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Unearthing the mуѕteгіeѕ of the Past: 10 Mind-Ьɩowіпɡ Fossil Discoveries That Will ɩeаⱱe You in Awe

Hi everyone, its Katrina.

From mummified armor-plated plant-eaters to a well preserved T-rex investigated by the Fbi, here are 10 of the most amazing fossil discoveries ever.

Number 10: notice or fossil.

One of the most amazing fossil finds in history was the notice or.

110 Million Years Ago

This armor-plated plant-eater lived about 110 million years ago and is one of the best preserved dinosaur heads ever.

While most foѕѕіɩѕ consist of fragments of bones and teeth, an extгаoгdіпагу discovery was made in 2011 by mine workers in Canada who were drilling for crude oil. They ᴜпeагtһed the nearly complete skin and armor of an armor-plated plant-eаtіпɡ dinosaur that lived approximately 110 million years ago, from the һeаd dowп to around the hip.

They saw big brown rocks that looked like ribs, but they had no idea that it was a dinosaur.

Six years later, the dinosaur has been cleaned and protected and looks almost like it would have looked way back when it is located at the Royal Tyrrell Museum, and it is their pride and joy Heaven.

If you’ve seen it in real life, let me know in the comments below.

Number nine: mosquito in amber.

What if we found a well preserved ancient mosquito preserved in amber, just like in Jurassic Park?

Could we bring dinosaurs back?

This concept is a fascinating one, as in the movie Dino, blood was extracted from the mosquito to create dinosaurs in the present, but such a thing wouldn’t be possible in real life.

Right, right, most likely not.

However, a mosquito fossil with blood in it was found in 2013 in the state of Montana, giving hope to movie watchers everywhere.

The crazy thing is this shale rock fossil had actually been discovered in the 1980s.

A student slash amateur fossil collector kept it in his house and forgot about it.

46 Million Year Old

If an eagle-eyed biochemist hadn’t been on the case, we may never have found this extraordinary 46 million year old specimen.

Experts got even more excited when they realized it still had blood in its system.

One thing they do know is that it is in dinosaur blood.

Sorry, Jurassic Park fans, Dna only lasts around half a century before degrading.

As for what animal the blood was sucked out from, it’s a mystery.

Still, blood from millions of years ago is pretty cool, regardless.

Number eight: Archaeopteryx.

Archaeopteryx is the oldest known bird from the late Jurassic period.

This creature is extremely important as it is the link between dinosaurs and birds.

The discovery of this fossil in Germany in 1860 is sometimes referred to as the original bird or the first bird.

However, that is not exactly the case, but it was a major stepping stone in paleontology, as it had feathers, wings and bones that were hollow like a bird, but teeth, legs and a bony tail, just like a small dinosaur.

The name translates as ancient wing.

Further digging the following year revealed a headless kiloton.

Since then, about eleven to twelve Archaeopteryx fossils have been found.

150 Million Years Ago

The stepping stone critter dates back to 150 million years ago, to the Late Jurassic period.

It weighed up to 2.2 pounds and was the size of a raven, with broad rounded wings and a long tail which grew up to 50 centimeters.

So could it fly?

The flying Dino was apparently a flapper, as it flew short distances rather than soaring majestically like a pterodactyl.

It was a carnivore and also had reptilian teeth, so it could grab on to its prey.

Ouch, imagine a bird flying around with sharp teeth.

The most complete skeleton is the Berlin specimen that was discovered in 1874, 75 in Germany by a farmer.

This one actually had an intact head and eventually made its way to the Humboldt Museum, where it remains today.

Other recent discoveries in China of similar fossilized creatures, especially that shouting Gia Zenki, continued to fill in the puzzle of bird-like dinosaurs now known as Dana.


Nye Kesariya.

Say that three times fast, number seven: Diplodocus.

What makes the Diplodocus so amazing is that we know a lot about it.

In the mysterious world of fossils, that’s a big deal.

It was first discovered in 1877 and the name Diplodocus means double beam.

That’s in reference to the interesting shape of the bones in his tail.

Since then, Kassem whole skeletons were donated to the public by steel Baron Andrew Carnegie.

It lived in the Late Jurassic period, around 150 million years ago, and you couldn’t fail to miss it back then.

With its long neck and tail, it measured 53 metres in total.

Because its front legs are shorter, it’s believed.

The Diplodocus a low food, specifically plants like shrubs.

This large dinosaur has a reputation for being slow and chubby, but only one of those seems to be right.

