A mother’s double joy in welcoming her six angels makes the whole world move

   Impressing Digna Carpio on this Mother’s Day might be a challenging task, considering that this Queens mom already has six precious gems in her life.

In October, Digna gave birth to sextuplets, a remarkable and healthy addition to their family, something truly worth celebratingDigna, who is 31 years old, shared in Spanish, “Simply being together, having a peaceful and serene day with all of my babies, is more than enough.” She chuckled, adding, “But ‘peaceful’ and ‘serene’ don’t come easily to this household.”

Digna and her husband, Victor, are adjusting to the hustle and bustle of a bustling household. In addition to their newborns, the couple also has an 8-year-old son named Jhan Carlos.

Digna admitted, “It’s quite a challenge going out with six babies, but just knowing they are with me, happy and healthy, is the most wonderful feeling.”

During a recent afternoon, the babies were peacefully resting in six bassinets neatly arranged in the family’s living room. Genesis displayed a charming smile in anticipation of her mealtime, while Justin, the quiet one, waited patiently. When Jaden began to cry, Joel, Jezreel, and Danelia soon followed suit.

“Their unique personalities are beginning to emerge,” their mother remarked. “To others, they may look the same, but I can already tell who is who.”

Digna and Victor’s happiness has not come without sacrifices. The bills continue to mount, with significant expenses such as electricity costs, baby supplies, and the never-ending need for diapers. All of this can be quite challenging to cover on Victor’s biweekly salary of $900 as a maintenance worker.

The Carpio babies are only the second set of sextuplets born to a New York couple and are believed to be the first Hispanic sextuplets in U.S. history.

Two nurses from the Visiting Nurses of New York provide valuable assistance to the parents in caring for the babies. However, once they depart at 6 p.m., Digna and Victor are well aware that sleep will become a luxury.

“I don’t want to become overwhelmed,” Digna said. “I’m already thinking that I’ll need a van or a bus to transport them to school.”

While Digna and Victor anticipate financial challenges in the foreseeable future, the sight of their adorable babies makes it all worthwhile.

“Sometimes, I feel like I’m on the verge of losing my mind, and then I look at them. It’s the most incredible feeling,” Digna said. “It’s the ultimate gift for a mother.”

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