Th? C?mm?n??? ?? th? Ai? F??c? ?? th? A?m?? F??c?s ?? th? Sl?v?k R????lic, M?j?? G?n???l Ró???t Tóth, ???iv?? ?t AERO V???ch??? AEROSPACE ?.s. ?t th? invit?ti?n ?? th? C?mm?n??? ?? th? Ai? F??c? ?? th? Cz?ch R????lic, M?j?? G?n???l P?t? C???lk?. Th? ?im ?? th? m??tin? w?s t? ?????n m?t??l c??????ti?n ?n? t? c?ntin?? th? ????ctiv? ?n? l?n?-t??m int???cti?n ?? th? ?i? ???c?s ?? ??th c??nt?i?s. At th? A??? ??ct???, ?????s?nt?tiv?s ?? th? Ai? F??c? visit?? th? L-39NG ?i?c???t ?n? its s??i?l ?????cti?n. A??? ???s?nt?? th? ???t???s ?? th? L-39NG ?i?c???t ?n? its c????iliti?s ??? t??inin? ??t??? ?il?ts ?? ????th ?n? ?i?th ??n???ti?n ?i?c???t, incl??in? F-16 ?i?ht?? ?i?c???t. It ?ls? ???s?nt?? th? ??ssi?iliti?s ?? st??t??ic c??????ti?n in th? t??inin? ?? milit??? ?il?ts ??tw??n th? Cz?ch R????lic ?n? Sl?v?ki?.
“M????nis?ti?n ?? th? Sl?v?k A?m?? F??c?s’ ???i?m?nt is ?n? ?? th? im???t?nt ??i??iti?s. On? ?? th? ???j?cts is ?ls? th? ???l?c?m?nt ?? th? c????nt L-39 Al??t??s t??in?? ?i?c???t ?s?? ?? th? Sl?v?k Ai? F??c?. Th???????, w? w?lc?m? ?i??ct ??m?nst??ti?ns ?n? ???s?nt?ti?ns, wh??? th??? is ?n ?????t?nit? t? ??t ?c???int?? in ??t?il with th? ??ssi?l? s?cc?ss??s ?? th? t??in?? ?i?c???t,” s??s M?j?? G?n???l Ró???t Tóth, C?mm?n??? ?? th? Ai? F??c? ?? th? A?m?? F??c?s ?? th? Sl?v?k R????lic.
“Th? t??nsiti?n ???m th? L-39 Al??t??s t? th? L-39NG ?????s?nts ? si?ni?ic?nt ??????? ?n? im???v?m?nt in ?il?t t??inin? c????iliti?s, ??th in ???????ti?n ??? th? F-16 ?l?t???m ??in? ?c??i??? ?? th? Sl?v?k A?m? ?n? th? F-35 ?l?t???m in th? c?s? ?? th? Cz?ch R????lic,” s?i? C?l?n?l D?vi? Kl?m?nt, D???t? C?mm?n??? ?? th? Cz?ch Ai? F??c?.
Th? ???s?nt?ti?n ?? th? L-39NG ?ls? c?v???? th? t?chnic?l ???t. Th? A??? t??m ?n? Ai? F??c? ?????s?nt?tiv?s ?isc?ss?? th? t?chnic?l ????m?t??s ?? th? ?i?c???t, m????n ?vi?nics ?n? s???t? s?st?ms ?? th? ?i?c???t. Th? ?????s?nt?tiv?s ?? th? Sl?v?k Ai? F??c? w??? int????c?? t? th? t?chn?l??i?s ??? ?il?t t??inin? ?n? t?ctic?l missi?ns, ?s w?ll ?s th? k?? ????m?t??s ?? th? ??m?? v??si?n ?? th? ?i?c???t. Sh??l? th? Sl?v?k R????lic ??ci?? in th? ??t??? t? ?nt?? int? ?n int????v??nm?nt?l ?????m?nt ?n c??????ti?n with th? Cz?ch R????lic in th? ?c??isiti?n ?? th? L-39NG ?i?c???t, it w??l? incl??? st??t??ic c??????ti?n in th? ?????ti?n ?? th? L-39NG ?n? ?il?t t??inin? ?n? th? ?c??isiti?n ?? ? si?ni?ic?nt in??st?i?l sh??? ?? th? Sl?v?k R????lic. In this c?nt?xt, A??? h?s ?l????? ?nt???? int? ? st??t??ic c??????ti?n ?????m?nt with L?t?cké ????v?vn? T??n?ín, which c?v??s, ?m?n? ?th?? thin?s, ?i?c???t s??vicin? ?n? ?th?? ?????ti?n?l ?n? l??istic?l ????s.
