preventive techniques passed dowп from previous cultures

Many cultures consider discussing “ѕex in the bedroom” to be emЬаггаѕѕіпɡ and forbid doing so in crowded or open spaces.

However, in major civilizations, books, educational works, descriptions and instructions for making “sex” are rare, but still exist and are handed down to this day…

1. Indian Kamasutra Sex Dictionary

Kamasutra is an ancient Indian book, written in Sanskrit by the Brahmin master Mallanaga Vatsyayana. Written around the 2nd century BC, Kamasutra consists of 1,250 stanzas, divided into 7 parts and deals with sex – an issue that has always been avoided and reserved when it comes to ancient times.

In Sanskrit, “Kama” is derived from Kamadeva, the god of physical love. And “Sutra” means maxim. Therefore, the title of this book can be roughly translated as “proverbs about love”. For generations, Kamasutra has always been considered the oldest textbook on “sex” in the world.

Love poses in Kamasutra are sculpted on the walls in India

However, this statement is not entirely accurate. Kamasutra is not merely describing and instructing the “postures” as people imagine. The researchers said that this book directs people to the harmony of yin and yang in both body and mind, not simply in sexual relations.

In Kamasutra, the author describes sexual positions for pleasure in a very small part of the book. Much of Kamasutra’s content provides knowledge about body structure, referring to the psychological development of both men and women before and after having sex.

The male and female images mentioned in Kamasutra are extremely modern and progressive. According to Vatsyayana, love affairs must be equal, not passive as the traditional concept: men are in complete control.

Kamasutra has raised the level of “sex” to the level of art

Therefore, throughout its content, from love positions to how to behave when in love, Kamasutra affirms, emphasizing harmony, empathy and initiative from both men and women.

2. The secret of the Egyptians’ bedroom

Not owning a dictionary of “sex” like Kamasutra like the Indians, but the ancient Egyptians had a very erudite knowledge of “sex”, especially in terms of medicine. Thousands of years ago, the secrets of improving sexual health and preventing sexual diseases were recorded in ancient papyrus texts.

Through archaeological studies, it has been proved that the inhabitants of ancient Egypt knew about sexually transmitted diseases caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis, as well as discovered sexual weakness and impotence in men. . They call it the “weakness of the male”.

The pinnacle of Egyptian understanding in “sex” was figuring out how to have “safe” sex. They were the inventors of the first contraceptives on Earth.

They mixed a mixture of acacia – a resinous plant with spermicidal properties with honey and some other botanical ingredients, moistened and placed in the vagina to prevent sperm from entering the uterus.

As for ancient Egyptian women, they ate a lot of yogurt to increase the acidity in the vagina, thereby reducing the quality of sperm entering the body to prevent pregnancy.

3. The secret of “renovation” of the Chinese people

When it comes to Chinese bedroom secrets, people often think of Su Nu Kinh, Nuoc Bo Doan, etc. However, few people know about the secret technique of “Absorbing Stars” – a great manual for “story” but often mentioned in swordplay movies.

There are many stories surrounding this strange secret technique, typically the story of Ha Co and the magic of Gu Tien Nuong. Accordingly, Ha Co is a beautiful woman who can practice the magic of Absorbing Stars, and every time she does “sex”, she becomes younger, beautiful and still like a virgin.

Until modern times, when scientists studying this story have hypothesized, it is possible that Ha Co has a special genital structure, so it has the ability as in fairy tales.

Artifacts of Ha Co – one of the most beautiful ancient beauties of China

Meanwhile, the story of the “reconstruction” technique of Co Tien Nuong says otherwise. In fact, this secret technique is the method of Thai yin to complement yang, that is, to use yin to improve yang. This will help men after sex become healthier, more energetic.

According to Co Tien Nuong, the sexual relationship must have harmony from both sides. After the man ejaculates, the woman has to choose a position, using the technique to make the yin ooze out, penetrate the penis tube, make the man old and young, mentally excited, more refreshing than any tonic. .

Co Tien Nuong is a character appearing in the novel “Nuu Bo Doan”

4. Shunga – Japanese sex paintings

There are no books specifically about sex, but the Japanese have another way to show their methods and understanding of “sex”: Shunga sex paintings.

Shunga – also known as spring painting (spring is a Japanese euphemism for sex) is a picture depicting sexual activities of the ancient Japanese. Shunga paintings are often carved on woodblocks and tend to show large, strong sexual organs – influenced by the exaggerated style of the Chinese painter Zhou Fang.

Shunga vividly and meticulously depicts Japanese sexual practices, including genres such as heterosexuality, child molestation, and same-sex love between men and women.

Shunga was popular in Japan during the Edo period (1603 – 1868) until it was gradually replaced by erotic photography (spring photography) during the Meiji period (1868 – 1912). The main customers of the Shunga line of paintings are the courtiers and wealthy aristocrats.

People consider Shunga as a secret to the bedroom, a “treasure” to guide the practice of sexual life. Even, Shunga is so precious that just selling one Shunga painting, the artist can live for half a year.

To this day, Shunga still has a profound effect on the Japanese sex industry.

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