In comparison to other sauropods, they’re pretty slender, at around 40,000 pounds.

However, the brain was somewhat small.

You didn’t want to mess with it, though, as experts think that long, powerful tail could have been used as a weapon.

You can get some Diplodocus vertebra for six thousand four hundred and fifty dollars.

What do you think worth it?

Number six: dueling dinosaurs.

Clayton Phipps and Mark Eatman

In 2006, cowboy and rancher Clayton Phipps and his friend Mark Eamonn, known as the Dino cowboy, went out looking for dinosaur bones in Montana.

Montana is rich in dinosaur fossils and they can be worth a lot.

Whenever the men weren’t doing ranch work, they were out looking for fossils and started going to trade shows and selling to museums and private collectors.

So then in 2006, they made the discovery of a lifetime in a hillside.

They found not one, but two dinosaurs locked into what looked like a fight to the death.

There was a 22-foot long theropod- perhaps a t-rex- and a 28 foot long ceratopsian from 66 million years ago.

They are so well preserved that they are almost mummies instead of fossils, and there could be soft tissue inside.

Question now is who owns the fossil?

It’s hard to say.

There are the ranchers who found it, the landowners who signed off a case of Marie Vbj Minerals Llc, which deals with who owns what’s on top of the land versus what’s beneath it.

All kinds of confusion and a lot of money to be made for what is perhaps the greatest fossil ever discovered.

Not many have seen it and apparently they still haven’t been fully excavated from the rock and cleaned out or put on display.

But if that informations a little sketchy, the latest news I could find is that Clayton Phipps couldn’t really tell anyone where it is.


Just that they are at an American Museum, but other museums, such as the Smithsonian, argue that unless they share the exact location and make it available to the public for viewing and studying, the find is basically useless and they will not pay the fifteen million dollars that they are asking for.

Apparently, the dueling dinosaurs themselves went to auction in 2013 at bought hams in New York, but no bid met the reserve price of six million dollars.

Using, I know, but these kinds of fines bring a lot of excitement and drama.

Number-5: Hadrosaurus.

This monster fossil is impressive but somewhat controversial.

Bulky Lizard

You may not associate somewhere like New Jersey with Dinosaurs, but the strange truth is the state has its own dyno, the Hadrosaurus, which reportedly means bulky lizard- not a bad way to refer to one of these guys.

It’s Bones were discovered by accident when a pit was being dug in New Jersey in 1838.

However, for some reason, they weren’t excavated for another 20 years.

The creature, which was 10 meters long and 8,000 pounds, has been traced back to the late cretaceous period, 84 to 70 million years ago.

What’s complicated about the find is that the skeleton doesn’t have a head.

Experts have pieced together what the Hadrosaurus may have been like due to its similarities with the Grippe Asaurus.

The grape Asaurus moved in herds and was an herbivore, so the Hadrosaurus is thought to have been that way.

Also, there isn’t a head, but teeth have been found which appear to back this up here.

Some theorize that this Dino isn’t a separate animal because all the pieces of the puzzle haven’t been found.

Nvm Hadrosaurus, we believe in you.

Number 4, The Hobbit.

Not all fossils are of dinosaurs, as this extraordinary collection of ancient human fossils demonstrates.

Homo Floresiensis

Back in the early 90s, the remains of 9 individuals were found and excavated in a cave on the island of Flores, Indonesia, named Homo floresiensis they were like humans, only different in one important aspect: size.

The ancient people were all approximately 1 metre or 3 feet in height.

This led experts to dub them hobbits.

Recreations have been made of what they might have looked like.

For example, one was a female, 30 years old.

However, when it comes to when the so-called hobbits date back to, no one exactly knows.

Their fossils were found in a complicated mix of cave layers that have grown over time, so working it all out is stuff.

Estimates of the hobbits ages have been revised over and over.

The current thinking is that they are between 60 to 100 thousand years old.

Are they our ancestors or were they separate group made extinct by the development of modern humans.

There appears to have been a general extinction in the area 50 thousand years ago.

That affected various species, but what caused things to vanish off the map so dramatically?

Quite the mystery.

Number three: Megalosaurus.

What was the first dinosaur fossil ever discovered that was found in England in 1824 with the Great Blizzard, or Megalosaurus?

This was before the idea of a dinosaur was even invented, eighteen years later.

So as far as scientists were concerned, this was something new and kind of freaky.

At first they drew some conclusions from the fossil that warrant too accurate.

For starters, they believed it walked on four legs.

