Th? P?l??is G?v??nm?nt ?n? D???ns?’s 4×4 MRZR Al?h? li?ht t?ctic?l ?ll-t????in v?hicl?s (LTATVs) ??? ??stin?? ??? s??vic? with Unit?? A??? Emi??t?s (UAE) S??ci?l O????ti?ns C?mm?n? (SOCOM), which is ??s??nsi?l? ??? th? c?n??ct ?? ?i??ct ?cti?n, s??ci?l ??c?nn?iss?nc?, ?n? milit??? ?ssist?nc? ?????ti?ns ?c??ss th? Mi??l? E?st ?n? ???th?? ??i?l?. J?n?s ?????t?? th?t P?l??is w?s ??l? t? c?n?i?m th? ???ch?s? w?s ? ?i??ct s?l? ??t w?s ?n??l? t? c?mm?nt ?n th? c?st?m??, n?m??? ?? v?hicl?s t? ?? ??liv????, ?n? tim?lin?s inv?lv??. Acc???in? t? th? s?ci?l m??i? ????s ?? P?l??is’ in-c??nt?? ?ist?i??t??, S??ci?lis?? S???ts E??i?m?nt (SSE), ?m?l????s in th? UAE ??? t??inin? t? s??v? th? c?st?m?? ??i?? t? ??liv??? ?? th? ?????ct.
A?il?, c?m??ct ?n? ??ll ?? ??w??, th? MRZR Al?h? is th? n?w?st li?ht t?ctic?l v?hicl? ???m P?l??is G?v??nm?nt ?n? D???ns?, th? l????st ?lt??li?ht t?ctic?l v?hicl? ???vi??? ??? th? U.S. milit???, ?n? ? ?ivisi?n ?? ?l???l ??w??s???ts l????? P?l??is Inc. Th? MRZR Al?h? is P?l??is’ 11th milit??? v?hicl? ?????c?? in 12 ????s ?n? it ?????s?nts th? ins??ti?n ?? c?ttin?-???? ???-???? v?hicl? t?chn?l??? ??? ?ltim?t? t?ctic?l m??ilit? – ???iv?? ???m ??s???ch ?n? ??v?l??m?nt inv?stm?nts th?t k??? P?l??is in ???nt ?? th? hi?hl? c?m??titiv? ???-???? v?hicl? m??k?t. Th? MRZR’s li?ht w?i?ht ?n? ???-???? c????iliti?s m?k? it i???l ??? t??ns???t vi? h?lic??t?? ?n? ?????ti?n in t????in th?t w??l? ?th??wis? ?? t??v??s?? ?n ???t.
Th? ???l??? ??? th? MRZR Al?h? tw? ?n? ????-s??t v??i?nts inc???s?s t? 1400 ?n? 2000 l?s, ??s??ctiv?l?, ?n? th? ??n?? ?t ???ss-v?hicl? w?i?ht (GVW) inc???s?s t? 225 mil?s ??? ?x??n??? missi?n ?l?xi?ilit?. It is h??v?-???l c?m??ti?l? ?n? c?n ?chi?v? ? t?? s???? ?? ?v?? 60 m?h t? s?????t c?nv?? ?????ti?ns. An ?x??n??? ???-???? ????il? is m??? ??ssi?l? with 12 inch?s ?? ????n? cl????nc? ?t ??ll GVW, hi?h cl????nc? ???l A-??m ???nt ?n? ???? s?s??nsi?n with ???l??? l?v?lin?, ?n? 32-inch, hi?h m??ilit? ??n-?l?t ti??s with ????-l?ck ?ims. Th? MRZR Al?h? c?n ?? int??n?ll? t??ns???t?? ?? V-22, H-47 ?n? l????? ?i?c???t ?? l?v????in? t??ll?ss ROPS ?n? s???? ti?? st?w???. Ext??n?l t??ns???t?ti?n incl???s H-60 ?n? l????? ??t??? win? li?t ?ss?ts.
Lik? ?ll P?l??is milit??? ?l?t???ms, th? n?w MRZR Al?h? c?ntin??s ? l???c? ?? li?ht t?ctic?l milit??? v?hicl?s th?t ??? int?itiv? t? ?????t?, ??s? t? m?int?in, ?n? ??s? t? ?l???ll? s?????t within ?n ?xistin? w??l?wi?? in???st??ct??? ?? ???ts ?ist?i??ti?n ?n? ???l?? s??vic? n?tw??ks.
P?l??is will s?????t th? MRZR Al?h? w??l?wi?? ?s ? ?l???l c?m??n? with ?v?? 3,500 ???l??s ?n? ?????cts s?l? t? 120 c??nt?i?s. P?l??is h?s ???n s???l?in? t???iti?n?l t?chnic?l ?n? ???ts m?n??ls ?l?n? with in-???s?n t??inin? t? th? milit??? ??? ????s – ?n? l?v????in? c??????t? ??s???c?s, P?l??is c?n ?ls? ????? n?w t??inin? ?????t?niti?s t? th? milit???. P?l??is ??si?ns, ?n?in???s ?n? ?????c?s its MV850 ATV, MRZR ?n? DAGOR milit??? v?hicl?s in th? U.S.