B??in? h?s si?n?? ? th???-???? st??t??ic ?????m?nt with ??mil?-?wn?? Fl?in? C?l???s Avi?ti?n (FCA) t? ??int A?st??li?’s E-7A W????t?il ?n? P-8A P?s?i??n ?i?c???t ?s ???t ?? ?????? m?int?n?nc? s??vic?s. It is ?ntici??t?? th?t FCA will ??int ??tw??n nin? t? 12 ?i?c???t ?v?? th? c???s? ?? th? initi?l th???-???? ?????m?nt with ??ti?ns t? ?xt?n? th? c?nt??ct int? th? ??t???. R???intin? is th? ?in?l st?? ?? th? P-8A ?n? E-7A’s ?????? m?int?n?nc? s??vic?s ??????m?? ?? BDA ????n? ?v??? 72 m?nths. It inv?lv?s st?i??in? th? ?i?c???t ??ck t? ???? m?t?l; ins??ctin? ?n? ????i?in? ??? c????si?n, ????cts ?n? ??nts; ??intin? ?n? ???l?in? ??c?ls. Th? ?i?c???t ??? t??ns?????? ???m BDA’s ?????? m?int?n?nc? ??ciliti?s ?t RAAF B?s? E?in????h ?n? Am???l?? t? FCA ?t T?wnsvill? ?i????t. T? ??t?, FCA h?s ??int?? ???? E-7A W????t?ils ?n? c?m?l?t?? its ?i?st P-8A ???li?? this ????, with th? s?c?n? P-8A sch???l?? in J?l?.
“Th? inc???s?? v?l?m? ?? w??k ??s?ltin? ???m th? c?mm?nc?m?nt ?? ?????? m?int?n?nc? ?n th? RAAF’s ?l??t ?? 12 P-8A ?i?c???t this ????, ?l?n? with ??? ?n??in? c?mmitm?nts ?n E-7A, w?s th? t?i???? ??? ? ???m?lis??, ?n??in? st??t??ic ?????m?nt ??tw??n B??in? ?n? FCA. FCA is ???vi?in? ? c?itic?l s??vic? in s?????t ?? D???nc?’s c?mm??ci?l ???iv?tiv? ?i?c???t – ?n? is ?n? ?? th? ?nl? s???li??s in A?st??li? wh? c?n ?h?sic?ll? ?cc?mm???t? ? P-8A. Th?? ?ls? m??t ??? ????i??m?nts in t??ms ?? ?nvi??nm?nt?ll? ??i?n?l? ?n? s?st?in??l? ??sin?ss ???ctic?s th????h th? ?s? ?? ?lt??n?tiv?s t? h??m??l ch?mic?ls ?n? ???c?ss?s th?t ????c? m?t??i?l ?n? w?st? v?l?m?s. FCA h?v? h?l? c?nt??cts t? ??int B??in? 737s ??? QANTAS ?n? Vi??in ??? ?lm?st 22 ????s s? h?v? th? ???v?n c????ilit?, ??cilit? ?n? ?cc???it?ti?n t? ??int D???nc?’s 737 ???iv?tiv?s,” s?i? D????n Fl?tch??, B??in? D???nc? A?st??li? (BDA) ?i??ct?? ?? C?mm??ci?l D??iv?tiv? Ai?c???t.
R???l A?st??li?n Ai? F??c? P-8A P?s?i??n m??itim? ??t??l ?n? ??c?nn?iss?nc? ?i?c???t. (Ph?t? ?? R???l A?st??li?n Ai? F??c?)
Th? E-7A W????t?il ???vi??s R???l A?st??li?n Ai? F??c? with ?n? ?? th? m?st ??v?nc?? ?i?s??c? ??ttl? m?n???m?nt c????iliti?s in th? w??l?. Th? W????t?il’s ??ilit? t? c????in?t? ? j?int ?i?, s?? ?n? l?n? ??ttl? in ???l tim? si?ni?ic?ntl? inc???s?s th? ????ctiv?n?ss ?? th? A?st??li?n D???nc? F??c? (ADF). O????t?? ?? N?. 2 S??????n, Ai? F??c?’s 6 E-7A W????t?il ?i?c???t ??? ??s?? ?t RAAF B?s? Willi?mt?wn, n??? N?wc?stl?. B?s?? ?n th? B??in? 737-700 s??i?s ?i?c???t, th? W????t?il h?s ???n m??i?i?? ??? th? m????n ??ttl?s??c?. Sim?lt?n???s t??ckin? ?? ?i????n? ?n? m??itim? t????ts is m??? ??ssi?l? th????h th? ???iti?n ?? ?n ??v?nc?? N??th??? G??mm?n M?lti-R?l? El?ct??nic?ll? Sc?nn?? A???? (MESA) ????? ?n? 10 st?t?-??-th?-??t missi?n c??w c?ns?l?s. Th? W????t?il c?m?in?s l?n?-??n?? s??v?ill?nc? ?????, s?c?n???? ????? ?n? t?ctic?l/st??t??ic v?ic? ?n? ??t? c?mm?nic?ti?ns s?st?ms t? ???vi?? ?n ?i????n? ???l? w??nin? ?n? c?nt??l ?l?t???m.
Th? P-8A P?s?i??n is R???l A?st??li?n Ai? F??c?’s ???v?n m?lti-missi?n m??itim? ??t??l ?i?c???t. N?. 92 Win? c????ntl? c?mm?n?s 12 P-8A ?i?c???t which ??? ?????t?? ?? N?. 11 ?n? N?. 292 S??????ns ?t RAAF B?s? E?in????h. B?s?? ?n th? c?mm??ci?l ??si?n ?? B??in?’s 737-800, th? P-8A is ??ilt s??ci?ic?ll? ?s ? milit??? ?i?c???t ?n? h?s ???n s??st?nti?ll? m??i?i?? t? incl???: ? w????ns ???, ?n??? win? ?n? ?n??? ??s?l??? h??? ??ints ??? w????ns, s?n????? ???l??m?nt s?st?m ?n? inc???s?? st??ct???l st??n?th ??? l?w l?v?l ?????ti?ns (??wn t? 200?t). Th? P-8A P?s?i??n h?s ???l???? ?n ? v?st n?m??? ?? ?????ti?ns ?n? ?x??cis?s sinc? its ?i?st ???iv?l in 2016, ??ti??in? its hi?h c????ilit? t? ??n???t? ????cts in its ??im??? ??l?s ??: ?nti-s??m??in? w??????, ?nti-s????c? w??????, s???ch ?n? ??sc??, m??itim? int?lli??nc?, s??v?ill?nc? ?n? ??c?nn?iss?nc? ?n? ?v??l?n? int?lli??nc?, s??v?ill?nc? ?n? ??c?nn?iss?nc?. Th? int??n?l ???l c???cit? ?? ?lm?st 34 t?nn?s ?ll?ws th? P-8A t? c?n??ct l?w-l?v?l ?nti-s??m??in? w?????? ?????ti?ns m??? th?n 2,000 kil?m?t??s ???m ??s?.