Th? U.S. Ai? F??c? ?l?w ? ??m?t?l? ?il?t?? ?i?c???t ???i???? with ?n An??? Kitt?n® ALQ-167 El?ct??nic W?????? C??nt??m??s??? P?? ??? th? ?i?st tim? ?n A??il 27, 2023. G?n???l At?mics A???n??tic?l S?st?ms, Inc. int????t?? th? ??? ?nt? th? ?i?c???t. Th? An??? Kitt?n EW P?? is s???li?? t? th? U.S. Ai? F??c? ?? th? G????i? T?ch R?s???ch Instit?t? (GTRI) ?n? h?s ?l?wn ?n ?th?? D????tm?nt ?? D???ns? s?st?ms, incl??in? F-16s. GA-ASI int????t?? th? EW ??? in l?ss th?n nin? m?nths ?t n? c?st t? th? U.S. Ai? F??c? ?? ?sin? ? C??????tiv? R?s???ch ?n? D?v?l??m?nt A????m?nt.
“It w?s ????t t? s?? th? An??? Kitt?n P?? ?n ?n Ai? F??c? ?l?t???m ??? th? ?i?st tim?,” s?i? GA-ASI Vic? P??si??nt ?? D?D St??t??ic D?v?l??m?nt P?t?ick Sh??tsl??v?. “Fl?in? this EW c????ilit? ?n ?n MQ-9A ??m?nst??t?s its ??ssi?l? ?s? ?n ??t??? ?i?c???t.”
Th? U.S. Ai? F??c? ?l?ns t? c?ntin?? ?l?in? with th? An??? Kitt?n ALQ-167 El?ct??nic C??nt??m??s???s (ECM) P??s ?v?? th? n?xt 12 t? 24 m?nths t? ??v?l?? th? ??st T?ctics, T?chni???s, ?n? P??c?????s (TTPs) t? l?v????? EW c????iliti?s in s?????t ?? th? J?int F??c? ?n? ???tn?? n?ti?ns. Th? U.S. Ai? F??c? 556th T?st ?n? Ev?l??ti?n S??????n c?m?l?t?? th? ?i?st ???n? ?? MQ-9A R????? ????n? ?n? ?li?ht t?stin? with th? An??? Kitt?n P?? ?t C???ch Ai? F??c? B?s?, N?v??? A??. 10-28, 2023. Th? ??? ???vi??s th? MQ-9 ?l?v?t?? El?ct??nic Att?ck (EA) c????ilit? ???inst ??l?v?nt ????n? ?n? ?i????n? th???ts.
This c????ilit? ?nh?nc?s s??viv??ilit? ??? th? R????? ?n? ?th?? ??i?n?l? ???c?s, ?n? c?m?lic?t?s ??v??s??? ?l?nnin? ?????ts. Th? t?st ??c?s?? ?n ???vin? th? c?nc??t ?? c?n??ctin? EA ???m th? MQ-9 t? ???vi?? ?????ti?n?l ?l?nn??s n?w ???c? ???lic?ti?n ??ti?ns wh?n c?n???ntin? P?cin? Ch?ll?n?? th???ts.
Th? An??? Kitt?n P?? ?????s?nts th? ???innin? ?? wh?t th? 556th TES h???s t? ?chi?v? with th? MQ-9 in th? EA s?h???. Th????h ???tici??ti?n in ??t??? L???? F??c? Ex??cis?s (LFEs) s?ch ?s R?? Fl?? 23-3 ?n? int????tin? with th? U.S. Ai? F??c? W????ns Sch??l, th? s??????n ?ims t? ???th?? ??v?l?? T?ctics, T?chni???s, ?n? P??c?????s (TTPs) ???inst c?m?l?x t????t s?ts.