K???ss-M????i W??m?nn (KMW) ?n? th? N??w??i?n D???nc? M?t??i?l A??nc? (NDMA) h?v? ?????? t? ?li?n th? n?m?ncl?t??? ?? th? 54 n?w L?????? 2 m?in ??ttl? t?nks c?nt??ct?? in M??ch 2023 with th?t ?? th? G??m?n ???c???m?nt ???ic? ??? th? G??m?n L?????? 2 ???l?nishm?nt, ?s th? N??w??i?n L?????? 2 h?s ?ll th? ch???ct??istics ?? th? ?????in?? L?????? 2A8 c?n?i????ti?n st?t?s. Th? n?w N??w??i?n m?in ??ttl? t?nk will th??????? ?? kn?wn ?s L?????? 2A8 NOR m?in ??ttl? t?nk.
Th? G??m?n ???c???m?nt ??th??it? int????c?? th? L?????? 2A8 c?n?i????ti?n, ?s it is ? n?w ?????cti?n ?n? incl???s th? int????ti?n ?? th? TROPHY Activ? P??t?cti?n S?st?m (APS) ???m c?m??n? E???T???h?. Th? L?????? 2A8 NOR h?s ???iti?n?l ???t???s c?m????? t? th? G??m?n A8 v??si?n, ??? ?x?m?l? th? int????t?? N??w??i?n ICS/CORTEX s?st?m ???m th? N??w??i?n c?m??n? K?n?s????. This s?st?m ??c?n?i????s ??t? t??ns??? in th? m?in ??ttl? t?nk ?n? c?mm?nic?ti?n with ?th?? c?m??t s?st?ms.
Th? L?????? 2 is ? thi?? ??n???ti?n G??m?n m?in ??ttl? t?nk (MBT). D?v?l???? ?? K???ss-M????i in th? 1970s, th? t?nk ?nt???? s??vic? in 1979 ?n? ???l?c?? th? ???li?? L?????? 1 ?s th? m?in ??ttl? t?nk ?? th? W?st G??m?n ??m?. V??i??s it???ti?ns ?? th? L?????? 2 c?ntin?? t? ?? ?????t?? ?? th? ??m?? ???c?s ?? G??m?n?, ?s w?ll ?s 13 ?th?? E??????n c??nt?i?s, ?n? s?v???l n?n-E??????n st?t?s ????n? th? w??l?, incl??in? C?n???, Chil?, In??n?si?, ?n? Sin??????. S?m? ?????tin? st?t?s h?v? lic?ns?? th? L?????? 2 ??si?n ??? l?c?l ?????cti?n ?n? ??m?stic ??v?l??m?nt.
K???ss-M????i W??m?nn, ? m?m??? ?? th? G??m?n-F??nch ????ns? t?chn?l??? ????? KNDS, l???s th? E??????n m??k?t ??? hi?hl? ???t?ct?? wh??l?? ?n? t??ck?? v?hicl?s.
At l?c?ti?ns in G??m?n?, B??zil, G???c?, H?n????, Sin??????, th? Unit?? Kin???m ?n? th? USA m??? th?n 4.000 ?m?l????s ??v?l??, m?n???ct??? ?n? s?????t ? ?????ct ???t??li? ??n?in? ???m ?i?-t??ns???t??l?, hi?hl? ???t?ct?? wh??l?? v?hicl?s th????h ??c?nn?iss?nc?, ?nti-?i?c???t ?n? ??till??? s?st?ms t? m?in ??ttl? t?nks, in??nt?? ?i?htin? v?hicl?s ?n? ??i???-l??in? s?st?ms.