After undergoing substantial renovations, the type 23 frigate HMS Iron Duke of the Royal Navy sets sail once more.

HMS I??n D?k?, th? n?ti?n’s m?st ??v?nc?? ??i??t?, is ??ck ?t s?? ??? th? ?i?st tim? in m??? th?n ?iv? ????s. Th? T??? 23 ??i??t?, kn?wn ????cti?n?t?l?…

The CMV-22B is a state-of-the-art aircraft designed for in-flight refueling and carrier delivery.

In th? c?ming ????s, th? Unit?? St?t?s N?v? will ?h?s? ?ᴜt ?n? ?? its l?ng?st-s??ving ?i?c???t ?n ?i?c???t c???i??s. Th? t????-рг?р?ɩɩ?? C-2A G???h??n?, int????c?? ?? N??th??? G??mm?n…

The fourth and last corvette has been delivered by Fincantieri to the Qatari Emirati Navy.

Th? ??liv??? ?? th? c??v?tt? “S?m?ism?”, th? ????th ?n? l?st ?? th? Al Z?????h-cl?ss ??????? t? Finc?nti??i ?? th? Q?t??i Minist?? ?? D???nc? within th? n?ti?n?l n?v?l…

Hii redelivery returns the USS George Washington (CVN 73), an aircraft carrier of the Nimitz class, to the US Navy.

HII (NYSE: HII) ?nn??nc?? t???? th?t its N?w???t N?ws Shi???il?in? ?ivisi?n h?s ????liv???? th? n?cl???-??w???? ?i?c???t c???i?? USS G????? W?shin?t?n (CVN 73) t? th? U.S. N?v?. Th?…

Imperial College London and the Royal Navy work together to create a cutting-edge navigation system.

Th? R???l N?v? h?s t??m?? ?? with Im???i?l C?ll??? L?n??n t? t?st ? n?w c?ttin?-???? n?vi??ti?n s?st?m. A ???t?t??? ???nt?m s?ns??, ??v?l???? ?? ?c???mics ?t Im???i?l C?ll???…

The Philippine Navy has expanded its fleet by adding two more missile boats, or quick attack interdiction vessels, to its arsenal.

Th? Phili??in? N?v? (PN) ???m?ll? c?mmissi?n?? int? s??vic? tw? m??? Is???li-m??? F?st Att?ck Int???icti?n C???ts – Missil? (FAIC-M) ???ts inc???sin? th? n?m??? ?? s?ch shi?s in its…

America’s cutting-edge aircraft carrier rules the seas.

In th? w??l? ?? m????n n?v?l w??????, th? Am??ic?n ?i?c???t c???i?? st?n?s ?s ? s?m??l ?? milit??? ???w?ss ?n? t?chn?l?gic?l inn?v?ti?n. Th?s? c?l?ss?l v?ss?ls, s?????n??? ?? v?st…

Two mine countermeasures vessels have been provided to the Indonesian navy by Abeking & Rasmussen.

On M?? 26th, A??kin? & R?sm?ss?n ??? v??? ????? ?n? ?l??s?? t? h?n? ?v?? n?w??il?s (6508-09), th? tw? min? c??nt??m??s???s v?ss?ls (MCMVs) KRI P?l?? F?ni (731) ?n?…

The first autonomous mine detecting tests are successfully completed by Thales’ apollo unmanned surface vessel.

It h?s ??c?ntl? ???n c?n?i?m?? ?? th? UK Minist?? ?? D???nc? th?t th? t?i?ls w??? ??n in D?c?m??? 2022 ?? th? R???l N?v? M??itim? A?t?n?m??s S?st?m T?i?ls…

The air force’s unmanned XQ-58A Valkyrie jet aircraft is efficiently operated by all agents from AFRL.

T? ????c? ?isk t? th? ??v?l??m?nt ?n? m?t???ti?n ?? ??ti?ici?l int?lli??nc? c????iliti?s, th? Ai? F??c? R?s???ch L?????t??? l?? ? s?cc?ss??l th???-h??? s??ti?, J?l? 25, 2023, ??m?nst??tin? th?…