With In?i? ??in? ?n? ?? G??m?n?’s st??t??ic ???tn??s, th?ss?nk???? M??in? S?st?ms is k??n t? ???in ??m?nst??t? its ?x???tis? in th? In?i?n m??k?t. As th? m??k?t l????? ??? n?n-n?cl??? s??m??in?s, th?ss?nk???? M??in? S?st?ms si?n?? ? M?m???n??m ?? Un???st?n?in? (M?U) with M?z???n D?ck Shi???il???s Limit?? ?n th? int?n??? c?nst??cti?n ?? c?nv?nti?n?l, ?i?in????n??nt-?????lsi?n s??m??in?s ?n 7 J?n? 2023. With th? si?nin? ?? th? M?U th?ss?nk???? M??in? S?st?ms h?s l?i? th? ???n??ti?ns ??? ? ??ssi?l? c??????ti?n with M?z???n D?ck Shi???il???s Limit?? t? c?m??t? in th? In?i?nN?v?’s t?n???. Th? c???m?n? t??k ?l?c? in M?m??i, In?i? in th? ???s?nc? ?? B??is Pist??i?s,th? G??m?n D???nc? Minist??, ?n 7 J?n? 2023. With this M?U th?ss?nk???? M??in? S?st?ms is ????ctiv?l? st?ivin? t? c?nt?i??t? t? G??m?n?’s st??t??ic c??????ti?n with In?i?.
“W? l??k ??ck ?n ? t??stin? ?n? ??c???-l?n? ???tn??shi? with In?i?. Th? ???ts w? ??ilt in th? 1980s ??? still in s??vic? t????. W? ??? v??? ????? ?? th?t ?n? w??l? ?? ??li?ht?? t? c?ntin?? c?nt?i??tin? t? In?i?’s n?ti?n?l s?c??it? in th? ??t???. W? ??? ????? wh?n In?i? c?lls,” s?i? Oliv?? B??kh???, CEO, th?ss?nk???? M??in? S?st?ms.
Th? ???ti?s t? th? M?U int?n? t? c??????t? in ? j?int ???j?ct in which th?ss?nk???? M??in? S?st?ms c?nt?i??t?s th? ?n?in???in? ?n? ??si?n ?? th? s??m??in?s ?s w?ll ?s ???vi?in? c?ns?lt?nc? s?????t. Th? M?U ?ls? st?t?s th?t M?z???n D?ck Shi???il???s Limit?? w??l? ?? ??s??nsi?l? ??? c?nst??ctin? ?n? ??liv??in? th? ??s??ctiv? s??m??in?s. Th? c?nst??cti?n w??k w??l? t?k? ?l?c? in In?i? ?n? is ?x??ct?? t? incl??? si?ni?ic?nt l?c?l c?nt?nt. B?th ???ti?s c?n ???w ?n m?n? ????s ?? ?x???tis?, kn?wl???? ?n? ?????ssi?n?l c?m??t?nc? in ??l?illin? this ???j?ct t? ?v????n?’s c?m?l?t? s?tis??cti?n. Th?? h?v? ?l????? c??????t?? cl?s?l? in c?m?l?tin? ????t ???j?cts in In?i? ?n? l??k ???w??? ?n ? cl?s? c??????ti?n.
th?ss?nk???? M??in? S?st?ms ??ilt ?n? ??liv???? v?ss?ls ??? th? In?i?n N?v? in th? ??st. Th? ???? HDW Cl?ss 209 s??m??in?s ??ilt in th? 1980s h?? ?l????? ???v?? t? ?? ? s?cc?ss??l In??-G??m?n c??????ti?n. Th? ?i?st ?n? s?c?n? ?? th?s? s??m??in?s w??? ??ilt ?? th?ss?nk???? M??in? S?st?m (th?n HDW in Ki?l), th? thi?? ?n? ????th ?? M?z???n D?ck Shi???il???s Limit?? in M?m??i.
All ???? v?ss?ls w??? s?cc?ss??ll? c?mmissi?n?? int? th? In?i?n N?v? ?n? c?ntin?? t? s??v? ?s ???ntlin? ?ss?ts in th? In?i?n N?v?’s M?m??i-??s?? s??m??in? ?l??t. Th?ss?nK???? M??in? S?st?ms ?? G??m?n? (??t?n ?????vi?t?? TKMS) is ? ????? ?n? h?l?in? c?m??n? ?? ???vi???s ?? n?v?l v?ss?ls, s????c? shi?s ?n? s??m??in?s. It w?s ???n??? wh?n l???? in??st?i?l c?n?l?m???t? Th?ss?nK???? ?c??i??? H?w?l?tsw??k?-D??tsch? W???t ?n J?n???? 5, 2005.