F?kk?? S??vic?s G???? (“FSG”) is ?l??s?? t? ?nn??nc? th?t it h?s ???n ?cc???it?? ?? th? Milit??? Avi?ti?n A?th??it? ?? Th? N?th??l?n?s t? c?ntin?? c????in? ??t ??s? m?int?n?nc? w??k ?n th? NH In??st?i?s NH90 milit??? h?lic??t?? ?n??? th? n?w NLD-MAR-145 ????l?ti?ns ?s ?? A??il 2023, ??t?? s?cc?ss??ll? c?m?l?in? with th? l?t?st st?n????s in milit??? ?i?c???t m?int?n?nc?. Th? m?lti-??l? milit??? h?lic??t?? is ?n ?ss?t ?? th? R???l N?th??l?n?s Ai? F??c? (“RNLAF”) th?t ?????min?ntl? ?li?s n?v?l missi?ns ??t is ?ls? c????l? ?? t??ns???tin? t????s ?v?? l?n?. FSG is ????? t? s?????t th? RNLAF t? k???in? th?s? s????i?? ?ss?ts ?i?w??th?.
“This ?cc???it?ti?n is t?st?m?nt t? ??? hi?hl? ??li??l? ???lit? s?st?m, ?n? th? ??ssi?n, t?l?nt, ?n? skills ?? ? ???ic?t?? t??m ?? ?x???ts wh? ?ns??? th? s???t? ?n? ??li??ilit? ?? ??ch NH90 w? s?????t. F??n??? ?n m??? th?n 100 ????s ?? hist??? in ?vi?ti?n, FSG is ?ni???l? ??siti?n?? t? ??c?m? th? ???tn?? ?? ch?ic? ?? th? RNLAF ??? s?????t ?? th?i? ?i?c???t ?n? h?lic??t?? m?int?n?nc? ?n? ??t??? m??i?ic?ti?n ?????sts”, s?i? M??c? V??w?ij, C?mm??ci?l M?n???? D???ns?.
This ?cc???it?ti?n ?ll?ws FSG t? ??????m ??s? m?int?n?nc? ?ctiviti?s ?n th? NH90, which will t?k? ?l?c? in FSG’s w??l?-cl?ss ?i?c???t m?int?n?nc? ?n? c?m?l?ti?n c?nt?? in W??ns???cht, Th? N?th??l?n?s. It is ???i???? with m??? th?n 23.200 m2 ?? h?n??? ??ciliti?s, ? ???ic?t?? t??m ?? ?x???ts in n?s?-t?-t?il ins??cti?n, ?n? ???vi??s ?i??ct ?cc?ss t? th? RNLAF t??m?c th????h ?n int??c?nn?ctin? t?xiw??, ?n? ?s s?ch w?’ll ?? ??l? t? ???vi?? hi?h-???lit? ?n? ??st ?n-sit? s?????t.
F?kk?? S??vic?s G???? is ?n in????n??nt ????s??c? s??vic? c?m??n? with ? ?l???l ???ch. P??vi?in? c?m???h?nsiv? s?l?ti?ns ???m its ?iv? ??ciliti?s in E?????, Asi? ?n? th? Am??ic?s, F?kk?? S??vic?s G???? is ? k?? ???tn?? ??? ???i?n?l, n????w-???? ?n? wi??-???? ?l?t???ms in th? C?mm??ci?l, VIP, C???? ?n? D???ns? m??k?ts. Th? ????niz?ti?n ?????s ? ?ni??? s?t ?? c????iliti?s, ?????cts ?n? s??vic?s: ‘M??i?ic?ti?ns & En?in???in? S??vic?s’ ??? th? l?t?st t?chnic?l s?l?ti?ns; ‘C?m??n?nt & M?t??i?l S??vic?s’ s?ch ?s n?s?-t?-t?il ??????ms, ?xch?n?? s??vic?s, c?m??n?nt ????i?s, ???ts m?n???ct??in? ?n? s????s ??liv??i?s; ‘Ai????m? S??vic?s’ ??? ?i?c???t MRO incl??in? l??s? t??nsiti?ns ?n? ??intin?; ?n? ‘Ai?c???t C?m?l?ti?n & C?nv??si?n S??vic?s’ ??? Ex?c?tiv?, VVIP ?n? S??ci?l Missi?n ?i?c???t.