In ? si?ni?ic?nt mil?st?n? ??? th? T??kish ????ns? in??st??, B??k??, th? c??nt??’s ???min?nt ???n? m?n???ct????, h?s ink?? th? l????st ????ns? ???l in T??kish hist??? with S???i A???i?. Th? ?????m?nt, si?n?? ???in? T??kish P??si??nt R?c?? T???i? E?????n’s visit t? S???i A???i?, inv?lv?s th? s???l? ?? B??k??’s c?ttin?-???? UCAV (Unm?nn?? C?m??t A??i?l V?hicl?), Akinci, t? th? S???i A?m?. Th? ???l ?ls? incl???s ???visi?ns ??? t?chnic?l, l??istic, ?n? ???c?ti?n?l s?????t, ?s w?ll ?s ?????t?niti?s ??? t?chn?l??? t??ns??? ?n? j?int ?????cti?n ??tw??n th? tw? n?ti?ns. This ??ticl? ?x?l???s th? ??t?ils ?? th? hist??ic ????ns? ???l, hi?hli?htin? Akinci’s c????iliti?s ?n? th? ??t?nti?l im?lic?ti?ns ??? ???i?n?l ?n? ?l???l ???c?. Akinci, ??v?l???? ?? B??k??, ?????s?nts ? ??m?-ch?n?in? ??v?nc?m?nt in th? ?i?l? ?? ?nm?nn?? c?m??t ???i?l v?hicl?s. E??i???? with ???l ??ti?ici?l int?lli??nc? ?vi?nics, th? UCAV ??ss?ss?s ??m??k??l? c????iliti?s, ?iv?lin? th?s? ?? ?i?ht?? j?ts. Am?n? its im???ssiv? ???t???s ??? ?l?ct??nic s?????t s?st?ms, ???l s?t?llit? c?mm?nic?ti?n s?st?ms, ?i?-t?-?i? ?????, c?llisi?n ?v?i??nc? ?????, ?n? s?nth?tic ????t??? ?????. With th? ??ilit? t? c???? v??i??s ???l???s, Akinci c?n ????ctiv?l? c???? ??t ?i?-t?-????n? ?n? ?i?-t?-?i? ?tt?ck missi?ns, m?kin? it ? v??s?til? ?ss?t ??? milit??? ?????ti?ns.
Th? Akinci ????ns? ???l si?ni?i?s ?n im???t?nt mil?st?n? in th? ?i?l?m?tic ??l?ti?ns ??tw??n T??k?? ?n? S???i A???i?. H?l?k B????kt??, th? ??n???l m?n???? ?? B??k??, ?m?h?siz?? th?t th? c??????ti?n ?ims n?t ?nl? t? ??lst?? ?il?t???l ti?s ??t ?ls? t? c?nt?i??t? t? ???i?n?l ?n? ?l???l ???c?. Th? c?ll?????ti?n is ?x??ct?? t? ?????n ???th??, ?s ??th n?ti?ns h?v? c?mmitt?? t? t?chn?l??? t??ns??? ?n? j?int ?????cti?n, which c?n l??? t? ????t?? st??t??ic ?li?nm?nt ?n? ? st??n??? ????ns? ???tn??shi?. With th? int????ti?n ?? Akinci int? th? S???i ??m?’s inv?nt???, th? n?ti?n’s ????ns? c????iliti?s ??? s?t t? witn?ss ? si?ni?ic?nt ?nh?nc?m?nt. Th? UCAV’s v??s?tilit? ?n? st?t?-??-th?-??t t?chn?l??? ???vi?? th? S???i A?m?? F??c?s with ?n ???? in c?m??t ?????ti?ns, int?lli??nc? ??th??in?, ?n? s??v?ill?nc?. Th? ???visi?n ?? t?chnic?l, l??istic, ?n? ???c?ti?n?l s??vic?s ?? B??k?? will ?ls? ?ns??? ??tim?l ?tiliz?ti?n ?n? m?int?n?nc? ?? th? ???n?s, ?ns??in? ?????ti?n?l ????in?ss. Th? ????ns? ???l ??tw??n T??kish ???n? m?n???ct???? B??k?? ?n? S???i A???i? ??? th? Akinci Unm?nn?? C?m??t A??i?l V?hicl? m??ks ? si?ni?ic?nt mil?st?n? in th? hist??? ?? T??kish-S???i ??l?ti?ns. This ????n?????kin? ?????m?nt is ?x??ct?? t? st??n?th?n milit??? c??????ti?n ??tw??n th? tw? n?ti?ns whil? ???vi?in? th? S???i A?m? with ? ??w????l ?n? v??s?til? t??l ??? v??i??s milit??? ?????ti?ns.
