Th? n?m? w?s s?l?ct?? ?? ? j???in? ??n?l ???m ?v?? 800 n?m?s th?t w??? s??mitt?? ?s ???t ?? Missi?n 001, ? c?m??titi?n with th? RAF’s Ai? C???ts which s?w h?n????s ?? ???n? ?vi?ti?n ?nth?si?sts c?m??t? t? n?m? th? ?i?st AERALIS t?st ?i?c???t. Th? ??n?l, c?nsistin? ?? s?ni?? AERALIS ?m?l????s ?n? RAF ?????s?nt?tiv?s incl??in? Ai? Vic?-M??sh?l Sim?n E?w???s, RAF Di??ct?? P???l?, ?n? Ai? C?mm????? T?n? K??lin?, C?mm?n??nt RAF Ai? C???ts, m?t l?st w??k t? si?t th????h ?v?? 800 n?m?s s??mitt?? ?? Ai? C???ts t? ?ick th?i? ??v???it?. A?t?? h???s ?? ??li????ti?n, th? j????s s?l?ct?? th? n?m? which m?st ?????s?nt?? th? s?i?it ?n? ?m?iti?n ?? th? ?i?st AERALIS ?i?c???t. An? AERALIS h?s ?nn??nc?? th?i? ?i?st t?st ?i?c???t will ?? n?m?? ‘Ph??nix’.
Th? winn?? w?s ? C???t ???m D?wlish in D?v?n. In lin? with c?m??titi?n ??l?s, h? w?s ?ick?? ?t ??n??m ???m th? 15 c???ts wh? s????st?? th? n?m? Ph??nix. H? will ??c?iv? ? ??n?? ?? ?xcitin? ??iz?s incl??in? ? t??? ????n? th? AERALIS ??cilit? t? t?lk with k?? m?m???s ?? th? ??sin?ss t? h?l? ???w his ?n???st?n?in? ?? th? AERALIS ???j?ct ?n? th? m????n m?th??s ?? ?i?c???t ??si?n ?n? m?n???ct???. Th? 14 ??nn??s-?? will ?ls? ??c?iv? AERALIS ??iz?s. Th? ?nn??nc?m?nt t???? ?n N?ti?n?l STEM D?? hi?hli?hts th? ??sin?ss’ ?im t? ins?i?? ???n? ????l? int? ?n?in???in?. AERALIS h?s ???n cl?s?l? ?n????? with th? Ai? C???ts ?v?? th? ??st ????, ?tt?n?in? th?i? N?ti?n?l Ai? ?n? S??c? C?m? t? t?lk with ???n? ?vi?ti?n ?nth?si?sts ????t th? ??t??? ?? B?itish ????s??c? ??si?n ?n? m?n???ct???. F?ll?win? th? c?ncl?si?n ?? Missi?n 001, AERALIS will c?ntin?? t? w??k with th? Ai? C???ts t? l??nch ???th?? c?m??titi?ns, k???in? th? ?vi?ti?n t?l?nt ?? t?m????w ?n????? with th? n?xt ??n???ti?n ?? B?itish ?vi?ti?n.
“A h??? th?nk ??? t? ?ll th? Ai? C???ts wh? t??k ???t in th? c?m??titi?n ?n? s??mitt?? n?m?s ??? th? ?i?c???t, th? j???in? ??n?l w??? hi?hl? im???ss?? with th? ???lit? ?? n?m?s ?n? th? th???ht th?t w?nt int? th?m. Ph??nix is ? s????? n?m? ??? ??? ?i?st t?st ?i?c???t, ?n? w? l??k ???w??? t? w?lc?min? th? winn?? t? ??? ??cilit? in B?ist?l,” T?ist?n C??w????, ???n??? ?n? CEO ?? AERALIS s?i?.
“It w?s ?m?zin? t? h?v? AERALIS l??nch Missi?n 001 ?t ??? N?ti?n?l Ai? ?n? S??c? C?m? ?n? I’m ??li?ht?? with th? ??s??ns? t? th? n?min? c?m??titi?n. Ov?? 800 Ai? C???ts s??mitt?? th?i? i???s t? n?m? th? ?i?st t?st ?i?c???t, ?n? I w?s v??? im???ss?? ?? th? ????? ??n?? ?? n?m?s ?n? th? ???s?ns wh? it sh??l? ?? ch?s?n. M? th?nks t? AERALIS ??? ???vi?in? s?ch ?n im??in?tiv? w?? t? ?n???? th? n?xt ??n???ti?n, ?n? t? ??? Ai? C???ts ??? th?i? c?ll?ctiv? ??illi?nc?,” Ai? C?mm????? T?n? K??lin?, C?mm?n??nt ?? th? Ai? C???ts s?i?.
Th? A???lis A?v?nc?? J?t T??in?? (ADJ) is ?n ??v?nc?? j?t t??in?? ?i?c???t ??si?n?? ?? A???lis in th? Unit?? Kin???m. It is th? initi?l v??i?nt ?? ? ??mil? ?? m???l?? ?i?c???t which ??? ??c?n?i?????l? t? c?v?? ? v??i?t? ?? ??l?s, incl??in? ?????ti?n?l t??inin?, ??sic j?t t??inin?, ??????tics/?is?l?? ?n? li?ht c?m??t. W??k ?n th? ADJ ????n ???in? th? ???l? 2010s; th? ???j?ct w?s ???licl? ?nn??nc?? in J?n? 2015 ?n??? th? initi?l n?m? ?? D??t. F?n?in? w?s s???ht ???m v??i??s s???c?s, ??th within B?it?in ?n? int??n?ti?n?ll?; in F??????? 2021, th? R??i? C????iliti?s O??ic? ?? th? R???l Ai? F??c? (RAF) ?w????? ? th??? ???? c?nt??l ??? th? ???th?? ??v?l??m?nt ?? th? ?i?c???t; th? s??vic? is ??vi?win? th? ?i?c???t ??? v??i??s ?????s?s, incl??in? th? F?t??? C?m??t Ai? S?st?m (FCAS) initi?tiv? ?n? ?s ? ??t?nti?l ???l?c?m?nt ??? its ??in? BAE S?st?ms H?wk ?i?c???t.