CMN NAVAL ??liv???? th? l?st ??tch ?? 58 HSI-32 Int??c??t?? ??st ??t??l ???ts (FPB) t? th? S???i Minist?? ?? D???nc?. Th? ??liv??? c???m?n? t??k ?l?c? F??????? 28, 2023 in D?mm?m, S???i A???i?. In A??il 2018, S???i c?m??n? Z?mil O??sh??? S??vic?s c?ncl???? ?n ?????m?nt w??th 480 milli?n ??ll??s with F??nch shi????? CMN ??? th? c?nst??cti?n ?? 39 HSI32 int??c??t??s ??? th? S???i N?v?l F??c?s. Acc???in? t? th? ?????m?nt, 21 v?ss?ls ??? s?t t? ?? ??ilt ?? CMN in Ch???????, F??nc?, ?n? th? ??m?inin? 18 ??? t? ?? ?ss?m?l?? ?t th? ??ciliti?s ?? Z?mil O??sh??? S??vic?s in S???i A???i?. Th? HSI-32 ??st will c?nt?i??t? t? th? ???t?cti?n ?? th? Kin???m’s vit?l ?n? st??t??ic int???sts, ?l?n? with th? v??i??s ?nits ?? th? E?st??n Fl??t.
HSI 32 is ? ??st int??c??t?? v?ss?l ??si?n?? ?n? ??ilt ?? F??nch shi????? CMN, ? ???t ?? P?ivinv?st Shi???il?in? G????, s?????ts ? wi?? ??n?? ?? missi?ns c?n??ct?? ?? th? n?vi?s ?n? s??ci?l ?????ti?ns ???c?s. HSI 32 is ???t ?? CMN’s DV Int??c??t?? ??mil?, which ?ls? c?m??is?s Int??c??t?? DV15 RWS ?lt??-hi?h-s???? int??c??t??. Th? v?ss?l is ??si?n?? t? c?n??ct s?? st?ik? ?????ti?ns, s???ch ?n? ??sc?? (SAR), m??itim? s?c??it?, s?? s???t?, c?nv?? ???t?cti?n, s?? ??licin?, ?nti-?i??c?, ???t?cti?n ?? v?ln????l? v?ss?ls ?n? ???sh??? inst?ll?ti?ns, ?n? c?nt??l ?? ill???l immi???ti?n, t????ickin? ?n? sm???lin?. It h?s th? ??ilit? t? c?n??ct c?m?in?? ?????ti?ns with ?i?c???t ?n? c??st?l s??v?ill?nc? s?st?ms.
Th? li?htw?i?ht ?n? ??il? Int??c??t?? HSI 32 v?ss?l is ??s?? ?n th? h??? chin? D??? V?? ?l?nnin? h?ll, which ???vi??s hi?h-s???? n?vi??ti?n in ?l?nnin? m???. It h?s ?n ?v???ll l?n?th ?? 32.2m, ?v???ll ???m ?? 7m ?n? m?xim?m ?????ht ?? 1.4m. It c?n ?cc?mm???t? ? c??w ?? 12, whil? ?? t? 64 ???s?nn?l c?n ?? c???i?? ??? s???ch ?n? ??sc?? ?????ti?ns. Its h?ll ?n? s????st??ct???s ??? m??? ?? ?l?mini?m. Th? v?ss?l is cl?ssi?i?? ?? B????? V??it?s cl?ssi?ic?ti?n s?ci?t?. Th? v?ss?l’s ?????lsi?n s?st?m c?nsists ?? th??? ?i?s?l ?n?in?s, tw? m?in ??n???t??s ?n? th??? w?t??j?ts. Th? v?ss?l c?n c???? 21m³ ?? ???l ?n? 1m³ ?? ???sh w?t??. Th? ?????lsi?n s?st?m ???vi??s ? t?? s???? ?? 43k. Th? v?ss?l h?s ? ??n?? ?? ????t 800nmi ?t ? s???? ?? 12k ?n? ?? 580nmi ?t 33k.
Th? HSI 32 w?t??c???t is ???i???? with ?n? 20mm ??m?t?-c?nt??ll?? ??n t????t ?s w?ll ?s tw? 12.7mm si?? ??ns t? ???t?ct th? c??w ???m s???????ts ?n? ?s?mm?t?ic th???ts. Th? c?mm?n? ?n? c?nt??l (C2) s?st?m inst?ll?? in th? v?ss?l ?ns???s s??? ?n? ???ici?nt ?????ti?n ?t s??. A ??t? link c???l?? with s?tc?m (s?t?llit? c?mm?nic?ti?ns) ??????ms t??nsmissi?n ?n? ??c??ti?n ?? im????? ?n? ??t?. Th? v?ss?l’s wh??lh??s? ??????ms ?l?nnin? ?n? ?x?c?ti?n ?? missi?ns ?n? ???vi??s th? c??w with ?ll-???n? 360° vi?w. A 4.8m-l?n? ??t????? ?i?i?-h?ll?? in?l?t??l? ???t (RHIB) c?n ?? ???l???? th????h ? l??nch-?n?-??c?v??? ??m? ?t th? st??n ?? th? shi?.