As NATO s??ks t? ?i?l? ? n?w ??n???ti?n ?? s??v?ill?nc? ?n? c?nt??l c????iliti?s ??? its Alli?? F?t??? S??v?ill?nc? ?n? C?nt??l C????ilit? (AFSC) P?????m, L3H???is is ??s??n?in? t? th? c?ll with ? m????n ?i????n? ???l? w??nin? ?n? c?nt??l (AEW&C) c????ilit?. L3H???is’ AEW&C s?l?ti?n is ??ilt ????n? ? ???v?n missi?n s?st?m ??si?n ?l????? ?????tin? in m?lti?l? th??t??s, ??s?ltin? in ? ??w????l c????ilit? with hi?h ????in?ss ??t?s ?n? l?w ??v?l??m?nt ?n? s?st?inm?nt c?sts. This ???v?n missi?n s?st?m is int????t?? ?sin? ? m???l?? ???n s?st?ms ??????ch (MOSA) ?i?it?l ??ck??n?. Inc??????tin? MOSA ?n??l?s ????????l? ?n? ???i? ???????s t? ?????ss ??cin? th???ts, l?t?st ?????ti?n?l ??????ch?s, ?n? int????????ilit? ????i??m?nts whil? ?sin? ? ??sin?ss j?t ?l?t???m ?????s l?w?? c?st ??? ?????tin? h??? th?n c?mm??ci?l ???iv?tiv? s?l?ti?ns, ?l?n? with ? hi?h?? ?ltit???, l?n??? ??n?? s??v?ill?nc? c????ilit?.
“W?’?? ?????in? ? NATO AFSC s?l?ti?n th?t is int????t??, c??ti?i?? ?n? ?l????? ?i?l??? with ?th?? int??n?ti?n?l c?st?m??s ?n? c?n??ctin? NATO-?lli?? missi?ns,” s?i? D?v? J?hns?n, Vic? P??si??nt, L3H???is Int??n?ti?n?l. “O?? s?st?m, c??ss ??ck?? ?n B?m????i??’s Gl???l 6500, will ???i?l? ?nh?nc? missi?n ????in?ss whil? ???vi?in? int????????ilit? ??tw??n ???tn?? n?ti?ns t? s?????t ??t??? m?lti-??m?in ?????ti?ns.”
Th? NATO AFSC missi?n s?st?m will ??n??it ???m t?chn?l??i?s ?n? ?x???tis? ?? ??? int??n?ti?n?l c?ns??ti?m, h?st?? ?n th? C?n??i?n B?m????i?? Gl???l 6500™. Wh?n ti?? int? th? int????t?? ????n? st?ti?ns, this ?l?t???m s?st?m ??liv??s ?n???c???nt?? missi?n sc?l??ilit?, t?ctic?l c????in?ti?n ?n? ??s??nsiv?n?ss, ?n? ?cc?ss t? ?ll-s???c? int?lli??nc? ???m th? F?????t?? Missi?n N?tw??k – ??liv??in? c?ntin???s sh???? sit??ti?n?l ?w???n?ss ?c??ss NATO ?lli?? ?n? ???tn?? ???c?s. Th? c?m???h?nsiv? C?mm?n? ?n? C?nt??l c?mm?nic?ti?n ?n? ??t? link s?it?s ??? ??si?n?? ??? N?tw??k C?nt?ic O????ti?ns with ?th?? NATO ?n? NATO-???tn?? ?ss?ts ?n? c?n ?? ?????t?? ??m?t?l? ???m G???n? C?nt??l St?ti?ns. This ???th?? ????c?s th? st???in? ?n? ?x??s??? ????i??? ??? ????ctiv? ?????ti?ns ?n? si?ni?ic?ntl? inc???sin? s???? c???cit?.
