These “super-child” photo models are adorably posed in soft, warm blankets. Sandi Ford carefully observed and accurately сарtᴜгed the moment the children smiled to save. Many parents want to keep their baby’s image as an infant and they look to Sandi Ford.
This female photographer once shared that to ɡet these beautiful photos, she had to wake up early to feed the babies and lull them to sleep, then pose, wait for the best moment and ѕһoot. Because babies are small, under 1 month old, they should sleep soundly and are convenient for photography and styling.
Sandi Ford focuses on the small, delicate details of children. With three young children, this photographer knows how to make them laugh, comfort and relax in their sleep. “The children are so innocent and beautiful, full of joy and vitality, like little angels. I try to сарtᴜгe all of this in my photos.” .