When Australian fishermen spot an albino turtle for the first time on the beach, they are taken aback (VIDEO)

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Local wildlife experts on Lady Elliot Island, off the coast of Bundaberg in Queensland’s northeast, are astounded by a rare sighting of an albino green sea turtle hatchling making its way into the water. While hatchling green sea turtles often have a dark grey shell, greenish skin, and a white or pastel yellow undershell, this island’s unusual turtle has pink-white skin and a reddish-orange shell.

Albinism, a hereditary illness that causes the skin, hair, and eyes to look white, affects just one in 100,000 turtles. Researchers at the environmental resort turned to Instagram to emphasize how the marine critter’s illness has major consequences. “Current estimates of hatchling survival to adulthood are around one in 1,000,” they posted on Instagram. “Unfortunately, this tiny one’s success percentage is further decreased due to poor vision and inability to hide.”

As a result of melanin’s role in optic nerve development, the turtle’s vision suffers. Albino turtles are food for local predators, according to Jim Buck, the island’s Ecosystem Management Officer. “These little guys have a hard time getting out of the nest, and if they do, they’re not well-suited to the environment,” he says. “We can readily see the animal, so I’m sure predators have the same advantage.” According to him, the researchers were taken aback when they uncovered the unique discovery, which had only been documented a few times in the island’s history.

Green sea turtles are only found in a few species and are extremely endangered. According to Lady Elliot Island researchers, the southern Great Barrier Reef population has grown by 3% to 4%.

The sighting of the rare albino turtle hatchling on Lady Elliot Island has caught the attention of many wildlife enthusiasts and conservationists around the world. Albino animals are a rare sight in the wild, and the chances of survival for such animals are often very low. As a result, the discovery of this turtle has sparked a conversation about the importance of protecting these rare creatures and their habitats.

The researchers at Lady Elliot Island are using this opportunity to educate the public about the challenges facing marine life in the Great Barrier Reef and the need for conservation efforts. They hope that the discovery of this unique turtle will raise awareness and inspire people to take action to protect these vulnerable species.

While the survival of this albino turtle is uncertain, the discovery of this rare creature has shed light on the importance of preserving the natural habitats of these animals. As the world continues to face unprecedented environmental challenges, it is crucial that we work together to protect and conserve our planet’s biodiversity.

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