Th? P?lish A?m?m?nts G???? (P?lsk? G???? Z???j?ni?w?, PGZ SA), th????h th? PGZ-PILICA C?ns??ti?m, ?in?liz?? th? ??liv??? ?? ?ll PILICA Anti-Ai?c???t Missil? ?n? A?till??? S?st?ms t? th? P?lish A?m? ?n N?v?m??? 30. Th? c?m?l?ti?n ?? th? ????th, ?i?th, ?n? sixth s?st?ms, c?lmin?tin? in ? ???t?t??? ????t?? ??? s??i?s ?????cti?n, m??ks ? ?iv?t?l m?m?nt ?s th?s? v??? sh??t-??n?? ?i? ????ns? s?st?ms (VSHORAD), c?mmissi?n?? in N?v?m??? 2016, ??? n?w ??ll? ???l???? within th? ??m?. Th? c?m???h?nsiv? ??liv??? ?nc?m??ss?s six PSR-A PILICA s?ts, ??ch c?m??isin? 6 ?i?? ?nits with ??till??? t??ct??s, ? c?mm?n? ??st, ????? st?ti?n, ?l?n? with 2 t??ns???t ?n? ?mm?niti?n v?hicl?s. This in????n??nt ???j?ct, ??iv?n ?? n?ti?n?l ?????cti?n c????iliti?s, si?ni?ic?ntl? ??lst??s P?l?n?’s ????ns? ???w?ss. N?t??l?, th? int????t?? PILICA s?ts ?xhi?it ??? ????t?? ???ic?c? ?n? ???ici?nc? in c??nt??in? ?i? th???ts c?m????? t? ? sin??l?? ZU-23-2 c?nn?n.
H?n??k L????z, P??si??nt ?? th? M?n???m?nt B???? ?? ZM T??nów, s?i?, “Th? PILICA missil? ?n? ??till??? s?st?m st?n?s ?s ? c??n??st?n? in P?lish ?nti-?i?c???t ????ns?, with ZM T??nów s??vin? ?s its int????t?? within th? ?st??lish?? c?ns??ti?m.”
S???sti?n Chw?l?k, P??si??nt ?? th? M?n???m?nt B???? ?? PGZ SA, s?i?, “PSR-A PILICA c?nstit?t?s ? ???n??ti?n?l c?m??n?nt ?? th? m?lti-l??????, ??m?stic?ll?-s???c?? ?i? ????ns? s?st?m ??? th? P?lish A?m?? F??c?s. Th? s?st?m ???n??s ???is? ???m s?l?i??s ?????tin? it ??il? ?n? ?x?m?li?i?s ????ctiv? c??????ti?n within th? P?lish A?m?m?nts G????.”
Th? ?n??in? ?v?l?ti?n ?? th? PILICA s?st?m t? PILICA+ si?ni?i?s th? c?mmitm?nt t? ???vi?in? th? P?lish A?m?? F??c?s with ??v?nc?? ?nti-?i?c???t ?n? ?nti-missil? ????ns? s?st?ms. F??th?? ???i?min? this c?mmitm?nt is th? ??c?nt 2023 c?nt??ct, s?c??in? 22 PILICA Anti-Ai?c???t Missil? ?n? A?till??? S?st?ms, incl??in? 16 n?w ?nits ?n? ?nh?nc?m?nts t? 6 ?xistin? ?nits t? m??t PILICA+ st?n????s. Th? PGZ-PILICA C?ns??ti?m, c?m??isin? ?ntiti?s within th? PGZ C??it?l G???? – PGZ SA, PIT-RADWAR SA, PCO SA, ?n? Z?k???? M?ch?niczn? T??nów SA ?s th? int????t?? – st?n?s ?s th? c?nt??ct?? ??? th? PILICA Anti-Ai?c???t Missil? ?n? A?till??? S?st?m. This ?chi?v?m?nt ?n???sc???s ? c?nc??t?? ?????t t?w???s ???ti??in? P?l?n?’s ????ns? c????iliti?s th????h inn?v?ti?n, c?ll?????ti?n, ?n? ?n ?nw?v??in? c?mmitm?nt t? n?ti?n?l s?c??it?.
PSR-A Pilic? is ? P?lish V??? Sh??t R?n?? Ai? D???ns? (VSHORAD) ?nti-?i?c???t missil? ?n? ??till??? s?st?m. PSR-A Pilic? is ? v??? sh??t-??n?? ?nti-?i?c???t s?st?m (VSHORAD), th? l?w?st l???? ?? ?i? ????ns? t? c?m??t ?nm?nn?? ???i?l v?hicl?s, h?lic??t??s, ?i??l?n?s ?n? c??is? missil?s ?t ? ?ist?nc? ?? ?? t? 6500 m, ?n? ??int ???t?cti?n ?? im???t?nt ????s ?? ??j?cts. Th? m?in ??m?m?nt ?? th? Pilic? s?st?m is th? ZUR-23-2SP J???k missil? ?n? ??till??? s?t c?nsistin? ?? ? ????l? ?nti-?i?c???t ??n, with ? th????tic?l ??t? ?? ?i?? ?? 2,000 ???n?s/min ?n? ?n ????ctiv? ?i?? ??n?? ?? ?? t? 3 km. It is ? P?lish m??i?ic?ti?n ?? th? 23 mm ZU-23-2 ??n, c?m?in?? with tw? PPZR G??m ?? Pi???n missil? l??nch??s, with ? ??n?? ?? 6.5 km. A sin?l? s?st?m (??tt???) c?nsists ?? six ?i?? ?nits (JO), ??ch ?? which c?nsists ?? th? ZUR-23-2SP J???k missil? ?n? ??till??? s?t.