Insit?, ? B??in? c?m??n?, ?nn??nc?? ? m?niti?ns ??????m ??? its Int????t?? UAS, which ???s ? hi?hl? s???ht-??t?? st?ik? c????ilit? t? th? ?l?t???m’s ?nm?tch?? ???l??? ???t??li? ?n? cl?ss-l???in? 24-h??? ?li?ht ?n????nc?. Insit? c?ll?????t?? with m?lti?l? w????ns ??v?l????s ?n? U.S. G?v??nm?nt ???nci?s t? ?n??l? th? Int????t?? t? ??liv?? mini?t???, ???cisi?n m?niti?ns ?n? ??i?? th?m t? th?i? t????ts. D??in? S??t?m??? 2021, th? RQ-21 Bl?ckj?ck v??i?nt ?? th? Int????t?? s?cc?ss??ll? ??liv???? v??i??s in??t kin?tic ???l???s ??? ? U.S. N?v? t?st ??????m. T?stin? ?? ???iti?n?l m?niti?ns ??m?ins ?n???w??. Int????t??’s ?ni??? m???l?? ??si?n ?n??l?s it t? c???? m?lti?l? ???l???s ???in? th? s?m? missi?n.
“B?s?? ?n ?l???l ?v?nts ?n? th? ?v?l?ti?n ?? th? m????n ??ttl??i?l?, Insit?’s c?st?m??s ??? ??m?n?in? ? kin?tic st?ik? c????ilit?. T? m??t this ??m?n?, w? ??? ?ctiv?l? ???tn??in? t? t?st ? v??i?t? ?? kin?tic c????iliti?s ??? th? Int????t?? UAS, which will sh??t?n th? tіm? ???m ??t?cti?n ?n? i??nti?ic?ti?n t? ?x?c?ti?n. This m???l?? c????ilit? ??il?s ?n Int????t??’s ?ni??? ??si?n ?n? ?n??l?s ??? ?n? ?s??s t? ??sil? t??nsiti?n ??tw??n kin?tic ?n? n?n-kin?tic missi?ns,” s?i? Vic? P??si??nt ?? Gl???l G??wth A?i??il D?n????.
Int????t?? is ? NATO Cl?ss 1 Sm?ll UAS (D?D G???? 3 UAS) th?t c???i?s ?? t? 25 ???c?nt ?? its m?xim?m ???ss t?k???? w?i?ht ?s ???l???s ?ist?i??t?? ?m?n? its n?s?, ???l??? ???, tw? wіп? t???s, ?n? tw? wіп?-m??nt?? h?????ints. Th? n?s? is t??ic?ll? ???i???? with ?n? ?? s?v???l int?lli??nc?, s??v?ill?nc?, ?n? ??c?nn?iss?nc? (ISR) t????ts whil? th? ???l??? ??? t??ic?ll? c???i?s ? s?nth?tic ????t??? ?????, ? wi??-???? m?ti?n im????? s?ns??, ? wi?? ???? m??itim? s??v?ill?nc? s?ns??, ? c?mm?nic?ti?ns ??l?? ???l???, ?? ?n? ?? s?v???l si?n?ls int?lli??nc?/?l?ct??nic w?????? ???l???s, which c?n ?? ??sil? sw????? in th? ?i?l? ?sin? c?mm?n h?n? t??ls. E?ch ?? th? m?niti?ns w??? ??v?l???? ?s m???l??, s?l?-c?nt?in?? ???l??? ???s th?t incl??? th? w????n(s) ?n? th? st???s m?n???m?nt s?st?m.
Th? B??in? Insit? Int????t?? (RQ-21 Bl?ckj?ck), is ?n Am??ic?n ?nm?nn?? ?i? v?hicl? ??si?n?? ?n? ??ilt ?? B??in? Insit? t? m??t ? Unit?? St?t?s N?v? ????i??m?nt ??? ? sm?ll t?ctic?l ?nm?nn?? ?i? s?st?m (STUAS). Th? ?i? v?hicl?s c?n ?? l??nch?? ?n l?n? ?? ?n ? shi? ?? ? ??il ?n? l?n? ?sin? ? “sk?h??k” ??c?v??? s?st?m, wh??? ? v??tic?l wi?? m?st ?? h??k?? ?nt? its wіп?; wh?n ?n th? ????n?, th? l??nch ?n? ??c?v??? s?st?ms ??? t?w??l? ?? v?hicl?s. Its wіп?s??n is 16 ?t (4.9 m) ?n? it c?n c???? ? 39 l? (18 k?) ???l???. Th? ???/ni?ht c?m??? c?n ?chi?v? ??s?l?ti?n ??tin? ?? 7 ?n th? NIIRS sc?l? ?t 8,000 ?t (2,400 m). With th??? ??c???s ?? ?x???i?nc?, m??? th?n 3,500 ?nc??w?? ?i?c???t m?n???ct???? t? ??t?, ?n? m??? th?n 1.4 milli?n ?????ti?n?l ?li?ht h???s, Insit? c?ntin??s t? ??liv?? th? m?st ??v?nc?? c????iliti?s ?v?il??l? t? ??? ?l???l c?st?m?? ??s? in m??? th?n 35 c??nt?i?s ?n? c??ntin?.