Th? BETA T?chn?l??i?s El?ct?ic Ali? ?i?c???t li?t?? ??? ??? its ?i?st ???ici?l t?st ?li?ht h??? N?v. 7, 2023. Th? ???l ?? this ?i?st t?st w?s t? ?x?min? ??tt??? ?s??? ?v?? c??t?in ?ist?nc?s with s??ci?ic ??w?? c?n?i????ti?ns ?s w?ll ?s th? ????n? l??istics ?? ?x?c?tin? ??ck-t?-??ck ?li?hts with ?n ?l?ct?ic ?i?c???t. Th? missi?n ?? th? ??? w?s ??? Ali? ?il?ts t? ?l? 68 n??tic?l mil?s t? T?n??ll AFB, l?n? ?n? ??t??n. U??n ??t??nin? t? D?k? Fi?l?, N??th ?? E?lin, th? ?i?c???t th?n ??ch????? vi? th? D???ns? D????tm?nt’s ?i?st ?n? ?nl? ?i?c???t ch???in? st?ti?n. Ali? t??k ?????xim?t?l? ?n h??? t? ??ll? ??ch????.
This ???c?ss is simil?? t? th? milit??? ?li?ht ?????ti?n, h?t-?ittin?, wh??? ?n ?i?c???t ?li?s ? missi?n, l?n?s ??? ?????lin? ?n? th?n ?li?s ???in. Onl? with Ali?, th? ???l is ?l?ct?icit?. This w?s ?ls? th? ?i?c???t’s ?i?st s?l? missi?n h??? ?s w?ll. Ali? ?l?w ? l?c?l-????, E?lin ??n?? ??mili??iz?ti?n ?li?ht N?v. 3, ??t w?s ?cc?m??ni?? ?? ? ch?s? ?i?c???t. This ?i?st t?st ?ls? inc??????t?? initi?l in?????? ?? IR ??c???in?s ?? 782n? T?st S??????n s?ns?? ?????t??s. Th? ?????t??s ??c????? th? Ali?’s t?k?-???s ?n? l?n?in?s with s??ci?l IR c?m???s th?t c?ll?ct?? h??t si?n?t??? ??t?.
“W? ??? t??in? t? ??t ?n i??? ?? wh?t kin? ?? IR si?n?t??? this ?i?c???t is ??ttin? ??t. “W? w?nt t? c?m???? ?l?ct?ic ?i?c???t IR si?n?t???s t? c?nv?nti?n?l ???l ?i?c???t si?n?t???s”. In?????? ?n?in? si?n?t??? is ? m?t?ic th?t h?l?s ??t??min? s??viv??ilit? ?? ?n ?i?c???t, ?n? this is ??? ?i?st l??k ?t ?n ?l?ct?ic ?i?c???t ?n?in? in ?li?ht,” s?i? J?sh B?h?nn?n, 782n? TS s?ni?? ?l?ct??nics ?n?in???.
“T????’s missi?n w?s ?n ?xc?ll?nt ?i?st st?? t? ?x?l??in? wh?t this ?i?c???t t??? c?n ????? th? Ai? F??c? ?n? th? milit???,” s?i? 2n? Lt. M??i? R??n?s?, 413th Fli?ht T?st S??????n A?ilit? P?im? l??? t?st ?n?in???.
Th? El?ct?ic Ali? ?i?c???t ??c?iv?? ? m?int?n?nc? ch?ck ?n? th?n ? n?w BETA ?i?c??w ?l?w ? s?c?n? missi?n.Th?s? ???l? ??c???in?s ???vi?? ?n IR ??s?lin? ??? th? t?st t??m ?n? h?l? c?li???t? th?i? s?ns??s ??? ? ??t??? t?st in D?c?m??? with Ali?. Th?t ??t? ?l?n? with th? ??tt???-?s??? ?n? l??istics ?in?in?s will ?? ??c????? ??? th? ?v???ll AFWERX ?l?ct?ic v??tic?l t?k?-??? ?n? l?n?in? ??????m. Th? Ali? ?i?c???t is ?l?wn ?n? m?int?in?? ?? BETA T?chn?l??i?s ?????t??s. AFWERX A?ilit? P?im? m?n???s ?n? s??ns??s ?ll th? Ali? t?stin? h??? ?ll Ai? F??c? ?VTOLs ??????ms.