T???? S?m?? ???m?ll? ??c?iv?? th? G????i?n-cl?ss P?t??l B??t, th? N???n?? III, h?n??? ?v?? ?? th? A?st??li?n G?v??nm?nt. Th? N???n?? III w?s ???ici?ll? ??c?iv?? ?? th? H?n H???? J??????, Minist?? ??? P?lic? ?n? P?is?ns ?n? A?????? L???tin? Fili??, P?lic? C?mmissi?n?? ?n ??h?l? ?? th? S?m??n G?v??nm?nt ?t ? c???m?n? in P??th. With ?n inc???s?? s?il c???cit? th? N???n?? III will h?l? c?ntin?? S?m??’s im???t?nt w??k in ???t?ctin? its m??itim? s?v???i?nt?, ?nh?ncin? its s??v?ill?nc? c????ilit?. It will ?ls? ?ll?w ??? ??st?? h?m?nit??i?n ?ssist?nc? ?n? ?is?st?? ??li?? ?????ts wh?n ????i???. Th? P?ci?ic M??itim? S?c??it? P?????m is ? 30-???? c?mmitm?nt ?? th? A?st??li?n G?v??nm?nt t? ?ns??? ?nint?????t?? ?n????m?nt with ??? P?ci?ic ???tn??s in s?????t ?? ? st??l?, ???s?????s ?n? s?c??? ???i?n.
T?ni? L?w??nc? MP, F?????l M?m??? ??? H?sl?ck, ?????s?nt?? th? D???t? P?im? Minist?? ?t th? c???m?n?. Q??t?s ?tt?i??t??l? t? th? D???t? P?im? Minist?? ?n? Minist?? ??? D???nc?, th? H?n Rich??? M??l?s MP:“Th? A?st??li?n D???nc? F??c? sh???s ? ???? ?n? ?n???in? ???tn??shi? with th? S?m?? P?lic? S??vic?, ?n? it is ??nt?stic t? s?? th? ??liv??? ?? N???n?? III, which will ?l?? ? c?itic?l ??l? in s?????tin? ???i?n?l m??itim? s?c??it? ?????ts. A?st?l’s c?ntin??? c?mmitm?nt t? ??il?in? w??l?-cl?ss c????ilit? ?i?ht h??? in A?st??li? will m??n s???? w?t??s ?n? st??n??? ??s??ns?s t? sh???? m??itim? ch?ll?n??s ??? ??? P?ci?ic ???tn??s.”
Q??t?s ?tt?i??t??l? t? th? Minist?? ??? D???nc? In??st?? ?n? Minist?? ??? Int??n?ti?n?l D?v?l??m?nt ?n? th? P?ci?ic, th? H?n P?t C?n??? MP: “A?st??li? is ?l??s?? t? ??liv?? ?n?th?? G????i?n cl?ss ??t??l ???t t? ?n im???t?nt P?ci?ic ???tn??, S?m??, t? st??n?th?n S?m??’s m??itim? s?c??it?, incl??in? its ??ilit? t? ???t?ct v?l???l? ?ish??i?s in its w?t??s.W? ??? ????? t? ?? th? ???tn?? ?? ch?ic? ??? m?m???s ?? th? P?ci?ic ??mil?, ?n? ?s ???t ?? th?t, t? ?? ???vi?in? ? v?ss?l th?t’s ??si?n?? ?n? ??ilt in A?st??li?.”
N???n?? III (04) is ? G????i?n-cl?ss ??t??l ???t ?nt??in? s??vic? with th? S?m??n P?lic? F??c?. Sh? w?s ?iv?n t? S?m?? ?? A?st??li? ?s ???t ?? th? P?ci?ic M??itim? S?c??it? P?????m, in which A?st??li? ??n?t?s ??t??l ???ts t? n?i?h????in? P?ci?ic Isl?n? n?ti?ns in ????? t? im???v? ???i?n?l m??itim? s?c??it?.
Sh? is th? 2n? ???t ?iv?n t? S?m?? ?n??? th? ??????m, ?s sh? w?s ??????? ?? A?st??li? ?n 2 N?v?m??? 2022 ?s ? ???l?c?m?nt ??? h?? sist?? shi? N???n?? II, which w?s ??m???? ????n? ????i? wh?n sh? ??n ?????n? ?n 5 A???st 2021. N???n?? II h?? ?nl? tw? ????s ???li?? ???l?c?? th? 31 ???? ?l? P?ci?ic-cl?ss ??t??l ???t N???n?? ?s th? sm?ll isl?n? n?ti?n’s s?l? m??itim? s?c??it? c???t. Alth???h sh? w?s ??????? ?s th? 22n? ?n? ?ltim?t? ???t ?? h?? cl?ss, sh? w?s ??liv???? ?n 22 N?v?m??? 2023 ?s th? 18th.