A £2.5m s??c?nt??ct h?s ???n ?w????? t? MilD?? t? s???l? G?n??ic V?hicl? A?chit?ct??? (GVA) c?m?li?nt P??c?ss??s ?n? Eth??n?t Switch?s ??? th? B?itish A?m?’s ???????? Ch?ll?n??? 3 M?in B?ttl? T?nk (MBT). MilD?? will m?n???ct??? th? c?m??n?nts ?t its UK ??cilit? in C???i??, W?l?s. Th? c?m??n? h?s inv?st?? h??vil? in th? sit? ?? ??il?in? ?n ?x??n??? m?n???ct??in? s??c? ?n? inst?llin? n?w t?stin? ??????t?s, s?ch ?s t?m????t??? ch?m???s, ?s w?ll ?s ??????in? t??ls ?n? ?th?? m?n???ct??in? ???i?m?nt. Six n?w ??ll-tim? ??l?s h?v? ???n c???t?? ?s ? ??s?lt ?? th? c?nt??ct ?w???, 50 ???c?nt ?? which ??? ?????ntic? t?chnici?n ??l?s, with s?v???l ?th?? ??l?s ??in? s?st?in?? ?t th? c?m??n?.
“MilD?? is ?nc? ???in ??li?ht?? t? s???l? hi?h-??????m?nc? ?????cts t???th?? with RBSL int? ?n? ?? th? UK M?D’s st??t??ic v?hicl? ??????mm?s. This c?nt??ct ?cc?l???t?s MilD??’s ?l?ns t? ???w its UK ?????cti?n t??m ?n? ??? c?nt?i??ti?n t? j?? c???ti?n in th? UK. W? ??? ????? t? ?? s?????tin? RBSL, which is ?l??in? ? k?? ???t in ??liv??in? th? L?n? In??st?i?l St??t??? th????h its Ch?ll?n??? 3 ??????mm?,” s??s Bjö?n K??lss?n, Chi?? Ex?c?tiv? O??ic?? (CEO) MilD?? G????.
In t?t?l MilD?? will ??liv?? ?v?? 300 ?nits ?v?? th? li??tim? ?? th? Ch?ll?n??? 3 ??????mm?, with ??liv??i?s t?kin? ?l?c? ??tw??n 2023– 2029. RBSL is ? UK-??s?? j?int v?nt??? ??sin?ss ??tw??n Rh?inm?t?ll ?n? BAE S?st?ms. RBSL h?s ? l?n?-st?n?in? ??l?ti?nshi? with th? B?itish A?m? h?vin? ??si?n?? ?n? ??liv???? m?n? ?? th? A?m?’s ?xistin? c?m??t v?hicl?s ?n??? ?i?????nt ??sin?ss n?m?s, incl??in? th? Ch?ll?n??? 2. RBSL c?ntin??s t? ???vi?? in-s??vic? s?????t ??? B?itish A?m? v?hicl? ?l??ts ?n?, in ???iti?n t? th? Ch?ll?n??? 3 ??????mm?, is ?n? ?? th? m?j?? m?n???ct????s ?? th? B?x?? A?m????? Fi?htin? V?hicl? ?n??? th? UK MOD’s M?ch?nis?? In??nt?? V?hicl? ??????mm?.
MilD?? ??v?l??s ?????? IT ?????cts ?n? s??ci?l ?l?ct??nics ??? th? ????ns? s?ct??. St??t?? in 1997, th? c?m??n? h?s m??? th?n tw? ??c???s ?? ?x???i?nc? in ??liv??in? c?st?miz?? ?????cts ??? ?s? in ?xt??m? ?nvi??nm?nts. Th? h???????t?? is l?c?t?? in Sw???n, wh??? w? ?ls? h?v? ?n?in???in?, ?????cti?n, ?????ct m?n???m?nt, ?n? ?th?? c??????t? ??ncti?ns. L?c?l MilD?? ???ic?s ??? l?c?t?? in USA, UK, Sw???n, N??w?? ?n? Finl?n?. C?m?in?? with ? st??n? ???tn?? n?tw??k w? ??liv?? hi?h-?n? ?????cts ?n? s??vic?s ?c??ss th? w??l?. MilD?? h?l?s c??ti?ic?ti?ns ??? ISO 9001, ISO 14001 ?n? ISO 45001.