Rh?inm?t?ll h?s ???ch?? ?n?th?? mil?st?n? with its LUNA NG ??c?nn?iss?nc? ???n?. Th? G????’s n?xt-??n???ti?n LUNA-NG ?i?-s?????t?? sh??t-??n?? ??c?nn?iss?nc? s?st?m will s??n ?? in ?cti?n in Uk??in?. Th? s?st?m sh??l? ?? ????? ??? ??liv??? in th? c???s? ?? 2023. Th? ????? n?w ?l?c?? is w??th ? l?w ????l?-?i?it milli?n ???? ?m??nt. Rh?inm?t?ll is th??????? m?kin? ?n?th?? im???t?nt c?nt?i??ti?n t? ?nh?ncin? th? ????ctiv?n?ss ?? th? Uk??ini?n milit??? th????h ??v?nc?? t?chn?l???. Th? LUNA NG h?s ?l????? cl?ck?? ?n s?v???l th??s?n? h???s ?? ?l?in? tim?, t? incl??? ?ctiv? ???l??m?nt.
Ex???i?nc? ?cc?m?l?t?? ???in? th? w?? in Uk??in? sh?ws h?w c??ci?l h?vin? ???l-tim? ??c?nn?iss?nc? ??s?lts c?n ?? ?t th? ?????ti?n?l l?v?l. This is ???cis?l? th? ?????s? ?? th? LUNA NG, ?n ?c??n?m st?n?in? ??? “Un??m?nnt? N?h???klä??n?s-??sst?tt?n? ??? nächst?n G?n???ti?n” ?? “?nm?nn?? sh??t-??n?? ??c?nn?iss?nc? ???i?m?nt, n?xt ??n???ti?n”. Th? l?st w??? in ?nm?nn?? ?i?-s?????t?? ??c?nn?iss?nc?, it c?n ??t?ct, cl?ssi?? ?n? ??c??niz? ??j?cts in ???l tim?. An ?nm?nn?? ???i?l s?st?m, th? LUNA NG c?m??is?s ? ????n? c?nt??l st?ti?n ?n? s?v???l ?nm?nn?? ???i?l v?hicl?s, ?th??wis? kn?wn ?s ???n?s.
Th? s?st?m ?ls? incl???s th? l??nch c?t???lt, ?n ??ti?n?l n?t ???i?m?nt ??? c?tchin? th? ???n?s wh?n th?? l?n? ?s w?ll ?s ???i?m?nt ??? ???i? ????i?. Th? ?nti?? s?st?m is m??nt?? ?n ?n HX t??ck with ? sw?? ???? s?st?m m??? ?? Rh?inm?t?ll MAN Milit??? V?hicl?s. Th?nks t? th?i? ?lt??li?ht hi?h-st??ilit? ??si?n, LUNA NG ???n?s c?n ??m?in ?l??t ??? ?v?? tw?lv? h???s. M????v??, wh?n ?itt?? with ??ti?n?l St?C?m ???i?m?nt, th?? h?v? ? ??t?link ??n?? ?? ?? t? 300 kil?m?t??s. It h?s ? ??c?nn?iss?nc? c????ilit? ?? s?v???l h?n???? kil?m?t??s with s???ici?nt tim? ?v?? th? missi?n ????.
Th? LUNA NG s?st?m ??????? ??? Uk??in? is ???t ?? ?n ?xt?nsiv? milit??? ?i? ??ck??? initi?t?? ?? th? G??m?n ??v??nm?nt in J?l? 2023. Th? B?n??sw?h? is c????ntl? int????cin? th? LUNA NG ?nm?nn?? ??c?nn?iss?nc? s?st?m ?n??? th? n?m? “H?s??”. N?w ?l?c??, this ????? ?????s?nts ? m?j?? mil?st?n? ??? Rh?inm?t?ll’s UAV ?n? th? G????’s ?i?it?liz?ti?n st??t???. LUNA NG is ?n ??v?nc?? s?ns?? c?m??n?nt ??? n?tw??k?? ?????ti?ns, which si?ni?ic?ntl? inc???s?s th? ??????m?nc? ?? th? s?ns??-t?-sh??t?? ch?in. At th? s?m? tim?, LUNA NG ???vi??s th? ??sis ??? ??t??? ??v?l??m?nt ?? Rh?inm?t?ll’s ?????ct ???t??li? ??th in th? ?i?l? ?? v??tic?l t?k?-??? ?n? l?n?in? (VTOL) c????iliti?s ?n? in th? ?i?l? ?? t?ctic?l ???l???s.