B????kt?? Akinci is ? hi?h-?ltit??? l?n?-?n????nc? (HALE) ?nm?nn?? c?m??t ???i?l v?hicl? (UCAV) ??in? m?n???ct???? ?? th? T??kish ????nc? c?m??n? B??k??. Th? ?i?st th??? ?nits ?nt???? s??vic? with th? T??kish A?m?? F??c?s ?n 29 A???st 2021. Th? ?i?c???t h?s ? 5.5+ t?ns ?? m?xim?m t?k???? w?i?ht (MTOW) ?? which 1350+ k? is c?m??s?? ?? ???l???. Akinci is ???i???? with tw? t???????? ?n?in?s which h?s tw? ?i?????nt t???s ?? th??st c????iliti?s ?s 450 ?? 750 h?. Akinci is ???i???? with ?l?ct??nic s?????t ?n? c??nt??m??s??? s?st?ms, ???l s?t?llit? c?mm?nic?ti?n s?st?ms, ?i?-t?-?i? ?????, c?llisi?n ?v?i??nc? ????? ?n? n?ti?n?l ??v?nc?? s?nth?tic ????t??? ?????. On 22 A??il 2021, B????kt?? Akinci UCAV h?s s?cc?ss??ll? c?n??ct?? its ?i?st ?i?in? t?sts. D??in? th? t?st Akinci w?s ???i???? with th??? ?i?????nt v??i?nts ?? th? in?i??n??sl? ??v?l???? sm??t ?mm?niti?ns, MAM-L, MAM-C ?n? MAM-T. Th? t?st h?s ?ls? ???n th? ?i?st ???lic ???????nc? ?? th? R?k?ts?n’s n?w?st sm??t ?mm?niti?n MAM-T. F??m J?l? 6 t? 7, th? ?i?c???t c?m?l?t?? ? t?st ?li?ht ?? 25 h???s ?n? 45 min?t?s, ?l?in? 7507 km ?n? ???chin? ?n ?ltit??? ?? 38,039 ???t ?? 11,594 m?t??s. On A???st 29, 2021, Akinci w?s ????? t? th? inv?nt??? ?? T??kish ??m?? ???c?s.
On 29 A???st 2021, th? ?i?st th??? ?nits w??? ??liv???? t? th? T??kish A?m?? F??c?s. Akinci h?s ???n ?s?? ?i?st in P?nç?-Kilit O????ti?ns which h?l? ?? T??kish milit??? t? ?iss?lv? PKK ??siti?ns s?ch ?s sh?lt??s ?n? c?v?s in N??th??n I???. A t?t?l ?? 9 T??kish B????kt?? Akinci UAVs s?cc?ss??ll? ?l?w ?v?? 1551 h???s in th? ???th???k? z?n? ?? th? 2023 T??k??-S??i? ???th???k?. Th? ?nm?nn?? c?m??t ???i?l v?hicl?s h?v? ???n inst??m?nt?l in ???vi?in? c?ntin???s ????t?s ?n? ??t? t? th? c?isis ??s??ns? t??m ??? ??m??? ??t?cti?n, s???ch ?n? ??sc?? s?????t, ?l?n? with c????in?ti?n ?ctiviti?s. A ?ns??ci?i?? n?m??? ?? B????kt?? Akincis w??? inv?lv?? in ?n ?tt?ck ?n th? W??n?? G????-?????t?? El-H??im Ai???s?, h?vin? ??st????? ?t l??st ?n? ?i? ????ns? s?st?m. At l??st 1 Akinci ??liv???? t? P?kist?n Ai? F??c? in A??il 2023. In l?t? M?? 2023, Li???n ??im? minist?? A???l H?mi? D??i??h, sh???? ???t??? ???m ? c??nt?? sm???lin? ?????ti?ns with ?n Akinci.