O’brien is 29 years old, while Sara Seyler is 32. In a unique way, two sisters who were born three years apart and were pregnant at the same time are identical twins

The family was shocked when two sisters gave birth to identical twin girls months apart. You would be mistaken if you thought it was unlikely to have twins. The likelihood of a woman having identical twins is approximately 250 to 1.

The likelihood of two siblings becoming pregnant with twins at the same time is extremely unlikely. That is exactly what happened to sisters Megan O’Brien, 29, and Sara Seyler, 32, who both gave birth to identical twin girls.

In Doylestown, Pennsylvania, in the US, Megan gave birth to Lilah and Josie on November 21 of last year, and her sister Sara Seyler gave birth to Lennon and Parker just three months later. In addition to the “complete coincidence” of both sisters becoming pregnant at the same time, both sisters ended up having twins.

There was no indication Megan would give birth to twins, let alone her sister Sarah, even though Megan’s husband Matt is a triplet. Megan recalled her shock when she learned Sara was also expecting twins and said, “My jaw just dropped.” There are no twins anywhere in our family, which made me cry. The fact that she was also expecting twins was amazing. When she called me, I knew she was having an ultrasound because it was probably her first ever.

I thought, “Oh my god, what’s wrong,” when I answered the FaceTime call and saw that she was crying. She then held up the photograph of the ultrasound, which showed two babies.

The couple acknowledged that they had enjoyed experiencing the pregnancy together. The couple said it has been simple to get used to the new additions because they naturally come from a large family themselves, despite the fact that four tiny additions to the extended family could easily overwhelm.

Therefore, when the entire family gathers, they characterize the chaos as “pretty normal.” Lilah and Josie, Megan’s daughters, were born at Doylestown Hospital in Doylestown, Pennsylvania, on November 21, 2021. Lilah was born at 1.33 in the morning weighing 4 pounds 14 ounces, and Josie was born at 1.34 in the morning weighing 4 pounds 6 ounces.

Sara compared her pregnancy to that of her sister Megan, saying that her first trimester was “awful” with sickness.

“My first trimester was absolutely awful with sickness,” she remarked. I was sick. It’s true that nothing was going well. The second trimester of my pregnancy was excellent. I was generally in good spirits throughout.

It likely becomes extremely painful at about the same time as Megan, around the 30- to 33-week mark. Given that there are two inside of you, carrying twins is essentially like carrying a full-term baby at 32 weeks. Thus, it becomes extremely uncomfortable. Lennon and Parker, Sara’s daughters, were born at Lehigh Valley Hospital in Pennsylvania on February 8, 2022. Parker, who weighed 5 lbs. 11 oz., was born at 7:31 p.m., and Lennon, who weighed 4 lbs. 5 oz., was born a minute later.

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