Charles Dickens

The find caused such a sensation that Charles Dickens referred to it in one of his novels, describing it waddling up a hill.

However, it was established afterwards it walked on two legs.

The Megalosaurus was six metres long and weighed nine hundred and seven kilograms.

Apparently it was only a quarter of the size of a T-rex.

We know some stuff like that, but overall the Megalosaurus is still quite mysterious.

165 Million Years Ago

Aside from it being the first dinosaur identified by science, the Megalosaurus dates back to the mid Jurassic era, 165 million years ago.

Generally, we don’t find a lot of fossils from that time.

If you want to come face-to-face with this legendary creature, then visit Crystal Palace Park in London, where a four legged full-size sculpture is on display alongside other Dino recreations.

It isn’t accurate, but it sure is impressive.

Number two: Lucy.

An amazing and game-changing fossil discovery was made in 1974 when Lucy was discovered in the afar region of Ethiopia.

Australopithecus Afarensis

Her real name is Australopithecus afarensis, but she was named Lucy after the Beatles song Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, which the scientists were playing on their tape deck at the time.

She was in pieces which totaled up to 40% of a whole skeleton-

A brilliant find for archeologists.

12 Years

Lucy is thought to have been 12 years old, but why is she so significant?

History had many gaps and she provided a major insight into the link between Apes and humans.

3 Million Years Old

At an estimated 3 million years old, she became the oldest known example of an ancient human or hominid at the time, and I do mean Hominin, not hominid.

Hominins are part of the family or larger group of primates called hominids and are a species of early human.

Particular interest was paid to her human-like teeth and bipedal nature or walking on two legs.

With other examples such as the famous town child discovery of 1924, it showed further evidence of how man and woman kind may have evolved through learning to walk the way we do today.

Also, the scientist who spotted Lucy is called Donald Johanson.

Coincidentally, Scarlett Johansson played a character inspired by Lucy in the movie of the same name.

Number one: Tyrannosaurus su.

Tyrannosaurus Su is the largest and best-preserved T-Rex fossil ever found.

Her real name is specimen F M & H, P, R, 2, 0, 8, 1, but Su is catchy Er.

She is also named after Sue Hendrickson, the woman who found her.

The 80% complete Tyrannosaurus Rex is one of the best discoveries ever and is now located at Chicago’s Field Museum.

But the story of the discovery is pretty complicated.

Found in the Black Hills of South Dakota in 1990, its ownership was highly contentious.

Peter Larson and Sue Hendrickson

Paleontologist Peter Larson, , owner of the Black Hills Institute of geological research, along with sue Hendrickson and others, were out looking for fossils.

Maurice Williams

They had paid the landowner, , Maurice Williams, five thousand dollars to dig on his property.

After spending weeks searching, sue Hendrickson came upon some broken bones and vertebrae- the first pieces of sue the T-rex.

The team spent the next few weeks carefully unearthing the skeleton, encase the bones in plaster and then transferred them to the Black Hills Institute where they prepared them for display.

Injuries found on some of the bones indicated that the T-Rex had been attacked and died from them.

But before Larson and his team could celebrate their discovery, the excitement turned to outrage when federal agents arrived at the Institute and seized sue as well as all the records related to the T-Rex and other documents from the Black Hills Institute.

The Fbi agents indicated the team had stolen the T-rex from federal land, and Maurice Williams remember him, the land owner.

He claimed that he had given them the rights to look but that the actual dinosaur was his.

Sioux Nation

He belonged to the Sioux Nation part of the Indian trust land, which made it more complicated.

For 18 months sue remained locked up as the federal government gathered evidence against Larson and his team members, accusing them of stealing.

To make an already sticky situation even worse, the Institute had been under investigation for years for illegally taking fossils off public and selling them internationally to private collectors.

In the end, 153 charges were laid against Peter Larson and five others on his team.

He spent 18 months in prison.

A judge awarded ownership of the dinosaur to Williams, who auctioned off the skeleton through Sotheby’s.

It sold for 7.6 million dollars.

Larson still runs the Black Hills Institute of geological research in South Dakota.

He and his team also found an additional ten partial Tyrannosaurus Rex skeletons.

Besides all of this, sue the dinosaur has given us an enormous amount of information.

Smithsonian magazine says that if you look for her official name, the F, M and H1, you will find tons of info regarding aging, biomechanics and much, much more.

Thanks for watching.

Which one did you like the most?

Do you collect fossils?

Let me know in the comments below and remember to subscribe if you haven’t already.

See you next time, bye.

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