A special woman who, after a decade of twins and now she has a second twin, amazes everyone because no one can do that.

Margaretha is a woman of the Yoruba tribe, from Africa. Ten years after her first set of twins, Margaretha is expecting another set of twins! The birth of a baby is a joyous occasion. It is often celebrated and lauded. In the Yoruba tribe, which originates in Nigeria, twin births have a high incidence. The excited mother shared the post below on her Instagram page. “Ten years after my first set of twins one of each this time…. I feel blessed opportuned, elated that small me have 5 blessed children God this unending joy in me plssssss put in all women out there believing and waiting for such miracles. My Joy knows no bound…..God is been You…. children of my old age…. at 30 i had twin boys n at 40 am having one of each….. thank You heavenly Father” Margaretha wrote.

Twins, the birth of two offspring from the same pregnancy, is a relatively uncommon phenomenon, and as such, twins are often regarded as special. Worldwide, the birth rate of twins varies by region and country. Latin America and Southeast Asia have the lowest rates, with only about 9 sets of twins per every 1,000 births. In Europe, the figure is about 16 twins for every 1,000 births, and in the United States, it is about 33 for every 1,000 births. And in central Africa, that number rises to around 18 to 30 sets of twins for every 1,000 births.

However, the Yoruba people of southwest Nigeria boast the highest number of twin births in the world, with about 50 sets of twins for every 1,000 live births. Igbo Ora, a sleepy agrarian town 80 kilometers from Lagos, is easily the twin capital of the world: unconfirmed estimates from the town say it boasts a mind-blowing 158 sets of twins for every 1,000 live births.

In Igbo Ora – as with many surrounding Yoruba towns – twins are commonly called “Taiye” and “Kehinde,” respectively, after the order of their births. In addition, they are almost always dressed in matching outfits, at least for the first few years of their lives. It is also not uncommon to find in Igbo Ora people who regard twins as special creatures and accord them worship as minor deities in a town where every household boasts at least a set of twins.

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