently, the girl is more than 2 years old, her weight has increased to more than 50kg. Her body was so heavy that Chahad couldn’t walk on her own, and both parents had to hold her when they wanted to take her somewhere.

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