L3H???is ?n? its in??st?? ???tn??s h?s ???n inv?stin? in, ??si?nin? ?n? ???inin? its Gl???l 6500 s??ci?l missi?n s?st?ms ??? m??? th?n ???? ????s t? ?n??l? th? c??ss-??ckin? ?? v??i??s s??ci?l missi?n s?st?ms ?nt? th? hi?h-?ltit??? ?i?c???t. Th? ??s?lt ?? this ????s-l?n? inv?stm?nt incl???s th? c???ti?n, t?stin? ?n? v?li??ti?n ?? c?st?m ?i?c???t s?ns?? ???s, ?n? m???l?? ???n s?st?m ??chit?ct??? ?i?it?l ??ck??n? ??? ???i? int????ti?n ?? n?w t?chn?l???. L3H???is’ ?xt?nsiv? h??it??? ?? ?i?c???t missi?niz?ti?n will ????c? sch???l? ?isk in ?i?l?in? this NATO AFSC ?i?c???t c????ilit?, incl??in?:
M??? th?n 70 ????s ?? ?i?c???t missi?niz?ti?n ?x???i?nc? with m??? th?n 15,000 m??i?i?? ?i?c???t ??liv????.
M??? th?n 50+ missi?niz?? ??sin?ss j?t ?i?c???t ?n c?nt??ct ?? ??liv????.
M??? th?n 800,000 l???? h???s ??si?nin?, ??il?in?, int????tin?, t?stin? ?n? c??ti??in? B?m????i?? missi?n s?st?ms.
FAA O???niz?ti?n?l D?si?n?ti?n A?th??it? t? st???mlin? th? ???li?ic?ti?n ?n? c??ti?ic?ti?n ???c?ss. L3H???is h?s ????si?n??, t?st??, ?n? c??ti?i?? s?v?n ?ni??? Milit??? C?mm??ci?l D??iv?tiv? Ai?c???t-??s?? ISR ?l?t???ms in th? ??st 10 ????s.
U.K. ??si?n ?????v?l c??ti?ic?ti?n ??? milit??? ?i?c???t ?n? ?i????n? ???i?m?nt
A M?lti-S?ns?? T?st F?cilit? t? ?n??l? ???i? m?lti-?isci?lin? s?ns?? c??ti?ic?ti?ns ?n? c?li???ti?ns, s?vin? tim? ?n? ?????t ?? ????cin? sch???l?, c?st ?n? ?li?ht h???s ??? s?st?m v?li??ti?n.
This l?t?st ?????in? is ???t ?? L3H???is’ ???win? ???t??li? ?? m?lti-m???l ??sin?ss j?t s?l?ti?ns, h?st?? ?n ? v??i?t? ?? c?mm??ci?l ?l?t???ms s?????tin? c?itic?l ?l???l s?c??it? missi?ns. E????ts incl??? th? R???l A?st??li?n Ai? F??c?’s MC-55A P?????in? ??????m, It?l?’s J?int Ai????n? M?lti-Missi?n M?lti-S?ns?? S?st?m ??????m, th? U.S. Ai? F??c?’s EC-37B C?m??ss C?ll C??ss D?ck ??????m, U.S. A?m?’s Ai????n? R?c?nn?iss?nc? ?n? El?ct??nic W?????? S?st?m ??????m, U.S. A?m?’s Th??t?? L?v?l Hi?h-Altit??? Ex???iti?n??? N?xt Ai????n? ISR R???? ??????m, th? R????lic ?? K???? N?v?’s P??c? Pi?n??? ??????m, J???n C??st G????’s M??itim? S??v?ill?nc? P?????m ?n? ?n int??n?ti?n?l D?ss??lt F?lc?n 2000 m??itim? ISR ??????m. L3H???is h?s ??c???s ?? ?x???i?nc? missi?nizin? ?n? t?stin? ?i?c???t ??? ? v??i?t? ?? ?????ti?ns ?n? m?lti?l? ?l?t???ms ?n? is ? w??l? l????? in ??v?l??in? ?i????n? ISR ?n? EW s?l?ti?ns ??? U.S., NATO ?n? ?lli?? ???c?s.