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How the Vibrant Red-fасed Uakari Monkey Will ɩeаⱱe You Awe-ѕtгᴜсk and Wanting to Know More

Common Name: Red-faced Uakari Monkey
Scientific name: Cacajao calvus
Class: Mammals
Diet: Herbivores
Lifestyle: Follow the herd
Average lifespan: 15 to 20 years
Status in the Red Book: Vulnerable
Current Status: The number is severely dwindling
Weight: 2.75 count 3.5 kg
Size: about 45.6cm (male) and 44cm with (female)



Unlike other monkeys, Uakari has a very short tail but is extremely agile in the process of moving, transferring branches using two hands and two legs.

They live in large herds and have a clear social hierarchy. A flock of about 100 children, during the day will divide into groups of 5-10 to eat, the rest will watch, at night they will go up to the big trees and sleep there. During the dry season, Uakari monkeys often go to the ground to search for grains or fruit that have fallen to the ground. But in the rainy season, when the river rises, they will have to live on trees.

The food of the red-faced Uakari monkey is usually fruit, plants and some insects. They have very strong jaws, which can crush hard seeds to remove the core.


Decline in the number of individuals
Every two years, Uakari monkeys usually give birth to only one litter of 1-2 young. The reproductive age of females is at 3 years, while in males it is 6 years. Therefore, they cannot grow the number of species fast. Primates such as the red-faced Uakari monkey are often hunted in the Amazon jungle for food, so their numbers are dwindling, not to mention the consequences of excessive logging that has shrunk the environment. their habitat.

In 2008 the World Wildlife Conservation Union (IUCN) reported that the number of Uakari monkeys had decreased by at least 30% over the past 30 years, due to hunting and habitat loss. This is a positive result because another report in 1994 showed that this species was in danger of extinction. Although the conservation status has improved, in fact, the number of species is still on a decreasing trend.


Some interesting information about the red-faced UAKARI Monkey you may not know:
Bright red facial skin shows signs of their health.
The breeding season is between October and May, while the gestation period for females is about 6 months.
Both sexes have a venous gland, which helps them in olfactory communication, especially during mating, where the female stimulates the male by secreting an attractive scent.
– The subspecies of the Uakari Monkey has 4 species, each of which is in danger of extinction in the near future.



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