Unlike other pigs of the same litter, the poor piglet seems to have to be twice as brave to continue to survive because… he has two heads.
This piglet appeared in a village in Jiujiang district, Jiangxi province, China. It has only a single body part, but it has two heads with two snouts, two ears, and three eyes, of which two are separate and one is shared in the middle.
Unfortunately, local veterinarians say, this is a rare mutation. Therefore, the piglet is very unlikely to survive to adulthood. Usually, two-headed pigs often die shortly after birth a very short time.
The cause of this malformed mutation is that the division of the embryo into twins is interrupted at an early stage. Therefore, it leads to the phenomenon of many heads as above.
In recent years, the world has recorded many cases of two strange heads in animals such as sharks, lizards, turtles… And the above two-headed pig case in Jiangxi province is not the only case.