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Chinese activist Marc Ching stops the eating of thousands of dogs during the Yulin festival

Hawaiian native Marc Ching, 37, has made five visits to Asia and has almost passed away three times. He has endured beatings, robberies, kidnappings, and shootings while holding his ground to protect as many animals as he can. This time, he stopped the Yulin festival’s eating of 1000 dogs.

The dog meat festival is a 10-day celebration that starts on June 21 in the city of Yulin. Animal rights activists and advocates have voiced their opposition to this abhorrent celebration since over 10,000 dogs are killed for food during this brief period.

“On September 1, following the Yulin celebration, I took my first vacation. I seen things in China that I had never idea were possible for individuals.

Ching is known for founding the nonprofit organization Animal Hope & Wellness and for taking part in a number of initiatives to advance animal welfare throughout the years. He is the owner of The PetStaurant, a business that specialized in giving our dogs nutritious meals.

He made the decision to keep going to Asia to rescue as many animals as he could after that fatal first trip, where he discovered the truth about the cruelty that animals endure in that festival. In a total of three further flights, Marc saved 249 animals from some of the worst slaughterhouses for bigger dog meat.

“We ended up traveling in this manner since I was unable to convince a translator to accompany me due to the risk. Marc was looking into the slaughterhouse after receiving a tip about it from a local person when he saw a truck arrive and a driver begin unloading dogs.

He then swiftly snapped several pictures. Things went awry when she attempted to speak with the males.

He stated:

“Compared to most people who rescue animals from the dog meat trade, my adventures have been a little different. People frequently visit dog meat farms and attempt to shut them down or push meat trucks off the road. In reality, I enter slaughterhouses to find and save dogs that are being abused or tormented.”

Before the festival in 2017, Mar Ching went back to Yulin and started working to save the dogs that were scheduled to be eaten. Along with another activist called Valarie Ianniello, Marc prevented 1,000 dogs from being consumed at the festival by rescuing them from six slaughterhouses, as was revealed on the Facebook page of his group.

The attempt to release animals is known as “The Compassion Project,” and it was updated practically hourly on the fan page. Many of the animals were severely harmed because they were abused.

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