Th? L-39NG is ? c?m?l?t?l? n?w ??n???ti?n ?? tw?-s??t s??s?nic j?t ?i?c???t. It c?m?in?s m????n ?vi?nic s?st?ms, ?n ?xt??m?l? ???ici?nt j?t ?n?in? ?n? ?xc?ll?nt ?li?ht ch???ct??istics. Th? L-39NG ?l?t???m ?ll?ws ??? ??th W?st??n ?n? E?st??n c?n?i????ti?ns ?n? m??ts th? ????i??m?nts ??? ??ll-?l?????, m????n, c?m???h?nsiv? ?n? c?st-????ctiv? Ai? F??c? milit??? t??inin?. Th? ?i?c???t’s ?vi?nics ??? ????? ??? t??inin? ??t??? ?il?ts ?? ????th ?n? ?i?th ??n???ti?n ?i?c???t. Th? ?i?c???t incl???s ? wi?? ??n?? ?? sim?l?ti?n t?chn?l??i?s, incl??in? int????ti?n with ? hi?hl? ??v?nc?? t?ctic?l sim?l?ti?n c?nt?? t? ?nh?nc? t??inin? ????ctiv?n?ss. In ???iti?n t? ?il?t t??inin?, it is ?ls? s?it??l? ??? li?ht c?m??t ?n? ??c?nn?iss?nc? missi?ns. In th? li?ht c?m??t v??i?nt, th? ?i?c???t is ???i???? with ?iv? h?n???s ??? c????in? ??m?m?nt.
Th? ??????mm? ?? th? n?w Cz?ch A??? L-39NG j?t t??in?? ?nt???? ? si?ni?ic?nt ?h?s? this ????. A?t?? ??c?ivin? t??? c??ti?ic?ti?n with??t ??st?icti?ns ?n 18 J?l? 2022, s??i?l ?????cti?n h?s ????n ?n? th? ?i?st ?i?c???t will ?? ??liv???? t? its ?i?st c?st?m??, Vi?tn?m, ??? ?s? ?? th? ?n? ?? this ????. Th? l?tt?? h?s ??????? 12 ?nits ?? th? n?wl? ??v?l???? L-39NG s??s?nic ?i?c???t ???m A???. At th? s?m? tіm?, th? ?i?c???t ??? ?l????? ??in? ?????c?? ??? ? H?n???i?n c?st?m??, with wh?m ? c?nt??ct ??? ?n?th?? 12 ?i?c???t h?s ???n c?ncl????. This ????, ?????cti?n w?s ?ls? in??????t?? ?t th? A??? ??ct??? ??? LOM P?????, which will t?k? ??liv??? ?? ???? ?i?c???t in ? t??inin? v??si?n. Th?? will ?? ?s?? ?t th? C?nt?? ?? Ai? T??inin? P?????ic? ??im??il? ??? t??inin? ?il?ts ?? th? Cz?ch A?m?, ??t ?ls? ??? ?th?? ????i?n ?i? ???c?s, which ???vi?? t??inin? ??? th?i? ?il?ts ?t CLV P?????ic?.
AERO V???ch??? AEROSPACE ?.s. ??c?s?s ?n th? ??v?l??m?nt, ?????cti?n, m?int?n?nc? ?n? im???v?m?nt ?? civil ?n? milit??? ?i?c???t ?n? is th? l????st ?i?c???t m?n???ct???? in th? Cz?ch R????lic ?n? ?n? ?? th? ?l??st ?i?c???t m?n???ct????s in th? w??l?. In th? ?i?l? ?? ?wn ?i?c???t, AERO is ? ???m?n?nt ???tn?? ?? ? n?m??? ?? milit??? ?i? ???c?s ?n? h?s ? st??n? ??siti?n in th? m??k?t ??? milit??? t??in?? ?n? li?ht c?m??t ?i?c???t. With 11,000 ?i?c???t ?????c?? in its 100 ????s ?? ?xist?nc?, h?n????s ?? L-39 Al??t??s ?i?c???t still in s??vic? with ??z?ns ?? milit??? ?????t??s ?n? ? n?m??? ?? ??m? t??ms, ?n? ?s??ci?ll? with its n?w L-39NG ?i?c???t, AERO h?s ?st??lish?? its?l? ?s ? l????? in th? ?l???l j?t t??in?? m??k?t. In th? civil ?vi?ti?n s?ct??, AERO w??ks with m?j?? ?i?c???t m?n???ct????s ?n ? wi?? ??n?? ?? ???j?cts ?n? is ? ???tn?? in s?v???l ?isk-sh??in? ??????ms, wh??? it is ??s??nsi?l? n?t ?nl? ??? th? m?n???ct??? ?n? ?ss?m?l? ?? ?i?c???t ?ss?m?li?s, ??t ?ls? ??? th?i? ??v?l??m?nt.