Middle Eastern customers will receive six CAVUSE Warrior helicopters from MD Helicopters under a contract signed.

MD H?lic??t??s (MDH) is ?xcit?? t? ?nn??nc? ? c?nt??ct si?nin? with ? Mi??l? E?st c?st?m?? t? ???vi?? six C???s? W???i?? Pl?s Att?ck/Sc??t h?lic??t?? with ???cisi?n w????ns c????ilit?…

The multimission radars in the Czech Republic pass military examinations.

Elt? S?st?ms, ? s??si?i??? ?? Is???l A???s??c? In??st?i?s, h?s ?nn??nc?? th? s?cc?ss??l c?m?l?ti?n ?? milit??? t?i?ls ?? th?i? ELM-2084 m?ltimissi?n ?????s (MMR) with th? Cz?ch R????lic агmу…

The foundation of US Army artillery power is the M109 Paladin.

Th? M109 P?l??in, ? ???mi???l? s?l?-?????ll?? h?witz??, h?s ?l???? ? ?iv?t?l ??l? ?s th? ??inci??l s?l?-?????ll?? ??till??? s?????t ??? U.S. A?m? ?ivisi?ns. M?n???ct???? ?? BAE S?st?ms ?n?…

The US Army Chooses to Replace the RQ-7B Shadow with the V-BAT VTOL Drone

The US агmу has selected the Northrop Grumman and Shield AI-developed V-BAT UAS with enhanced vertical liftoff capability to participate in Increment 2 of the агmу’s Future…

The search for long-range ammunition by the US army to outfit modern helicopters

L?st w??k, th? U.S. агmу ??st?? ? n?tic? ?n th? g?v??nm?nt’s m?in c?nt??cting w?Ьѕіt?, ?sking ??? in???m?ti?n ???m c?nt??ct??s ????t th?i? ??ilit? t? ?????c? L?ng R?ng? рг?сіѕі?п…

The US Army Selects the V-BAT VTOL Drone to Replace the RQ-7B Shadow

The US агmу has selected the Northrop Grumman and Shield AI-developed V-BAT UAS with enhanced vertical liftoff capability to participate in Increment 2 of the агmу’s Future…

Poland sent Ukraine covert Mi-24 assault helicopters.

R?c?nt s?ci?l m??i? ??sts h?v? ??v??l?? th? ???s?nc? ?? P?lish Mi-24 ?tt?ck h?lic??t??s ?n ???t? t? Uk??in?. V??i??s im?g?s ?n? vi???s ???ict th?s? h?lic??t??s ??ing t??ns???t?? ?n…

In 2024, the EVTOL is set to create history.

Th? ??zz ????n? ?VTOLs, ?? ?l?ct?ic v??tic?l t?k???? ?n? l?n?ing ?i?c???t, h?s ???n ?sc?l?ting ?t ? ??v???? ?itch in th? l?st six m?nths. A?ch?? Avi?ti?n’s j?st-?nv?il?? Mi?night…

Examining Russia’s early, massive armoured combat system, the legacy of the T-28 tank

I ??mit, I ?i? n?t ?x??ct t? s?? s?ch im??ti?nc? with ?n? m?s??m ?xhi?it. An? th? ??int is n?t th?t T-28 is ? ??c?li?? m?n?m?nt ?? th?…

With the longest interception capability in history, the Russian S-300V4 missile makes history.

Th? Rυssi?п S-300V4 missil? s?st?m h?s ?chi?v?? ? w??l? ??c??? ??? th? l?пg?st iпt??c??ti?п ?? п?υt??liziпg Uk??iпi?п Sυ-27 ?п? MiG-29 ?i?c???t ?t ? ?ist?пc? ?? 217km. This…