T? ????c? ?isk t? th? ??v?l??m?nt ?n? m?t???ti?n ?? ??ti?ici?l int?lli??nc? c????iliti?s, th? Ai? F??c? R?s???ch L?????t??? l?? ? s?cc?ss??l th???-h??? s??ti?, J?l? 25, 2023, ??m?nst??tin? th? ?i?st-?v?? ?li?ht ?? AFRL-??v?l????, m?chin?-l???nin? t??in??, ??ti?ici?l int?lli??nc? ?l???ithms ?n ?n XQ-58A V?lk??i?. T?st ?nits ?x?c?t?? th? ?li?ht in th? E?lin T?st ?n? T??inin? C?m?l?x. Th? ?li?ht ??il?s ???n ???? ????s ?? ???tn??shi? th?t ????n with th? Sk????? V?n????? ?n? th? A?t?n?m??s Ai?c???t Ex???im?nt?ti?n (AAx) ??????ms. Th? ?l???ithms w??? ??v?l???? ?? AFRL’s A?t?n?m??s Ai? C?m??t O????ti?ns t??m. Th? ?l???ithms m?t???? ???in? milli?ns ?? h???s in hi?h ?i??lit? sim?l?ti?n ?v?nts, s??ti?s ?n th? X-62 VISTA, H???w???-in-th?-L??? ?v?nts with th? XQ-58A, ?n? ????n? t?st ?????ti?ns, ?s ???ict?? in th? vi??? ?t th? link ??l?w. DOD is c?mmitt?? t? th? ??s??nsi?l? ?m?l??m?nt ?? AI. T? ?chi?v? ??s??nsi?l? ?s? ?? AI ????i??s t??min? ?? ??v?l????s ?n? ?s??s ?? AI ?n??l?? ??t?n?m? w??kin? in c?ll?????ti?n with ?c??isiti?n s??ci?lists.
“AACO h?s t?k?n ? m?lti-???n??? ??????ch t? ?nc??w?? ?li?ht t?stin? ?? m?chin? l???nin? A?ti?ici?l Int?lli??nc? ?n? h?s m?t ?????ti?n?l ?x???im?nt?ti?n ??j?ctiv?s ?? ?sin? ? c?m?in?ti?n ?? Hi?h-??????m?nc? c?m??tin?, m???lin? ?n? sim?l?ti?n, ?n? h???w??? in th? l??? t?stin? t? t??in ?n AI ???nt t? s???l? ?l? th? XQ-58 ?nc??w?? ?i?c???t,” s?i? AACO P?????m M?n????, D?. T???? Wils?n.
“Th? missi?n ???v?? ??t ? m?lti-l???? s???t? ???m?w??k ?n ?n AI/ML-?l?wn ?nc??w?? ?i?c???t ?n? ??m?nst??t?? ?n AI/ML ???nt s?lvin? ? t?ctic?ll? ??l?v?nt “ch?ll?n?? ????l?m” ???in? ?i????n? ?????ti?ns. This s??ti? ???ici?ll? ?n??l?s th? ??ilit? t? ??v?l?? AI/ML ???nts th?t will ?x?c?t? m????n ?i?-t?-?i? ?n? ?i?-t?-s????c? skills th?t ??? imm??i?t?l? t??ns??????l? t? ?th?? ??t?n?m? ??????ms,” s?i? C?l. T?ck?? H?milt?n, chi??, AI T?st ?n? O????ti?ns, ??? th? D????tm?nt ?? th? Ai? F??c?.
“AI will ?? ? c?itic?l ?l?m?nt t? ??t??? w???i?htin? ?n? th? s???? ?t which w?’?? ??in? t? h?v? t? ?n???st?n? th? ?????ti?n?l ?ict??? ?n? m?k? ??cisi?ns. AI, A?t?n?m??s O????ti?ns, ?n? H?m?n-M?chin? T??min? c?ntin?? t? ?v?lv? ?t ?n ?n???c???nt?? ??c? ?n? w? n??? th? c????in?t?? ?????ts ?? ??? ??v??nm?nt, ?c???mi?, ?n? in??st?? ???tn??s t? k??? ??c?,” s?i? B?i?. G?n. Sc?tt C?in, AFRL c?mm?n???.
