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Exploring the Inspiring Journey of a Young fіɡһteг: A Compelling Tale of Perseverance and Triumph

The Millers have been married for four years and are residents of Columbus. They are both from the central region of Ohio. Their first child, Ward, was born at Riverside Methodist Hospital 1 lb. 13 oz. and 15 weeks prematurely, weighing 1 lb. Four days after his birth, he underwent surgery at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, and for the next 107 days he fought for his life in the hospital’s neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).


Born three and a half months prematurely, baby Ward Miles did not have the simplest start to life, but thanks to his parents’ love and the unending gratitude of his physicians and nurses, he overcame all obstacles.




Benjamin Miller, a photographer who goes by the name Benjamin Scot, documented his son’s first year in a moving short film, beginning with those difficult, early days in the NICU and following Ward as he went from these changes to these changes, so he could develop day by day.



The video begins with new mother Lyndsey holding her son, who weighs less than 1.5 pounds and is roughly the size of a mother’s palm. Four days after his premature birth, he was admitted to the Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio. The baby’s entire body was wrapped in carriers, making him appear so forlorn that any observer would shed tears for him.

With the assistance of the nurses in repositioning cables and medical equipment, Lyndsey settles into a chair while holding her infant son to her bosom. The new mother grins for the camera before becoming overcome by the moment and bursting into sobs. The touching scene is just one example of the emotional roller coaster the couple has experienced since the birth of their premature son on July 16, 2012.



When physicians performed his first brain scan, they were searching for bleeding. The grades range from 1 to 4, with 4 being the lowest. He received a grade 2 on one side of the test and a grade 4 on the other.

He stated, “I wept and prayed. The bleeding may cause severe problems in the future. He may be incapable of walking. Perhaps he has celebral palsy. He may have a mental impairment. I felt so terrible for him. He was not to blame. There was nothing he could do to repair it. There was nothing we could do to repair it. The physicians were powerless to treat it. It was an awful sensation. We could do nothing but pray.

While we were observing him, he turned his head toward us and opened his eyes. I had sufficient time to photograph it. I believe he was telling us, “I’m fine!” Don’t abandon me!’


The miraculous has occurred. On October 31, 2012, after spending his first 107 days in the hospital, Ward Miles eventually returned home.

Mr. Miller remarked, “It was an incredible feeling to have him back where he belonged.” Without the affection and prayers of family and thousands of friends and supporters, some of whom they had never encountered, the family could not have endured their ordeal. I would like to thank all the doctors, nurses, and staff members around the globe who make it their life’s work to assist sick babies recover! Because of you, my son ever had a possibility of returning home.’


“THIS justifies making abortion illegal. What a gorgeous video! I myself am a new father, and I cannot fathom my existence without her. I pray nobody witnessed my tears at work. lol. God bless them and may they enjoy many more years of wedded bliss!” a person said

“My son was only two weeks premature, but he spent those two weeks in the NICU due to severe respiratory complications. I cannot fathom what these parents endured, but I am glad their child is doing well. “Enjoy him daily,” another stated

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