34 Sweet Birth Moments Illustrate the Deep Bond Between Two Sisters Through the Hugs and Happy Expressions of a 5-Year-Old Girl Welcoming Her New Sibling.

One of my favorite things is being a home birth photographer and I am so happy to bring the birth story of Harbor Quinn over to the blog! So, in the past when I have shared birth stories, I’ve written them from my perspective but recently (since playing catchup up on blogging some incredible sessions and weddings from the past year) I had the idea to ask each of the mamas to write their own birth stories!




So this beautiful home birth story is told by Melanie! Last October they welcomed their precious fourth baby at home, a big change from having the first three in the hospital with an epidural each time. Also, it was a surprise gender and it was just SO exciting to see them welcome their new baby with their big kids right by their side! And now, here’s Melanie to share her birth story!

The day Harbor was born is one I don’t think I will ever forget. I was in a zone. It all started around 8:00 am. I wasn’t even sure if I was in labor or not. I told John maybe he shouldn’t go to work…I think maybe “it’s time.”





I even picked Fort Sanders because if anything went wrong Children’s Hospital was right there to help baby. I had to weigh my options. After tons of research I saw that home birth was actually safer. I found a midwife that was amazing so I had confidence in her. Not much confidence in myself though. I don’t handle pain well.

John was a huge help. He stepped up in a big way. I don’t think I could have done it without him. He literally held all my weight (and I wasn’t skinny) with his arms when I would collapse on him during contractions.

The midwife arrived around 9:00 am. She said I needed to go up and down the stairs to get baby in the right position. Everything was so peaceful and calm. The kids were great. Aminee Kate was by my side the entire time. She was such a sweet little helper. Olivia was scared and didn’t like to see me in pain. Jaxson just wanted a brother and was worried about the homework he would have because he was missing school.

Going up and down the steps really helped get baby in position. I was in major pain at this point. And excited to get into the birth pool. However the people that say the water is like an epidural lie. Not ever close! I expected the hot water to at least take the edge off. That did not happen. I felt disappointed that the pain was still the same. It was around 10:30am at this point. I think I was in the pool about 30 minutes before I started pushing. I heard nothing. It was like I was in my own little world. (Notice Aminee Kate was always next to me.) There was no gentle pushing. I pushed with all I had. I just wanted the baby out.




They flowed so well together. Being at home just felt perfect. I was so relieved to get her out and being at home made it an awesome experience for everyone!

(Emily again) Isn’t that incredible?! I love how Melanie trusted her midwives and that she felt so cared for. I can attest that the day was just so peaceful and joyous! Melanie and I use the same midwives for our home birth and yes, they are always like this. These two ladies are the most wonderful at what they do! And now, enjoy this Homegrown Film and the photos of such a special day!

Have you ever thought of having your birth photographed or a special film created so you can always looks back on your experience? We are home birth photographers and you can contact us today here and we would love to answer any questions you may have! You can follow us on Instagram here!





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