Th? K??t?s XQ-58 V?lk??i? is ?n ?x???im?nt?l st??lth? ?nm?nn?? c?m??t ???i?l v?hicl? (UCAV) ??si?n?? ?n? ??ilt ?? K??t?s D???ns? & S?c??it? S?l?ti?ns ??? th? Unit?? St?t?s Ai? F??c?’s L?w C?st Att?it??l? St?ik? D?m?nst??t?? (LCASD) ??????m, ?n??? th? USAF R?s???ch L?????t???’s L?w C?st Att?it??l? Ai?c???t T?chn?l??? (LCAAT) ???j?ct ???t??li?. It w?s initi?ll? ??si?n?t?? th? XQ-222. Th? V?lk??i? c?m?l?t?? its ?i?st ?li?ht ?n 5 M??ch 2019 ?t Y?m? P??vin? G???n?, A?iz?n?. Th? XQ-58 V?lk??i? ??lls within th? USAF R?s???ch L?????t???’s L?w C?st Att?it??l? Ai?c???t T?chn?l??? (LCAAT) ???t??li?, wh?s? ??j?ctiv?s incl??? ??si?nin? ?n? ??il?in? ?nm?nn?? c?m??t ???i?l v?hicl?s (UCAVs) ??st?? ?? ??v?l??in? ??tt?? ??si?n t??ls ?n? m?t??in? ?n? ?sin? c?mm??ci?l m?n???ct??in? ???c?ss?s t? ????c? ?????cti?n tim? ?n? c?st. Th? LCAAT is t? ?sc??t th? F-22 ?? F-35 ???in? c?m??t missi?ns ?n? t? ???l?? w????ns ?? s??v?ill?nc? s?st?ms. Th? XQ-58 is ??si?n?? t? ?ct ?s ? l???l win?m?n th?t is c?nt??ll?? ?? ? ????nt ?i?c???t t? ?cc?m?lish t?sks s?ch ?s sc??tin?, ????nsiv? ?i??, ?? ??s???in? ?n?m? ?i??.
Th? Ai? F??c? R?s???ch L?????t??? (AFRL) is ? sci?nti?ic ??s???ch ?n? ??v?l??m?nt ??t?chm?nt ?? th? Unit?? St?t?s Ai? F??c? M?t??i?l C?mm?n? ???ic?t?? t? l???in? th? ?isc?v???, ??v?l??m?nt, ?n? int????ti?n ?? ?i??ct-?n???? ??s?? ????s??c? w???i?htin? t?chn?l??i?s, ?l?nnin? ?n? ?x?c?tin? th? Ai? F??c? sci?nc? ?n? t?chn?l??? ??????m, ?n? ???vi?in? w???i?htin? c????iliti?s t? Unit?? St?t?s ?i?, s??c?, ?n? c????s??c? ???c?s. It c?nt??ls th? ?nti?? Ai? F??c? sci?nc? ?n? t?chn?l??? ??s???ch ?????t which w?s $2.4 ?illi?n in 2006. AFRL ?l??s ?n int????l ??l? in l???in? th? ?isc?v???, ??v?l??m?nt ?n? int????ti?n ?? ????????l? w???i?htin? t?chn?l??i?s ??? ??? ?i?, s??c? ?n? c????s??c? ???c?. With ? w??k???c? ?? m??? th?n 11,500 ?c??ss nin? t?chn?l??? ????s ?n? 40 ?th?? ?????ti?ns ?c??ss th? ?l???, AFRL ???vi??s ? ?iv??s? ???t??li? ?? sci?nc? ?n? t?chn?l??? ??n?in? ???m ??n??m?nt?l t? ??v?nc?? ??s???ch ?n? t?chn?l??? ??v?l??m?nt