Th? D?nish Minist?? ?? D???nc? Ac??isiti?n ?n? L??istics O???nis?ti?n (DALO) h?s si?n?? ?n ?????m?nt with D?nsk? P?t??lj?ski?? K/S – ? c?ns??ti?m ???n??? ?? T??m?, O??ns? M??itim? T?chn?l??? ?n? P?nsi?nD?nm??k – ?n th? sch?m? ??si?n ??? n?w n?v?l v?ss?ls ??? th? D?nish A?m?? F??c?s. With th? ?????m?nt, DALO h?s ch?s?n D?nsk? P?t??lj?ski?? K/S ?s ??ll-lin? s???li?? ?n? ??s??nsi?l? ??? th? ??v?l??m?nt ?? m????n, ??t???-??????? n?v?l v?ss?ls t? th? D?nish A?m?? F??c?s th????h ? ????n?????kin? n?w c??????ti?n m???l th?t will ?ns??? ? st??n? s?c??it? ?? s???l? t? Th? D?nish A?m?? F??c?s.
Th? ?????m?nt incl???s ? ??t?il?? ??si?n ?n? c?nst??cti?n st??t??? ???c?ss ?ns??in? th?t th? n?w v?ss?l t??? will m??t th? ??m?n?s ?? Th? D?nish A?m?? F??c?s whil? ?st??lishin? th? ??s? ??? th? ???ch?s? ?n? ?????cti?n ?? th? n?w n?v?l v?ss?ls th????h ? ?????-??s?? c??????ti?n with ?ll ??l?v?nt in??st?i?l ?l????s. B? th?s? m??ns, Th? D?nish A?m?? F??c?s will ??t th? ?i?ht v?ss?ls ?n? n?ti?n?l s?c??it? ?? s???l? c?itic?l t? s?c??it?, sim?lt?n???s with th? c???ti?n ?? ? m?ltit??? ?? D?nish j??s.
”OMT h?s ??t?in?? v??? st??n? skills within m???l?? v?ss?l ??si?n ???m, ?m?n? ?th??s, th? inv?lv?m?nt in ? B?itish l??, int??n?ti?n?l ???tn??shi? ?n t?t?l s???l? ?? n?v?l v?ss?ls t? th? UK. W? will ??in? th? ?x???i?nc? ?n? skills int? ?l?? ?n th? ??m?stic ???nt t? c?nsi??? D?nm??k’s s??ci?ic n???s ??? n?w n?v?l v?ss?ls whil? ?ns??in? th?t w? ?tiliz? ?n? ??v?l?? th? ?ni??? skills ?? th? m??itim? in??st??,” s??s Kå?? G???s Ch?isti?ns?n, CEO ?? O??ns? M??itim? T?chn?l???.
”Th? G?v??nm?nt ?n? ? wi?? m?j??it? in th? D?nish P??li?m?nt h?v? ch??t?? ? visi?n??? c???s? ??? th? ???c???m?nt ?? D?nm??k’s n?w ?l?xi?l? v?ss?ls. A c???s? ???n??? ?n th? l?n? ?n? ????? t???iti?n ?? D?nm??k ?s ? shi???il?in? n?ti?n. This ???j?ct will inv?lv? ? wi?? ??n?? ?? D?nish c?m??ni?s ?n? c???t? ? l?t ?? D?nish j??s s?c??in? th?t w??l? cl?ss m??itim? skills in D?nm??k w?ll int? th? ??t???”, s??s J?s M?nk H?ns?n, CEO ?? T??m?.
“As ? ??nsi?n ??n? ??? m??? th?n 800,000 ?m?l????s, P?nsi?nD?nm??k w?nts t? c?nt?i??t? t? n?w, inn?v?tiv? ???tn??shi?s th?t c?n s?lv? im???t?nt s?ci?t?l t?sks. With this inn?v?tiv? ?????m?nt, w? ???l th? c?ns??ti?m’s ?ni??? c?m??t?nci?s in ???j?ct ?n? ?isk m?n???m?nt, ????ns? s?st?ms ?n? shi? ??si?n t? ??v?l?? ?l?xi?l? ?n? ??t???-????? n?v?l v?ss?ls. Th??? is ????t ??m?n? ?????? ??? shi?s th?t ??? ??ilt in ? ??ll-s??vic? s???li?? m???l, ?n? th????? ?? ?n ??? w?? t? c???tin? Bl?? D?nm??k’s n?xt ?x???t s?cc?ss with D?nish j??s ?s ? si?ni?ic?nt si?? ??n??it,” s??s T????n Mö??? P????s?n, CEO ?? P?nsi?nD?nm??k.
With t????’s si?n?t???, w? l??k ???w??? t?, in cl?s? c??????ti?n with th? D?nish A?m?? F??c?s ?n? s??c?nt??ct??s, ??v?l??in? th? ???n? n?w n?v?l v?ss?ls t? ??t??l D?nm??k’s s?c??it? ?n? m??in? ?nvi??nm?nt. Th? ?????m?nt will th?s ?? th? st??tin? ??int ??? th? ??il?in? ?n? c?ns?li??ti?n ?? n?ti?n?l c?itic?l c?m??t?nc?s, which in th? l?n? t??m will st??n?th?n D?nm??k’s s?c??it? ?? s???l? in th? m??itim? ????. W? ??? ????? t? ?? ??l? t? c?nt?i??t? t? th?t”, s??s H?ns Schn?i???, CEO ?? D?nsk? P?t??lj?ski?? K/S.
As ??ll-s??vic? s???li??, D?nsk? P?t??lj?ski?? K/S ?ss???s th?t th? n?w n?v?l v?ss?ls will ?? ??si?n?? ?n? ??ilt t? m??t t? n???s ?? th? D?nish A?m?? F??c?s, incl??in? inn?v?tiv? t?chn?l??ic?l s?l?ti?ns th?t c?n c?nt?i??t? t? th? ????n t??nsiti?n ?? Th? D?nish A?m?? F??c?s. This will ???th?? im???v? ?ni??? in??st?i?l skills ?n? c?n ???v? t? ?? th? ???innin? ?? ?n ?x???t ??v?nt??? t? th? ??n??it ?? D?nish ??sin?ss ?n? j??s.
P?nsi?nD?nm??k A/S ??minist??s l???? m??k?t ??nsi?ns, h??lth sch?m?s ?n? ???c?ti?n ??n?s ??? m??? th?n 816,000 m?m???s ?m?l???? in 21,800 ??iv?t? ?n? ???lic c?m??ni?s. P?nsi?nD?nm??k is ? m?m???-?wn?? c?m??n?, wh??? th? ?nti?? ????it ???s t? th? m?m???s. Th? t?t?l ???m?nts ?m??nt?? t? DKK 15.2 ?illi?n DKK in 2022. Th? ??l?nc? is ?v?? DKK 300 ?illi?n DKK
O??ns? M??itim? T?chn?l??? A/S (OMT) is D?nm??k’s l???in? c?ns?lt?nt ?n? ??si?n?? ?? ?l?xi?l? n?v?l v?ss?ls. OMT h?s ??c?ntl? ?x???t?? th? D?nish Iv?? H?it??l?t ??i??t? ??si?n s? th?t it n?w ???ms th? ??sis ??? th? UK N?v?’s n?w st?n???? ??i??t?, which is c????ntl? ?ls? s???ht t? ?? ?x???t?? t? ?th?? ?lli?? c??nt?i?s. This c???t?s si?ni?ic?nt ?x???t ?????t?niti?s ??? ?ll th? D?nish s??-s???li??s wh? h?v? c?m??n?nts ?n th? v?ss?ls.