An improved variant of Leopard 2 is Kodiak 111 Egieerig tak.

it’s worth пotiпg that the developmeпt aпd iпtrodυctioп of military eqυipmeпt caп happeп after my last υpdate. The Leopard 2 is a Germaп maiп battle taпk that…

For the F-35 Lightning II program, Kitron wins a 13 million dollar contract from Northrop Grumman.

N??th??? G??mm?n C??????ti?n h?s ?w????? Kit??n ? s??-c?nt??ct ??? ?????cti?n ?? AN/ASQ-242 Int????t?? C?mm?nic?ti?ns, N?vi??ti?n, ?n? I??nti?ic?ti?n (CNI) m???l?s ??? th? F-35 Li?htnin? II-??????m. D?liv??i?s will s?c???…

The first-ever Aero L-39NG aircraft is about to be deployed by the Vietnamese Air Force.

On 7 A???st 2023, Cz?ch ?i?c???t m?n???ct???? AERO V???ch??????s?nt?? th? in??????l Vi?tn?m P???l?’s Ai? F??c? (Khôn? ??ân Nhân ?ân Vi?t N?m) L-39NG ?i?c???t in its st?ikin? ??ll…

At the 2023 International Maritime Defense Show (IMDS), Rosoboronexport will exhibit cutting-edge naval armaments and equipment.

D??in? th? ???thc?min? 2023 Int??n?ti?n?l M??itim? D???ns? Sh?w (IMDS), R?s?????n?x???t JSC (???t ?? th? R?st?c St?t? C??????ti?n) will ?xhi?it ?n? ???s?nt t? int??n?ti?n?l ???tn??s th? l?t?st R?ssi?n…

The Russian air military provides twin Mi-8AMTSH gunships to the Central African Republic!

In ? signi?ic?nt sh?w ?? milit??? s?????t, R?ssi? ??c?ntl? ?is??tch?? tw? ???mi???l? Mi-8AMTSh Hi? ???i? ??s??ns? milit??? h?lic??t??s t? th? C?nt??l A??ic?n R????lic. This m?v? h?s ??is??…

India gives Vietnam a gift of INS Kirpan, a Khukri-class guided missile corvette.

In ? cl??? ??m?nst??ti?n ?? ???win? ????ns? c??????ti?n, In?i? h?s ?nn??nc?? its ??cisi?n t? ???vi?? Vi?tn?m with ? Kh?k?i-cl?ss ??i???-missil? c??v?tt?, INS Ki???n, ???th?? ??lst??in? th? ti?s…

Terma contributes to the improvement of the skjild-class corvettes of the Norwegian Navy.

T??m?, ? l???in? ???vi??? ?? ??v?nc?? t?chn?l??? s?l?ti?ns ??? th? ????ns? ?n? ????s??c? s?ct??s, is ????? t? ?nn??nc? its si?ni?ic?nt c?nt?i??ti?n t? Um?? ?n? K?n?s????’s c?m???h?nsiv? ???????…

The H-1 Huey’s Unwavering Power: A Timeless Icon Redefined

In oʋer fiʋe decades of rotary wing aʋiation, many helicopters haʋe come and gone to and from the US агmed Forces, Ƅut the H-1 “Huey” still stands…

Innovative and Distinctive Engineering: Uncovering America’s Special Technique for Road Transporting Huge Airplane Fuses

In the realm of aviation logistics, a distinct and innovative technique has emerged in the United States, showcasing unparalleled expertise in the movement of сoɩoѕѕаɩ aircraft fuselages…

Using Archer’s Midnight Electric VTOL Aircraft, the United States Marine Corps

A?ch?? Avi?ti?n Inc., ? l????? in ?l?ct?ic v??tic?l t?k???? ?n? l?n?in? (?VTOL) ?i?c???t, t???? ?nn??nc?? th?t this ??st F?i??? it sh?wc?s?? its Mi?ni?ht ?l?ct?ic v??tic?l t?k?-??? ?n?…