Th? R???l N?v? h?s t??m?? ?? with Im???i?l C?ll??? L?n??n t? t?st ? n?w c?ttin?-???? n?vi??ti?n s?st?m. A ???t?t??? ???nt?m s?ns??, ??v?l???? ?? ?c???mics ?t Im???i?l C?ll??? L?n??n, w?s ?s?? ?n R???l N?v? ?x???im?nt?ti?n ?n? t?i?ls shi? XV P?t?ick Bl?ck?tt. Th? ???tn??shi? ??tw??n N?v?X, th? n?v?’s t?chn?l??? ?n? ?x???im?nt?ti?n ?x???ts, ?n? Im???i?l C?ll??? L?n??n is in ???l? st???s ??t is ? ?i? st?? ???w???. Th? t?chn?l??? h?s th? ??t?nti?l in th? ??t??? t? ???vi?? GPS-???? n?vi??ti?n, m?kin? it l?ss s?sc??ti?l? t? j?mmin?, imit?ti?n ?? ?th?? s???t???. Whil? m?n? n?vi??ti?n s?st?ms ??l? ?n ?l???l s?t?llit? s?st?ms, s?ch ?s GPS, which ?s? si?n?ls ???m s?t?llit?s ???itin? th? ???th, th? ???nt?m s?ns?? is ? n?w t??? ?? ?cc?l???m?t?? which m??s???s h?w ?n ??j?ct’s s???? ch?n??s ?v?? tim?.
B? c?m?inin? this in???m?ti?n with ??t?ti?n m??s???m?nts ?n? th? initi?l ??siti?n ?? th? ??j?ct, th? c????nt l?c?ti?n c?n ?? c?lc?l?t??. C?nv?nti?n?l ?cc?l???m?t??s ??? ?s?? in m?n? ?i?????nt ??vic?s s?ch ?s m??il? ?h?n?s ?n? l??t??s. H?w?v??, th?s? s?ns??s c?nn?t m?int?in th?i? ?cc???c? ?v?? l?n??? ???i??s ?? tim? with??t ?xt??n?l ??????nc?. Th? ???nt?m ?cc?l???m?t?? ?s?s ?lt??c?l? ?t?ms t? m?k? hi?hl? ?cc???t? m??s???m?nts. Wh?n c??l?? t? ?xt??m?l? l?w t?m????t???s th? ?t?ms st??t t? ?is?l?? th?i? ‘???nt?m’ n?t???, ??s?ltin? in w?v?-lik? ??????ti?s. As th? ?t?ms m?v? th????h th? s?ns??, ?n ‘??tic?l ??l??’ is ???m?? ?? ?sin? ? s??i?s ?? l?s?? ??ls?s.
D? J?s??h C?tt??, l??? sci?ntist ?n th? ???nt?m s?ns?? ???m th? D????tm?nt ?? Ph?sics ?t Im???i?l, s?i?: “Acc?ss t? th? P?t?ick Bl?ck?tt ???vi??s ?s with ? ?ni??? ?????t?nit? t? t?k? ???nt?m s?ns??s ??t ?? th? l?? ?n? int? th? ???l-w??l? ?nvi??nm?nts, wh??? th?? ??? n?????.”
C?mm?n??? Mich??l H?tchins?n, C?mm?n?in? O??ic?? ?? XV P?t?ick Bl?ck?tt, s?i?: “W??kin? with Im???i?l C?ll??? L?n??n ?n this ???j?ct h?s ???n ?n ?xcitin? ?n? int???stin? ?????t?nit? ??? ?ll ?? ?s. S? ???, th? t?stin? h?s ??n? w?ll ??t th? t?chn?l??? is still in its v??? ???l? st???s. It’s ????t t? ?? ? ???t ?? R???l N?v? hist???.”
This ?ll?ws th? ?cc?l???ti?n ?? th? ?t?ms t? ?? ???cis?l? m??s????. Th? ?x???im?nt ?? Im???i?l C?ll??? L?n??n ?n? th? R???l N?v? is th? ?i?st st?? t?w???s ?n???st?n?in? th? ???lic?ti?n ?n? ?s? ?? ???nt?m-?n??l?? n?vi??ti?n in ????s which h?v? ???? ?? n? s?t?llit? c?v?????. Th? s?ns?? w?s ?s?? in ? Qin?ti?-??v?l???? N?v? PODS (P??sist?nt O????ti?n?l D??l??m?nt S?st?m) – int??ch?n????l? m???l?s (shi??in? c?nt?in??s) th?t c?n ?? l????? ?nt? ?i?????nt v?ss?ls t? ???vi?? ?xt?? s??c? ??? t?chn?l??? ?n? kit ??? s??ci?ic ?????ti?n?l t?skin?.