
16 Amar Rd, Walnut, California. USA

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Contemporary Lakefront Cabin, 45 square meters, with Large Deck for Relaxing and Socializing.

Escape from reality with this family weekend retreat situated along Lake Austin. Natural beauty surrounds this charming cabin with scenic views of Lake Austin and the abundant Cypress trees along the shore. From picturesque scenery to a calming and relaxing vibe, this vacation home takes weekend getaways to the next level.

An undeveloped 5 acre lot had been a gathering place for the client’s family since the 1970’s. This beautiful lakefront oasis, known affectionately as The Narrows, lies just a few miles outside of downtown Austin.

The owners insisted on a simple, humble, yet unique cabin to host their family gatherings and quiet weekend retreats. This small cabin, nicknamed ‘Cousin Cabana’, needed to host multiple programs in a small space while maintaining a sense of openness.

Only 480 sf, the cabin features a combined kitchen-living-dining room adjacent to a wood deck.

We chose natural materials and methods that would be maintenance-free for years including an ipe wood rainscreen siding, custom floor-to-ceiling face-glazed steel windows and board-formed concrete planters.














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