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21 ideas with plants to keep the house fresh and comfortable.

Anyone who has to decorate a room knows: it’s not a child’s thing… You have to be clear in advance what you want to achieve with the decoration: a uniform room look or maybe an unusual one? Of course, that doesn’t affect the decoration; You need a clear concept so that everything goes well. And if you take into account the fact that the modern home is teeming with decorating ideas, you will be spoiled for choice for every single decision. That is why we would like to draw your attention today to a natural decoration idea: room decoration with plants. Check out these fresh room decorating ideas and get inspired.

Cool ideas for decorating home corners with plants

Put plants in the right scene

Arranging the greenery nicely in the room doesn’t seem particularly easy at times. Be it for lack of space or because you don’t have a green thumb, you can clearly see the challenge. But don’t worry, there are modern and creative solutions for every single case.

A lot is actually allowed when it comes to decorating with plants.

The criterion is simply the beautiful result! At least one has to take into account the light needs of the green roommates. It depends on whether you place the plant as close to the window as possible or perhaps in a darker corner. What else applies if you want to put the green in the limelight?

Usually you put plants on the windowsill, so that a nice window sill decoration is created. But those who prefer not to put their green roommates at the window are looking for other alternatives. Place your plants on shelves and dressers. Depending on the plant, choose beautiful plant pots and flower boxes, which bring them to life.

Another idea for your plants: hang the plant pots on the wall. Homemade hanging, hanging baskets are also wonderful! Flower stands are also perfect for displaying the plants. Greenhouses are just as great as winter quarters. And those who think more creatively will put wonderful plant systems into practice.

Group plants on the ground and create a green group island. In this way you ensure great visual effects in the room. Another idea for your room decoration is to swap the pots for baskets. And with large plants in huge plant pots you hit the mark. If you are a craft enthusiast, then we would advise you to decorate plants in glass jars.

Discover what biophilia is and how to include it in your home decoration

As everyone knows, plants appear not only as fresh decoration in the room, but also as unique natural air purifiers. Now we come to the question, which plants are suitable for the home? Are you looking for easy-care houseplants because you have a stressful everyday life and you forget those little roommates? Then you can rely on a number of plants that are quite undemanding. Elephant foot, cycad, dragon tree, weeping fig, rubber tree, window leaf, money tree or amaryllis are a great solution for you. And bow hemp, Dieffenbachia and Kentia palm are other great hits in the living room.

Maybe you are looking for plants to place in the bedroom? Then rely on indoor plants that purify the air and have a positive effect on the CO2 concentration in the room. Because this creates a healthier room climate, which requires good and healthy sleep. Be very careful when choosing, because some indoor plants emit CO2 themselves at night. Aloe vera, ivy, single leaf,jasmine and green lily are perfect for the sleeping area.

But if you want to bring some color into the interior, instead of just sitting on green leaves, you need wonderful flowering house plants. Orchid, begonia, cyclamen, azalea and flamingo flower are very suitable for your decoration.

So make sure you have enough plants in your home! Regardless of whether it is plants with simple green leaves or magnificent flowers, get yourself a few green roommates and you will immediately see the difference.

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