Finnish ???t ??il?in? c?m??n? M??in? Al?t?ch h?s clinch?? ? ?iv?t?l c?nt??ct t? ???vi?? th? H?ll?nic C??st G???? with ?iv? W?t??c?t 2000 ??t??l ???ts. Th? c?nt??ct, ???m?ll? ?n???s?? ?? Ch?ist?s St?li?ni??s, Minist?? ?? M??itim? A???i?s ?n? Ins?l?? P?lic?, ?n? Nik? H???, M?n??in? Di??ct?? ?? M??in? Al?t?ch O? A?, ?l?n?si?? Finnish Am??ss???? J??i G?st??ss?n, m??ks ? s??st?nti?l ??v?nc?m?nt in ???ti??in? th? H?ll?nic C??st G????’s ?????ti?n?l c????iliti?s. V?l??? ?t EUR 17 milli?n initi?ll?, with ?n ???iti?n?l ??ti?n ??? ?iv? m??? v?ss?ls, th? c?nt??ct ?n???sc???s ? st??t??ic m?v? t? ???ti?? ?????? s??v?ill?nc? ?????ts in G???c?’s m??itim? ??m?in. C???t?? t? withst?n? ?iv??s? ?????ti?n?l ch?ll?n??s, th? W?t??c?t 2000 P?t??l v?ss?ls ???st ?n im???ssiv? ??si?n with ?n ?v???ll l?n?th ?? 19.5 m?t??s, ? wi?th ?? 5.1 m?t??s, ?n? ? ???mi???l? m?xim?m s???? ?xc???in? 50 kn?ts. O?t?itt?? with c?ttin?-???? s??v?ill?nc? ???i?m?nt, th?s? ???ts ??m?nst??t? v??s?tilit? ?c??ss v??i??s clim?t?s, s??ml?ssl? n?vi??tin? ????zin? wint?? c?n?iti?ns ?s w?ll ?s h?t ?n? h?mi? t???ic?l ?nvi??nm?nts. Th? W?t??c?ts 2000 P?t??l s??i?s is t?il???? ??? c??st?l s??v?ill?nc?, ???i???? t? h?n?l? ?n ????? ?? c?itic?l ?????ti?ns s??nnin? s???ch ?n? ??sc?? (SAR), l?w ?n???c?m?nt, m??itim? s???t?, ?nvi??nm?nt?l ???t?cti?n, ?is?st?? ??s??ns?, ?n? ?ish??i?s c?nt??l. Th? m?in ???j?ct is c?-??n??? ?t 90% ?? th? S??ci?l Acti?n “F??nt?x A??nc? E??i?m?nt” ?? th? Int??n?l S?c??it? F?n? 2014-2020 ?? th? E??????n Uni?n. Th? ??ti?ns h?v? ???n incl???? in th? ??????mm? ?? th? B????? M?n???m?nt ?n? Vis? P?lic? Fin?nci?l S?????t Inst??m?nt (BFSF) ?? th? Int????t?? B????? M?n???m?nt F?n? 2021-2027 ?n? will ?? c?-?in?nc?? ?t ? ??t? ?? 75%.
Th? Minist?? ?? M??itim? A???i?s ?n? Ins?l?? P?lic?, Ch?ist?s St?li?ni??s s?i?. “I w??l? lik? t? ?x???ss m? s?tis??cti?n ?v?? th? si?nin? ?? this c?nt??ct. I ?m c?n?i??nt th?t th? ?c??isiti?n ?? th?s? v?ss?ls will m?k? ? ??cisiv? c?nt?i??ti?n t? th? im???t?nt w??k ?n? n?ti?n?l missi?n ?? th? H?ll?nic C??st G???? ??? th? ???t?cti?n ?? ??? m??itim? ??????s.”
Th? s??ci?liz?? ??si?n ?? M??in? Al?t?ch’s W?t??c?t® hi?h-s???? C??st G???? ?n? P?lic? ??t??l ???ts ?n??l?s in????n??nt ??t??llin?, swi?t SAR ?????ti?ns, ?s w?ll ?s ????ctiv? int??c??ti?n c????iliti?s. Th?s? v?ss?ls ???st ? m????n h?ll ??si?n ?ns??in? ?xc??ti?n?l m?n??v????ilit? ?n? st??ilit? ?c??ss ?ll s?? st?t?s within th?i? ?????ti?n?l ??m?in. With ? s??int s???? s????ssin? 50 kn?ts, th?s? ???ts ????? ??li??ilit? ?n? ????ict??ilit? in ??????m?nc?, ???vi?in? ? ????st ?l?t???m ??? ?i?????s ?????ti?ns ???m A?ctic t? t???ic?l ???i?ns. M????v??, th? m???l?? ??si?n ?? th? W?t??c?t® ???ts si?ni?i?s int?nti?n?l ?????ti?n?l s?st?in??ilit?, c???l?? with c?st-????ctiv? m?int?n?nc? th????h??t th?i? ?xt?n??? li??c?cl?. B?ilt ?sin? hi?h-???lit? m?t??i?ls s?ch ?s ?l?min?m ?? c?m??sit? m?t??i?ls, M??in? Al?t?ch c?nst??cts th?s? ???ts ?? t? 25 m?t??s, t?il???? ??? v??i??s ??ti?s ?n? ?????ti?n?l ?????s?s. B????? V??it?s c??ti?ic?ti?n ?n???sc???s M??in? Al?t?ch’s c?mmitm?nt t? ???lit? ?n? c?m?li?nc? with ISO 9001, ISO 14001 st?n????s, ?n? th? AQAP 2110 ???lit? s?st?m.
M??in? Al?t?ch is ? l???in? ??si?n?? ?n? m?n???ct???? ?? ?l?mini?m ?n? c?m??sit? ???ts in Finl?n?. Th? c?m??n? s??ci?liz?s in 5–27 m?t??s ???ts ?n? v?ss?ls ??? n?vi?s, c??st ?????s, ??v??nm?nt ???nci?s ?n? ???t ??th??iti?s. M??in? Al?t?ch h?s its ?wn t???in? n?m? W?t??c?t. M??in? Al?t?ch is ? l????? in ??si?nin? ?n? m?n???ct??in? v??s?til? ?l?mini?m ?n? c?m??sit? ???ts with ?v?? 30 ????s’ ?x???i?nc? ??l?illin? ??v??nm?nt ????i??m?nts in v??i??s m??itim? ?nvi??nm?nts w??l?wi??. C?nv?ni?ntl? l?c?t?? in th? hist??ic?l i??nw??ks vill??? ?? T?ij?-S?l? sinc? 1985, M??in? Al?t?ch is ????t ?n h??? s??thw?st ?? H?lsinki. T?ij?`s (?st. 1686) shi???il?in? st??t?? in 1917 ?s ?n in??st?? ?n? is th? h?m? ?? ??? w??l?wi?? ??n?wn?? W?t??c?t® ???n?. H?lm?? ?? CEO Nik? H???, M??in? Al?t?ch ???vi??s hi?hl? ???c?t?? ?n? s??ci?lis?? ?????s ?? m??in? ?n? in??st?? ?????ssi?n?ls ??? in?ivi???l m??itim? ???j?cts. In ???iti?n t? ???t ??si?n ?n? c?nst??cti?n, M??in? Al?t?ch ?????s ? ??ll ??n?? ?? v?ss?l ?n? ??t?? s?l?s s??vic?s incl??in? m?int?n?nc? th????h??t ? ???t’s wh?l? li?? c?cl?.